Current time: 03-13-2025, 02:55 PM
ACV General Discussion
Quote:The tank ate it cuz he has like 1300 KE defense and 44,000 AP vs an OBing HW.

I am sorely tempted to shout out the attack whenever I kick Smile
[Image: totallyrandomkane.gif]
Question for Niji: what does the heat tolerance stat on cores in V do?
"I firmly believe there are three tenets that determine victory in warfare; and they are firepower, firepower, and more firepower."
(02-07-2012, 02:47 AM)McCale Wrote: Question for Niji: what does the heat tolerance stat on cores in V do?

Niji Wrote:Heat Resistance on cores only applies to your own OW, which puts you into an Overed state (upon activation of the OW) where you start to melt down. Some cores are better at this than others and each core also has another stat that applies only during the Overed state, this stat is EN Ability. EN Ability increases your boosters thrust output and increases the speed at which your OW will charge up to usable levels. Your generator also enters Overed state when you turn on an OW, which drastically increases output.

Man. I feel like an answering machine created in his stead. LOL
Haha, I appreciate the help Goat. It means more people can get their questions answered and more quickly than if I did it by myself.

Fuck terran.
A painful activity in which a man, using the stiffest and pointiest part of his pelvic region, repeatedly stabs
a female in her crotch until he feels satisfied.

[Image: Niji87.png]
Quote:Heat Resistance on cores only applies to your own OW, which puts you into an Overed state (upon activation of the OW) where you start to melt down.

So the better the core's Heat Resistance, the slower the AP degrades when in Overed state?

Why do I get the feeling that OWs were never meant - in an engineering sense - to be be mounted on such a small frame.
[Image: totallyrandomkane.gif]
Quote:Why do I get the feeling that OWs were never meant - in an engineering sense - to be be mounted on such a small frame?

Because they likely weren't. They were probably intended as weapons for larger, sturdier predecessors to V's cores.

Alrighty then, new question: What the hell is the shape strength stat on legs?
"I firmly believe there are three tenets that determine victory in warfare; and they are firepower, firepower, and more firepower."
Yeah I bet that Ninja/Raven in the DLC was the founder of the Raven's Nest, the girl in the pink suit is Sumika's mother, and the machine gun toting Skeleton was the pilot of White Glint II. FROM's is just placing creative freedom first before realistic designs or storytelling. Look at how this half-dead NPC builds the Mass Blade from scratch. Facepalm

(02-08-2012, 12:36 AM)McCale Wrote:
Quote:Why do I get the feeling that OWs were never meant - in an engineering sense - to be be mounted on such a small frame?

Because they likely weren't. They were probably intended as weapons for larger, sturdier predecessors to V's cores.

Alrighty then, new question: What the hell is the shape strength stat on legs?

Care to elaborate? Is it exactly 'Shape strength' on legs? Stability? Charge attack power? etc
I haven't hit the select button yet on the Shape Strength stat to find out the specifics about it. I wasn't sure what it meant when I originally translated it, so I just did a relatively literal translation. I'm pretty sure that's your leg stability, though.

He's talking about the 姿勢制御 statistic. I'm fairly certain it has to do with or is leg stability, but I'll go ahead and translate the select screen description on the stat later to be sure.
Fuck terran.
A painful activity in which a man, using the stiffest and pointiest part of his pelvic region, repeatedly stabs
a female in her crotch until he feels satisfied.

[Image: Niji87.png]
It's the stability alright; just as you said about the head stability, the boosting speed seems to increase as well. I think it has to do with the total value of the stability though, but I haven't read the overall stability statistic on the AC yet, or familiar with its in-game mechanics, nor have enough experience with ACV. So don't quote me on that. :p

Anyway, just to be sure (so the others can interpret it too), here's what it says;

PS: Random pet peeve; my service provider sucks. Still can't view ACU even after flushing the DNS or cleared the caches, etc, etc. LOL
Try using a proxy, it may be the new router firewall thingy on the new server blocking you. For some ridiculous reason it's blocking a lot of people. If the proxy works it's the firewall blocking you. In that case you could send me your IP ( via a PM here on RR and I can forward it to my host to get it unblocked. This sudden server move really fucked a lot of stuff up.


