To go with all the other LEGO ACs we’ve already featured, we now bring to you this super awesome LEGO rendition of the ridiculously overweight poster AC from Silent Line.

To go with all the other LEGO ACs we’ve already featured, we now bring to you this super awesome LEGO rendition of the ridiculously overweight poster AC from Silent Line.
Coming soon to a hobby store near you. Silent Line’s intro AC given the name Crest Assault Type (Known as Fracture in Last Raven’s VR arena) will be getting a plamo form as part of Kotobukiya’s Armored Core Variable Infinity series of model kits. The release date for this elegant model is expected to be on August 10 (undecided) this year. Actual build model after the jump:
Now that Armored Core Silent Line Portable has been released in English, people might wonder how different Silent Line is compared to its predecessor and the rest of the Armored Core games.
As evidenced by the videos above and to follow, a lot has changed from the days of Armored Core 3 Portable. These videos were taken from Naitoh’s AC site some time around 2003-2004 during various sparring sessions or actual tournaments on the PS2 version.
These featured are probably among best Ravens to ever pilot an Armored Core, so its worth watching them. Maybe these fights might inspire some people to play AC more often and learn a couple of things in the process. One important thing to note: all these videos are played in hard mode, meaning all the lock boxes are much smaller.
More videos after the jump.
Wow, this even eluded us. Silent Line Portable silently gets a US PSN exclusive release date at February 4, 2010 and will be published by From Software themselves on the US. The game itself will be prced at $14.95 US. The official English promo trailer after the jump:
A recent news coverage by Japanese site Game Watch features a lot of new screen shots showcasing new parts and rankers in the upcoming Armored Core: Silent Line Portable for the PSP. This includes the previously featured “Bunny Head” now officially known as the MHD-HH-ARSH and a new head part known as the MHD-72-50. In addition, two new arena rankers will be featured in the game including the Victoria AC from the Brave New World side story and a new ranker opponent incorporating the MHD-72-50 in its design. More pictures of the parts and the new arena rankers after the jump.
Looks like Silent Line Portable will be getting a new head part based on the Brave New World side story, as the AC Victoria is confirmed to appear in the game. No details on the part functions as of the moment, but it seems to be a trend as the GLITCH head from AC3P was also from the Brave New World side story. More pics of the head part after the jump.
From Soft recently uploaded a new promotional video for the upcoming Armored Core: Silent Line Portable.
The video shows that AI training has been retained, and that Armored Core 3 Portable saves can be carried over.
Thanks to Cacophanus for uploading the video to YouTube.
[via: Mecha Damashii]
Right arm weapons are nobrainers to use. Just point and shoot, simple enough that anyone with the slightest bit of hand-eye coordination would be able to do. While there is a wide variety of weapons to choose that will burn, shoot or crush your opponents, at times From Software just makes it a little too easy for people punch holes into each other. Here we shall see the 10 most overpowered weapons in old school AC that make killing NineBall Seraph and Phantasma, a breeze.