Back in (Soon to Be) Black

Now this is what I’m talking about.

Lightning fast load and refresh speeds, a centralized database, and some nice new software to go along with it.

Yep, this is version 3 alright.

Everything’s still not back up, but yeah, I took it all with me when we switched over. No content was lost, don’t worry. As of now the only major things missing are the pictures from the gallery.

First things first, you should know that this is NOT going to be the default skin. No way am I calling baby blue and white “default.” It’s going to be black. And if you haven’t spoiled the surprise for yourself yet by not looking at my teaser pics from ages ago, I think you’re going to like it.

Well, I hope. Sophie’s bound to make an entrance somewhere there, so watch for it.

Second, those damn quote tags are giving me nightmares. Some of them didn’t make it across the conversion process intact, and are now bleeding their HTML contents all over the forums. They’re like an infestation of humongous proportions. Here, have a look if you don’t believe me. Again, if you have the power to fix them (i.e., you’re the poster or are a mod), please do. It’s just a matter of editing the post, and putting the text in between orderly quote tags. Yeah, just like from before.

Third, about your avatars. Don’t be surprised if they get taken down, as our forum no longer resizes any pic you put in into the allowable dimensions. ‘Di na kayo baby. If you really want an avatar you’ll resize it to 150×150 or smaller, and like it too.

Fourth: a chat module that actually works. From here you can see which people are in there, so hopefully if you see one lonely guy or girl you can join them and talk about the soft underbelly of the Internet or something.

Ah well, after talking about this for the longest time, it’s nice to see it finally come to fruition. Didn’t come at the best of times, but hey, necessity is the mother of site updates (yes, it really is!).

PACT 2.1 Results

Man, this is massively overdue. But hey, we all know by now what the results were anyway, so this is kind of just a formality.

A great many thanks to our gracious hosts, NiX and maitreya.
A great many thanks to all those who came and participated as well.

The PACT just keeps getting better and better. The contestants were arguably better this time around, and there was greater variety in the designs. Maybe it’ll grow even more in the future, but only time will tell that for now. In the meantime, enjoy the results.


A repeat of history, as some said. Pictures are available here.

The Tournament That Never Was

“If something can go wrong, it will.”
– Murphy’s Law.

“God does not want PACT II to happen.”
– overheard at DT’s place, May 19, 2007

It’s very rare to see me get violent. Ask anyone who’s known me for quite a while and they’ll say that I’m very much a pacifist (which is just a nice way of saying I’m a coward). However, if ever there was one person I would really like punch in my entire life, it would be that guy named Murphy and his stupid law. If there ever was a day when it seemed that that stupid law was totally enforced, it would have been the nineteenth of May, when it seemed as if all sorts of mishaps occurred, at least to a select group of individuals, who incidentally, all belonged to the Raven Republic.

How Soon is Now?

Ah, childhood. The days when the minds of the young are so easily influenced by their environment. From experience, I’d say that there are two basic types of kids: the ones who stayed at school after class playing sports and the ones who rushed home immediately after to catch their favorite cartoon shows. The former would later join varsity teams while most of the latter (particularly those born in the 80’s) were weaned on shows like Transformers, Robotech, Gundam, Saber Rider, M.A.S.K, Voltron and the like.

KOTOBUKIYA Variable Infinity Series

Following the release of the four kotobukiya Fine Scale armored core model kits, A total of five new model kits and four optional kits have been announced for release this year.

CR-C90U3 Dual Face Version and weapon sets 10, 11 and 12 will be released in April following the postponement of their Febuary-March release.

CR-C98E2 is an optional core(torso) part that offers more customization options for your armored core model. It is scheduled for release in May together with the Crest CR-C75U2 Close Combat Version. CR-C840/UL Lightweight version will soon follow in July.

A few AC4 kits have also been announced, with rumors that 03-AALIYAH/C will be released in May and C01-TELLUS later this year (October).

Crest CR-C90U3 Model Kit Review

Scale – 1/72 Full Action Plastic Kit
Series – Armored Core Variable Infinity Series
Game – Armored Core Last Raven (Intro AC Cascade Range)
Price – ₱1,298.00 (¥2,800)
Number of parts – Eleven large frames for parts and weapons, two frames for polycaps, one small frame for clear red eyepiece, one small frame for clear eyepiece. 257 pieces in all.
Stock colors – Silver, dark metallic gray, gunmetal gray, matte black, clear red, clear.

Sega Going Full Force on AC4

Alright, so we can all stop Google Translating the Japanese AC4 site, because Sega (who, for those who still do not know, are now publishing the game – no more Agetec) just released their version.

Have a quick look around there, and notice the Engrish that’s been present since Armored Core 2 is still lingering in the metal-flavored air. Overed Boost? C’mon.


Finally found one. Guppy vs. Azure Knight (both from ACO).

Holy hell. I’ve never seen a tank that quick.

Some quick points I noticed:

* The grrreat number of AP you get (well, in comparison with the other ACs of this generation anyway).
* Near infinite flight.
* Turning speed is no longer a problem.
* You have the choice of going aggro or defensive at any point in the match.
* Bigger weapon payload, and possibly more ammo to go with it.