Oh ok, you are correct. That stat is just stability for the legs. Same effects as the head stability it seems too. I'll just fix that in the wiki, then. Thanks much!

I uploaded a new video!

Fuck terran.
A painful activity in which a man, using the stiffest and pointiest part of his pelvic region, repeatedly stabs
a female in her crotch until he feels satisfied.

[Image: Niji87.png]
hello, new here. Have ACV teams already been organized for Raven's Republic? And if so how would i go about becoming a part of one of these teams
[Image: 34875.png]
yes actually we have had plans but I think we are still in the planning and organization phase

the farthest we have in that category are names for two teams ( if by some forsaken reason we go through with them)

Hey man. RR hasn't really gotten organized yet for ACV, but we do have a thread for it here:

Most of us are still waiting on the NA release. Smile
hey guys, well i just bought the jap version of acv and well here's some stuff that i noticed while playing the game hope this gives you some idea of how the game feels in my perspective, i posted with the advice of lord leperman

1.) the acs are a LOT slower compared in AC4 and ACFA, for lightweights, they move like middleweights from previous ac games, excluding ACFA and AC4, mid weights do move just a bit slower from lightweights, i almost can't see the difference

2.) the missions are a pain in ass -.- and can take upto 2 hours to finish well if you're not comfy with the controls that is, specially the 4th one -.- (hanggang dun pa lang ako eh nakakadrain mag acv)

3.) you cannot do infinite consecutive QBs, you can do maybe about 8 or so if you're using a low consumption type booster, well obviously you boost a hell lot slower and well you can only cover a short amount of distance from point A to B, imagine heavy weights QBing in ACFA -.-

4.) you can resupply during missions if there are no enemies around, with the help of garage points, you can replenish AMMO, AP and you can even change Weapons but only the ones that you have, you can't buy from garage points, but take note, the more times you enter garage points the more you pay for it, (ie. first entry 10k Au, next 15k Au, then 30k Au and so on...)

5.) use Scan Mode frequently, it really helps a lot in checking the weakness of your enemies, and energy regeneration coz you regenerate energy faster while in scan mode

6.) Blading can be really hard, and i'm still trying to figure out the best way to blade an opponent while airborne since i'm a blader myself, i just feel that i need to learn how to blade in acv XD coz honestly i suck at ranged battles

7.) Charge Boosting is really a big help, when you wanna save Ammo, just don't charge boost MTs with shields coz you can kill em but they damage you about 2 or 3k AP XD, well luckily you can jump above em and charge boost em from behind

8.) i think having 3 types of weapons during a mission could make it a bit easier since you just need to change weapons to finish off enemies using their weakness, coz if not, your shots would be ineffective, you'll just waste ammo and you WILL get hit eventually

9.) HEAVIES would dominate the game...i think...

10.) the FCS is almost the same as in the ps1 and ps2 armored core games, well the LOCKBOX was just turned into a LOCKCIRCLE *that was the first word that came to my mind when i played it* which means you use more skill in locking onto your enemies rather than just letting your fcs do the job while you just press the fire button to decimate your opponents

11.) i think the bullet velocity and the angle at which you fire your weapon and the angle of which your enemy is moving to is a big factor in hitting em, just like in ACLR, i dunno if the game has that bullet velocity thing with weapons i just somehow feel that it's a big factor, since it's all in japanese XD and i can't read em, although i'm half jap well...i dunno how to read kanji

12.) just like nabeshima said, it is really important to utilize the geography of the map to move more efficiently, finish missions and defeat enemies, moving through tight alleyways and tunnels reminds me of ps2 armored core games *teary eyed* *sniff sniff*

well that's it for now, hope this helps you decide whether to buy acv or not
as for me...i give it 5/5, well for me that is...

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