Part Description

The Fire-Control System or FCS handles targeting functions such as the size of the AC's aiming reticle or lockbox, lock-on speed, and range.

Stat Guide

Part NameName of the partDuh.
WeightBurden on core and leg weight capacity 
Energy DrainBurden on generator and energy refresh rate 
Max Missile LockHow many lock-ons the FCS can process. Missile unit must be capable of multiple lock-ons. 
Lock TypeStandard (ST)
Wide & Shallow (WS)
Special (SP)
Narrow & Deep (ND)
Sideway (SW)
Lengthway (LW)
ST WidthLockbox width when paired with an ST weaponNot displayed in game. Arbitrary number initially measured in pixels
ST HeightLockbox height when paired with an ST weaponNot displayed in game. Arbitrary number initially measured in pixels
ST AreaLockbox width x height when paired with an ST weapon 
ST RangeLock-on range when paired with an ST weaponNot displayed in game. Data-mined value.
WS WidthLockbox width when paired with a WS weaponNot displayed in game. Arbitrary number initially measured in pixels
WS HeightLockbox height when paired with a WS weaponNot displayed in game. Arbitrary number initially measured in pixels
WS AreaLockbox width x height when paired with a WS weapon 
WS RangeLock-on range when paired with a WS weaponNot displayed in game. Data-mined value.
SP WidthLockbox width when paired with an SP weaponNot displayed in game. Arbitrary number initially measured in pixels
SP HeightLockbox height when paired with an SP weaponNot displayed in game. Arbitrary number initially measured in pixels
SP AreaLockbox width x height when paired with an SP weapon 
SP RangeLock-on range when paired with an SP weaponNot displayed in game. Data-mined value.
ND WidthLockbox width when paired with an ND weaponNot displayed in game. Arbitrary number initially measured in pixels
ND HeightLockbox height when paired with an ND weaponNot displayed in game. Arbitrary number initially measured in pixels
ND AreaLockbox width x height when paired with an ND weapon 
ND RangeLock-on range when paired with an ND weaponNot displayed in game. Data-mined value.
Missile Lock TimeLock-on time for missiles. Lower is better.Not displayed in game. Data-mined value.

Part Table

Part NameWeightEnergy DrainMax Missile LockLock TypeST-WidthST-HeightST-AreaST-RangeWS-WidthWS-HeightWS-AreaWS-RangeSP-WidthSP-HeightSP-AreaSP-RangeND-WidthND-HeightND-AreaND-RangeMissile lock time
TRYX-BOXER10193LW   10500   7400   10800   980015

Individual Part Notes


  • Price: 11100
  • In-game description: Maximum of 4 lock-ons, average performance.
  • Where to acquire: Default AC


  • Price: 22500
  • In-game description: Maximum of 4 lock-ons, fast lock-on.
  • Where to acquire: Shop


  • Price: 16400
  • In-game description: Maximum of 8 lock-ons, long-distance lock-on.
  • Where to acquire: Shop


  • Price: 20300
  • In-game description: Maximum of 1 lock-on, short lock over a wide area.
  • Where to acquire: Shop


  • Price: 35700
  • In-game description: Maximum of 2 lock-ons, short lock.
  • Where to acquire: Shop
  • Comments:
    • Largest lockbox for WS weapons
    • Largest lockbox and longest range for SP weapons


  • Price: 48100
  • In-game description: Maximum of 3 lock-ons, vertical sight.
  • Where to acquire: Shop
  • Comment:
    • "Industrial waste" according to the Japanese wiki.


  • Price: 63000
  • In-game description: Maximum of 6 lock-ons, horizontal sight.
  • Where to acquire: Shop


  • Price: 96000
  • In-game description: Maximum of 6 lock-ons, longest lock distance.
  • Where to acquire: Shop
  • Comments:
    • Largest lockbox for ND weapons


  • Price: 108000
  • In-game description: Maximum of 6 quick, wide area lock-ons.
  • Where to acquire: Shop
  • Comments:
    • Largest lockbox for ST weapons
    • Listed as WS but the lockbox is horizontal
    • Best missile FCS


  • Price: 129000
  • In-game description: Max lock-on 2, suitable for long distance missiles.
  • Where to acquire: Shop
  • Comments:
    • Longest range FCS


1. MOA: FCS (Hidden) Stats Guide
2. Armored Core @ Wiki