Last Raven Weapons Overview
Here's a quick overview of the categories as well as the specific parts that are in each one. There are tons of weapons in Last Raven, but sadly only a few of them prove to be really useful.
The right hand weapons are considered to be the main guns in this game, and the left hand ones as backup or support. Some designs may build around having the left gun as the main one though. In addition, some guns exist for both sides.
Right Hand Weapons
Mid-range weapons capable of semi-sustained fire with decent accuracy. Rifles are further subdivided into the basic configuration and Assault (AST) Rifles, with the later having the advantage of a higher rate of fire at the expense of a magazine reload in the end of a firing cycle. The lock-boxes of Rifles and AST Rifles range from Standard to Special depending on the model. Rifles are relatively light-weight and can commonly be seen on light to midweight ACs as primary weapons. Rifles enjoy a modest rate of fire, along with a decent projectile velocity compared other weapons.
Rifles are typically used outside the effective range an opponent’s weapons. The inferior accuracy of an opponent’s weapons forces opponents to either close the distance in order to deal more damage, or to retreat to a distance outside the effective range of rifles. Rifles are multi-role weapons that are effective at any range. Their accuracy often means consistent hits from mid to short range, and thus valued for their ability to score damage even against agile opponents.
Linear rifles are considered part of the rifle family as well, but deserve special mention due to their superior attributes compared to that of normal and AST rifles. They typically have greater firepower and accuracy at the cost of a longer reload rate per shot and the heavier equip weight compared to that of average rifles.
Depending on the model, the ROF, accuracy, and damage will vary from each specific model.
Stats that matter:
EN drain:
Ammo Capacity:
Reload rate (AKA Rate of Fire):
Muzzle Velocity (Bullet Speed):
Attack heat:
Lock Type:
Charge Drain:
A basic rifle that comes with the most basic AC configuration. The only element of interest, is the CR-WR69R’s above average accuracy (listed as 1040) compared to other rifles, making it the most accurate solid shell rifle in the game as well as being the lightest in the category. This sole advantage comes with the price of a much lowered firing cycle, and sub-standard ammunition capacity compared to other rifles in the game. Pilots generally replace CR-WR69R with other models as soon as they become available.
A much improved basic rifle with average overall stats. The CR-WR73R2 outshines its predecessor, the CR-WR69R in almost all respects. This model enjoys a higher rate of fire and an improved ammunition capacity at the cost of greater weight and a slight decrease in accuracy (at 1010). This rifle enjoys fairly common use due to its versatility and ease of use, though many pilots opt for more powerful weapons when given the choice due to the CR-WR73R2’s seemingly average specs.
Mirage’s entry into the rifle market. This model enjoys superior firepower and a higher total damage potential due to bigger ammo count, and damage per bullet. Drawbacks include a higher equip weight making it somewhat prohibitive to use on lighter ACs, and a smaller SPECIAL lockbox making it harder to use against opponents.
A slightly modified CR-WR73R2. This model is described as having a new firing mechanism, which in practice, shows a noticeable increased firing cycle and a tighter shot grouping. The trade-off for such a mechanism is its much lowered ammunition capacity, a decrease from 140 to a mere 100. Its predecessor is often compared to this model making it an often difficult choice for some pilots to choose between the two. The choice often boils down to a pilot’s preference between accuracy through volume of fire, or through tighter shot groupings.
Entry level AST rifle. AST rifles in general, enjoy faster rate of fire compared to a regular rifle at the expense of an extended magazine reload at the end of each firing set. The MOLD is no exception, however this particular model suffers from poor ammunition reserve count, small magazine and a SPECIAL lockbox. It remains to be the lightest AST rifle in the game, but later models eclipse its performance.
An AST rifle boasting accuracy and rate of fire. The WR76RA can be considered the closest one can get to an ideal AST rifle. It features a tight shot grouping, a high rate of fire, a decent ammunition reserve, STANDARD lock box, and a quick magazine reload which offsets its low magazine count. These features come at the price of being the heaviest AST rifle, and relatively modest damage output compared to other weapons. Effective weapon usage has been reported to be for sustained accurate fire over mid range.
Slightly modified WR76RA. Changes include a slightly adjusted rate of fire, reduced weight, and a larger ammunition reserve at the expense smaller magazine capacity, and an extended magazine reload rate. Pilots who prefer longer range engagements prefer this over its predecessor, despite its lesser effectiveness in close combat.
An assault rifle that emphasizes volume of fire at the expense of accuracy. The weapon enjoys a hefty magazine count and boasts a fast rate of fire along with ample ammunition reserves. Drawbacks include a SPECIAL lockbox, a long magazine reload, and fairly wide shot groupings compared to other rifles. Weapon is best used in mid-to close range in order of offset its inaccuracy, but its SPECIAL lockbox makes it difficult to use effectively.
A variation of the AST rifle. Burst rifles fire 3 shots in quick succession followed by a reload period. The projectiles only lead opponents based on the first bullet and do not adjust with the succeeding rounds, thus leading to their inaccuracy as in often cases, only the 1st projectile will be able to score a hit.
