Armored Core 6’s Protagonist is a Raven?

News came up about Armored Core 6’s age rating in Korea, a symptom of a slow news day when the only newsworthy topic is its age classification. However, something interesting pops up when you directly translate the text into English as discovered over on the Armored Core subreddit.

Translating the game’s description yields the following text (ran through Deepl translatior):

Independent mercenary 621 Raven tackles the secrets of the Rubicon in this action-packed game.

The translation leaves a lot to be desired; it is unknown if “Raven” refers to the pilot/character’s name, or if it’s still the term used for the mercenaries who pilot the titular Armored Cores.

At least, it’s good to know that our website’s name will still be relevant for the next Armored Core generation.

Rumored Armored Core 6 Release Window

Further proof that Armored Core 6 is the worst-kept secret in the gaming world, rumors about a potential release window have surfaced thanks to dubious sources. According to these rumors, the game could be released around September-October 2023, just in time for the year-end holiday season, if the release date is indeed final.

However, it’s worth considering that the game may be delayed for further polishing, as was the case with From’s previous title, Elden Ring, which was delayed from 2021 to 2022.

We’ll keep you updated on any rumors or news related to Armored Core.

Thanks Atdsutm for the news source.

Armored Core VI Producer Interview Recap

The BNE FUN LIVE 2023 event at the Taipei Game Show has concluded, and with it we get an 18-minute interview with AC VI producer Yasunori Ogura.

The full transcript is up on Gematsu, but a few choice excerpts stand out to us:

1. On why FromSoftware took so long to release another Armored Core title

Mori: “It’s been 10 years since the last title in the series was released. Can you explain to us why it has taken so long to develop this new title?”

Ogura: “There was never any intention to leave this large a gap. We’ve made a number of titles in the interim, and seen a lot of extremely talented developers grow into their roles. Many of us, including Mr. Miyazaki, our CEO, and myself as well, of course, have always wanted to create a new Armored Core title. So there was never really any question that one day we would return to the series. The only real obstacle standing between us and the development of a new title was that our company always had so many different titles on the go, and we had to make sure that our resources were appropriately distributed. And, unfortunately, it took quite a long time before we reached the situation that we were ready to begin.”

2. Miyazaki will not be the director of this title

Mori: “I see. You mentioned Mr. Miyazaki there, and I understand that he is not the director of this latest title. Can you tell us what his involvement has been?”

Ogura: “His title for this game is ‘Initial Game Director,’ which means he directed the initial phases of the game’s development. Obviously he didn’t do that alone, but he worked together with people like Kenneth Chan, co-director and producer of Fires of Rubicon, as well as a range of other developers, to establish the game’s foundation. This includes such elements as map design, action fundamentals, and other core elements at the game’s heart.”

3. Pushing for greater player freedom in terms of controls and customization (looking forward to seeing how open the game systems will be)

Mori: “What has been the major developmental focus for this Armored Core title?”

Ogura: “We were determined to take advantage of FromSoftware’s experience and know-how to really establish freedom for the player in terms of what can be done with game controls and the customization that lies at the series’ core. That was the key point we focused on. When you play the game, you will see how changing parts affects the action elements. The action and customization elements really do work together symbiotically, and I really think this is the most important thing. Defining the parameters that govern this relationship was absolutely key.”

4. AC VI will not be a direct sequel to previous titles

Mori: “Speaking of previous titles in the series, such as Armored Core V, for example, is there a connection between them and this latest title?”

Ogura: “In terms of actual storyline, there is no direct connection between V and this latest title, which means there is no need to have played previous titles in the series. However, the fundamental concept at the heart of the Armored Core series, involving the free assembly and customization of parts to create your own mech, remains very much a part of this title. We have prioritized this aspect of the series throughout the development process, and combined this system with the know-how and experience our teams have acquired in the development of FromSoftware’s other acclaimed titles to produce a brand-new Armored Core action game that we believe will satisfy our users.”

5. Online multiplayer confirmed (but of course):

Mori: “In terms of other issues fans have asked about, I wanted to discuss what kind of multiplayer elements the game has.”

Ogura: “As focus has been pleased on producing the most dynamic action possible, we have restricted story mode gameplay to single-player only, but as an online element, we are also planning the implementation of battles in an online arena. We plan to release more details concerning this in the coming days.”

6. Emblem sharing is back, and a new weathering system will be implemented:

Mori: “That sounds fascinating. Are there any other online features in the game?”

Ogura: “There is one particular feature I am often asked about, so I will mention it now. This title features so-called emblems, as was the case in prior series titles, which are like logos of sorts that you can use to mark your mech. For some time now, players have had the ability to freely create their own emblem, and from the previous title, these can be exchanged online with other players. This will be implemented this time as well, which means that in addition to the parameters of mechs that you can customize, the visual elements as well, in terms of coloring and weathering and the like, can also be freely customized, allowing you to truly create a unique mech that is all yours in performance and appearance.”

Overall, while we didn’t get anything truly new and groundbreaking, it’s still a positive sign that FromSoft is being very open like this to the AC fanbase. Seems like all is well in development.

Hope it’s full steam ahead to release day!

[via Gematsu on Twitter]

AC VI Producer Livestream Incoming!

We interrupt your regularly scheduled RR programming to bring you this special announcement.

Armored Core VI producer Yasunori Ogura will be present in the upcoming livestream of Bandai Namco’s BNE FUN LIVE 2023 event, and will be sharing information and taking on questions about the game.

The livestream is set for February 3, 7:00 PM UTC+8 (Manila time) and is estimated to be an hour long. Mark your calendars and set your alarms.

UPDATE: The Armored Core-related segment will now only be 20 minutes long.

Now, back to the show.

[via farmboy28 and ACLegacies on Twitter]

A Look to the Future; A Blast from the Past

Merry Christmas everyone! Wishing you all happy, safe, and healthy holidays!

Who’d have thought that after a lengthy hiatus, FromSoft was going to give us the gift we’ve all been dying to receive: the official announcement of Armored Core VI.

As a result, in the last two weeks there’s been a flurry of activity, discussion, and new content for this once-dormant franchise. It’s great seeing a revitalized fanbase.

Case in point: this cool animation short made by RedEyeLobine in Unreal Engine 5, showcasing some Crest designs from the PS2 AC era. Check it out!

IGN’s Interview with AC VI Creators Miyazaki and Yamamura

IGN recently sat down and interviewed the creative leads of Armored Core VI, From Software president Hidetaka Miyazaki and game director Masaru Yamamura. Burning questions were asked about the gameplay, and we can almost be certain that it won’t be the Soulsborne/Elden Ring gameplay people have come to expect from the studio.

Besides that, the interview highlights how From will use their wealth of experience in the past few years in developing the next Armored Core title.

Read up on IGN’s extensive interview here.

Come and speculate with us on what Armored Core VI might be shaping up to be in our forums.

Thanks to farmboy28 for alerting us of this in the forums.

Armored Core VI Announced!

It’s been almost a decade, but get ready to suit-up, Ravens, NEXTs, and fellow mercs. Armored Core VI was just announced in The Game Awards 2022, and I can barely contain my excitement.

From the looks of things, it will be a combination of designs coming from all AC games, with hints of Primal Armor from 4, weapon switching from V, and maybe new core functions. These are all speculation for now, and we will continue to track Armored Core VI as we approach its intended 2023 release date.

Come, let us all bask at the warm glow of Armored Core VI’s trailer once more: