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how to set up a cisco router for use with an SDM gui.
Just learned that armor breaking existed in ACV....
ctrl + [/] = move layer up or down
Poop effectively..
how to set up dhcp services and router table via static routing on a cisco router.
How to flip people.

It was a dance o3o

Also I rely on View New Posts to find threads. I do not know how to navigate to some of the older, not-regularly-updated ones.
That Bowguns have limiters in them.
What the ReadyBoost feature actually does. One of my old flash disks now has a new raison d'etre. Big grin
managing telnet/ssh sessions on cisco routers
That reseting a ps3 by holding down the power button for 5 seconds causes my future diary background to no longer show up and I even redownloaded it.
there's a local community for Melty Blood players \o/
It turns out that some ps3 themes won't show unless you change the aspect ratio from 6:4 to 16:9.
If I calculated my other grades right, I just need at least 2.0 in both of my Physics subjects in order to get a 1st honor
a simple but effective way to draw simple hands ^^
The ship name for Lara X Sam (Tomb Raider) is "S. S. Endurance"