Linear weapons are FROM's version of the Gauss rifle. These weapons trade off the relatively quick reload times of standard rifles for increased damage comparable to most laser rifles, increased stunning ability, increased weight, and a SPECIAL lockbox, while still retaining the same accuracy. Linear weapons fire big orange haloed bolts that explode on impact.
The CR-WR93RL is the first of the handmounted series of linear weapons. It's considered to be one of the top weapons in Last Raven, capable of very reliable damage output and moderate stunning ability. It resembles the venerable Karasawa laser rifle of previous installments. Evangel and the updated Hustler-1 are notable users of this powerful rifle.
Like standard rifles, linear rifles have an assault version. This assault linear rifle is capable of firing 3 rounds in very rapid succession but is much heavier, almost as heavy as a bazooka. Also, the 3-round magazine suffers from a very long reload time. These 2 drawbacks should be considered when employing one as a main weapon on your AC design.
Sniper Rifles
Long-range precision weapons with relatively mid-to high damage. High accuracy and extreme range are the primary advantages of a Sniper Rifle. A Sniper Rifle’s (SRs) performance in-game can widely vary depending on the model. The variety of SR’s available to the player can range from a high-power, high accuracy single-shot weapon at the expense of a long reload rate (the FENRIR in AC:LR is a fine example), or a lower-powered SR’s allowing for multiple hits due to its faster rate of fire (The SR2 from AC:LR is once again a good example). These weapons enjoy an extremely highly accurate weapon shot velocity with little or no warning for the opponent in addition that a Sniper Rifle round can deal a considerable amount of damage to its target.
The accuracy displayed by these weapons often means they are almost exclusively used at stand-off ranges where they can exploit their extreme accuracy with minimal consequences from return fire.
Machine Guns
The ultimate close-range weapons, these rapid-fire weapons are capable of dealing high amounts of damage in a short period of time. Machine guns (MGs) are characterized with their low damage per bullet that would often be accompanied with a high (sometimes obscene) rate of fire. The wide and shallow nature of their lock boxes lends to their ease of use at close quarters where there is a lot of moving around, and thus are weapons to look out for whenever engaging in close range combat.
However these traits quickly lose their shine whenever engaging opponents outside close range. Due to their high rate of fire, MGs tend to spray their shots over a wide group area as opposed to more precise rifles which have a tighter shot grouping, making it a futile task to deal any considerable damage to an opponent at further ranges.
A bastard child between MGs and Rifles. A typical handgun will have the firepower and accuracy of a rifle, and a ROF closer to that of an MG. With these advantages comes the problem of its short range and low ammunition capacity, making them essentially “blitz” weapons made for hit-and-run tactics, or for fights that do not extend for long periods.
Another interesting property of a handgun is its ability increase the core temperature of its opponents along with its ability to stun less stable opponents. This allows a handgun to paralyze certain opponents in place, when given the proper circumstances, compared to other weapons.
High-Power single-shot weapons with decent accuracy. Designed to pierce armor while still being a wieldy weapon for smaller frames, the bazooka’s performance is best described as a beefed-up rifle. Firepower and heat damage are the primary selling points of this weapon at the expense of a drop in accuracy, lock box size, and reserve ammunition count.
A bazooka’s performance greatly depends on a particular model. The performance ranges from an upgraded Linear rifle, to a slightly underpowered Grenade Launcher. As its performance is greatly related to that of a rifle, the same tactics would work as if one is using the same weapon with slight adjustments to compensate in the performance difference between the two.
A spread gun that fires several buckshots. The spread pattern of this weapon makes it most effective at close range, though its effectiveness decreases with additional distance. Relatively easy to use.
A high-powered weapon designed solely to deliver high single-hit damage in addition to its equally impressive heat damage. Explosive rounds do not generate a significant amount of splash damage due to the explosion.
Pulse Rifles
A weapon sharing characteristics from rifles, handguns, and laser rifles. Generally small they are characterized as accurate, miniaturized versions of laser rifles while retaining the weight and ammo characteristics of handguns. They typically enjoy a faster rate of fire at a lighter equip weight than their bigger counterparts, but suffer from a lack of ammunition capacity and lesser damage per shot.
Laser Rifles
As the name would suggest, these are energy based counterparts of rifles. However, they differ significantly as laser rifles enjoy a much higher damage per shot and generally enjoy greater accuracy, compared to their shell based counterparts. Drawbacks include a lower ammunition capacity, a longer firing cycle, and a smaller lock box in addition to each firing cycle draining a small fraction of an AC’s energy supply, which may help deplete reserves after prolonged constant use.
Plasma weapons
Beefed up laser rifles with performance levels rivaling Bazookas and Grenade Launchers. They suffer from very low ammunition counts and inaccuracy as well as hefty penalties to energy supply. They are capable of dealing high amounts of damage and attack heat in a short span of time.
Hi-Laser Rifles
Laser Rifles with widely varying performance. These weapons range from a true EN bazooka (Karasawa) to an ultra high-powered laser rifle (SPIRIT) to a true EN sniper rifle (98L) in terms of performance. These capabilities are often at a cost of extra weight and EN drain.