Current time: 03-13-2025, 11:33 PM
Dark Souls (aka Project Dark)
Switching back and forth between the Gold-Hemmed Robes/Iron Golem armor and Havel's Armor, because some things just need to get rushed at and smashed without dodging XD Also upgrading a bunch of weapons to +10 to see what I like most, and so far I'm still sticking with my old Demon Spear, but am using the Zweihander more now that I've upgraded it a bunch. Also want the Black Knight Halberd, but I have to wait for New Game+ for it ._.

Does anyone know if the v1.03 patch affects the area behind the large door you need a seal for in Darkroot Garden? Because that's where I kill everything to farm souls, and I don't want to update yet if they get soul-nerfed D:
Running on the latest patch in the PS3 afaik. Still the same old 7k all in all I guess (I farmed there a few days ago).

I'm having quite a limited selection of weapons for my character. So far I've been only using my Black Knight Sword and that Lightning Spear. Wonder what I should get next. :/

Btw, is the Silver Knight set different from the Black Knight set? Only thing I know is the SK set looks like the same as the BK's armor in the Dark Souls cover.

Also, I shot Gwyndolin's chest. Anor Londo has never been the same ever since.
This is also a punishment for you.
You will be the defender of justice and wear a mask forever,
you won't be able to live as yourself.
You will sacrifice all your happiness for the world.. Eternally..
(Last words to Zero - Lelouch Vi Britania)
7k? Which ones do you kill? I go around and kill 2 Knights, the Mage, the Thief, the Cleric, and the Archer, and net around 20k a run @_@

And lol, Gwyndolin. THE BOOBS ARE A LIE. No seriously XD

And yeah, Silver Knight and Black Knight sets are different. You get the Black Knight set near the final boss, from what I've read. Not going to get that any time soon ~

Lightning Zweihander + 3. Dear lord it's orgasmic. 318 Physical, 318 Lightning, no scaling, but who needs it when your attack is that high XD Lifehunt Scythe + 5 seems like it would be good for PVP, but dunno yet, haha. Am SL80 but I still think I'm going to get murdered the minute I go online ._.

Trying to go around and get character related items, like the Old Witch's Ring for the White Spider Girl in Queelag's Domain. When you hear her, there will be crys ;_;

I still find it annoying that mostly anything can two-shot you, regardless of your armor. I've gone down in the Havel Set as much as my lighter Set >_>
Generally they're probably still all the same; I don't kill all of them. Knight NPC still gives about 2k souls IIRC. Seems faster to me imo just getting all the first 3-4 people to farm and then getting back to the bonfire asap. Not sure though.

Also, best armor I've heard so far is a +10 Elite Knight set. Goes almost as close as the Havel set, but much lighter
dark souls here I come XP any tips?

Yeah. Prepare to die.
"May those who accept their fate find happiness. May those who defy their fate find glory."
(10-15-2011, 10:56 AM)Fox Wrote: Yeah. Prepare to die.

And then prepare to die again after you die.
HALP! been trying to find a us (or as fox said an r1) xbox 360 version of Dark Souls been roaming the nearby malls but has been unsuccessful so if anyone knows any place that has the xbox360 version of this game please tell me and I'll go there asap.

@ Raffy:

Have you checked the Datablitz branches? Either that or you might want to go around GH Virra Mall or maybe in Mega Mall Cyberzone. Also, I'm quite curious with this; why need an R1 version of the game when the online part is region-free? Not to mention that there aren't any dlcs in DkS so I could care less if I were you, unless there's something else going on with Xbox.

Gah. Wasted souls for an onion set. Forgot about having most of my Elite Knight set being around +7 (it being generally better once it reaches +5 and a bit less poise than the former). Also almost time for me to replace the Ornstein set once E. Knight set goes +10.

Catarina/Onion set is surprisingly light for its base stats though.

One thing I'd have to ask though, how good is Havel's set? Already have a Golem set but its lightning def seems too low, hence why I need to use Ornstein's armor. Giant set is inferior to the Ornstein set, but has a lot of poise to compensate. Everybody keeps using the same old lightning katanas and spears.


[Image: IMG_1986.jpg]

The need to update those wikis
I always wondered why that helmet reminded me of something @_@

@zero Try the obscure gaming stores in Greenhills maybe XD

Flarb. Guess I'll have to upgrade my Elite Knight Set and try it out.

Generally Lightning Weapons do more damage than weapons that scale, but I'm not sure how effective it is at the higher levels, if people do go there. I generally like my Zweihander more than my Lifehunt Scythe or my Demon Spear because I can oneshot most mobs with it with the Jump attack, while using light armor to roll when necessary. Though once I get my strength high enough I might try fooling around with the Dragon Tooth, or any other bigger weapons out there. Spears were my first love, but their damage is so outclassed I just use it for novelty purposes now o3o

Other news, just ascended my Pyromancer's Flame. The icon looks so awesome XD

*Quick edit: Anyone know where to get a Partizan/Partisan? I'm collecting spears o3o
viramall had one copy left LOL

(10-15-2011, 05:31 PM)Zefyr Wrote: Generally Lightning Weapons do more damage than weapons that scale, but I'm not sure how effective it is at the higher levels, if people do go there. I generally like my Zweihander more than my Lifehunt Scythe or my Demon Spear because I can oneshot most mobs with it with the Jump attack, while using light armor to roll when necessary. Though once I get my strength high enough I might try fooling around with the Dragon Tooth, or any other bigger weapons out there. Spears were my first love, but their damage is so outclassed I just use it for novelty purposes now o3o

Given a choice of say a 360 damage weapon that does split 180/180 physical and lightning, and a 360 damage weapon that does all physical, I'd go for the all physical one. This is because the damage split of the 360 weapon goes through two different defense barriers, one for lighting and another for physical, while the all physical weapon just goes through one defense barrier. Assuming a similar damage rating, the one with a single damage type will end up doing more damage in the end because it's passing only through one defense barrier.
wahaha I should have slept before my first play through last night LOL

the lack of a direction to go to was fine I really need to be more careful LOL

but hey got lucky when I went to this area unlock able with the master key named red drake valley or something was able to nab a nice sword and shield from this undead dragon and was lucky enough to dodge the dragon's first swipe and run away with my loot only to die because I wanted to cheapshot the dragon's wing only to fall to my death as I forgot this was not monster hunter and there is no invisible wall protecting you from cliffs, stealing some stuff for the graveyard was harder wahaha died a number times retrieving my souls from my blood stain LOL


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