Armored Core V Demo Out Now!

We’re coming out of hibernation just in time to announce that the Armored Core V Demo has been available through Japanese PSN. If you want to know how to join in on the fun, no point in recapping info that’s readily available elsewhere, so just help yourself through the recently revived Armored Core V discussion thread over at the forums.

Armored Core V Extra Missions and Screenshots

The official Armored Core V site has been updated with a new single player section as well as our regular dose of new screenshots, which you’ll also find on the Armored Core FB page.

In other news, Mecha Damashii, through 4Gamer, reports that TypeD No.5, the lovable big red mech we’ve all seen in the promotions, is but one of many special bosses for teams to tackle in Armored Core V’s extra missions. Sorry about the comma abuse.

And to top this post off, I’ll throw in a month-old gameplay video, presumably from TGS 2011, that we’ve yet to feature:

Armored Souls

Blading in Armored Core V

Blades and giant robots always seem to go hand in hand (despite the probable impracticality), and Armored Core V is no exception in the hyperbolic treatment of this fan-favorite cliché.

Niji of ACU, who was fortunate enough to be included in the closed beta test, reports that the basic blade in ACV nearly one-shots most ACs and that the range and sweep is just as devastating.

Colorful Armored Core 5 Trailer. Not Quite As Destructive.

An explosive amount of color, love and friendship in this ACV video. As if Armored Core existed in the world of ponies, friendship, love, and tolerance. The magical barf before your eyes will definitely show the true colors of war that only Armored Core 5 can deliver.

AC fans, why do you do that?

Thanks NiX for showing what love and friendship in the battlefield can do.

ACV Karasawa and Moonlight

Armored Core’s signature weapons are making a comeback looking meaner than ever. The Karasawa (Or its spiritual successor if the name changes) is still going to be an energy rifle, while the speculated Moonlight looks like some diabolical flaming curved sword of doom, the stuff of nightmares.

Armored Core Fan Art by Taurustrin

Longtime AC enthusiast and occasional forum poster Taurustrin continues to impress with his highly stylized depictions of Armored Cores, such as in this wallpaper-worthy rendition of White Glint.

You’ll find more of his amazing work below and at his deviantart page.

Jetpacks in Armored Core V!

J.E_Magog at the forums brought to our attention a video from Gamescom 2011 featuring live Armored Core V team play.

In the video, the commander (with a cool accent) tries to lead the team through the familiar Armored Core destroy-all-targets mission spiced up with co-op action.