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Some Kenji Ito stuff.

Needed something soothing to relax me a bit. This one hit all the right spots.

As for its other tracks (namely Samurai Metropolis), I've been trying to add them to my GT5 soundtrack. Been making a custom one gradually.

Thanks to Serene and Leperdude, i've got a new band to add to the ongoing soundtrack of my existence. Wub
If you're into electronica, check this album out. All Vocaloid Attack

More recently,

And because of the deluge that's been blanketing most of the Metro since last night, i had to postpone going out today to drop off some resumes, hence this particular song being repeated over and over this morning. Bwiset! Tongue

From FreQuency's Sunrise album

If I ever die a heroic death, I want this played during my funeral procession.