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XD yeah for some strange reason its catchy...kinda addictive LOL XD thats Pinkie for you XD
awww XD
i want a Luna plushy tuloy...wait did i just say that >_<
as haywire put its LGBT month...i have a strange feeling there will be a lot of Dash ~ LGBT artworks and such going to pop up since they use the same logo anyways XD

JUNE is LGBT Pride month.

Have some cute. (Spoiler'd for season 2 sauce)
[Image: my-little-pony-friendship-is-magic-brony...orable.jpg]
ooh LGBT month ... was dat?

*checks google*


JUNE is LGBT Pride month.

...okay medyo nalilito na ako >_<
Thread's starting to derail. BAD RONINFANG.

Staying on topic.

I've convinced one of my friends to start watching. Big grin

It might take a while to turn her into a pegasis/brony since she's still busy with college crap.


Oh and don't forget that by the 15th (or 16th in the morning for our case), Episode 3 will be out.

Quick edit:
Belated Happy Birthday, MLP:FiM Big grin
lol Im more curious for ep 4 XD
meh might as well

Belated Happy Birthday, MLP:FiM
XD before there was cowboy bepop

now two shows i am currently watch into one XD

crazy twilight is crazy lol XD
finished watching ep 3. animation is definitely up a notch, also a lot more fun to watch this time. tho im thinking this is a little too much if the target audience is still kids (some of Twilight's faces are quite disturbing).

stuff i loved:
ATOMIC RAINBOOM! (starscream definitely has no chance of winning now hahahaha)
Rainbow Dash "Deal With It" like pose with sunglasses
Spike yelling CUPCAKES!! especially considering its from the shop Pinkie Pie works in.
Spike's maturity in handling the issue behind the scenes (taking Twilight's issue seriously, and informing Celestia about it).
Twilight's Chesire Cat face.
Rarity being a drama queen XD
For those who haven't watched Episode 3, Season 2:

On a random note: I just finished reading Rocket to Insanity and Rainbow Factory

*Note: I've already read Cupcakes (the original) a looooong time ago LOL

(RF and TS are my witnesses)

So I'm off to read Sweet Apple Massacre (It's in the spoiler in the spoiler in the spoiler in the spoiler)

If anyone can link me to something Grimdark/Horror with Fluttershy, Twilight, Spike, Rarity or Applejack then that would be nice Big grin
(08-07-2011, 07:51 PM)clonezero Wrote: [ -> ][Image: my-little-pony-friendship-is-magic-brony...rother.jpg]

1984 just became a lot better it now has cupcakes.

I know retract this statement as I have finally decided to know what the cupcake fic is ... D:
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