Current time: 03-13-2025, 02:43 PM
Mental Repository (M.R.)
while true, that those three-wheeled death traps are not road-worthy and shouldnt be allowed on the main roads, it doesnt excuse anyone from trying to ram one out of anger, endangering the life and limbs of the passengers.

as for phasing them out completely, thats not an easy task, and not simply because of how stubborn people are, or how poor they are etc. its the actual layout of the cities, residential areas, population concentrations. the tricycle manages to keep its position because there are a lot of little byways and roads that only they can pass through. and not because of roadside clutter, but simply because the roads are only one lane wide, or are reduced to such because people with cars park outside their house (some people may have a garage, some dont, some do, but have two vehicles etc etc). second is the amount of traffic they actually carry. while you can put a jeepney to do the rounds in a subdivision, it won't be cost effective if you cannot fill that jeepney up. if you do fill it up, just how long will it take to do so? wont the passengers be better off walking home? and finally, if you phase it out, you will suddenly have this large group of people with no job. more unemployment obviously means more problems.

imo, until someone manages to come up with a new type of small public utility vehicle that can fulfill the role of the tricycle in the transport system safely, people will have to deal with those death traps. from drivers wanting to ram them off the road to the authorities making sure they stay off the main roads and highways and the sidewalks.

...Bicycles in China/Vietnam could probably load 6 or more...

On a random note:

[Image: 142183_zps37998c8a.gif]
I fail'd hard Ninja

Brother came in my room to borrow a USB drive, I just came out of the toilet and didn't have shorts on (but I was wearing underwear and a shirt). He came in without knocking, I instinctively went back to the toilet to put on my fucking shorts, kicked the standing fan, and tripped into the toilet -_-

Brother was like "..... Wtf LOL"

Yeaaah -_- Oh and my feet hurt.
Haha you sure provided lots of entertainment for your bro.

[Image: screenshot_it_or_it_never_happened_tshir...28_400.jpg]
[Image: totallyrandomkane.gif]
My friends had a vehicular accident because of riding a Tricycle, and my friend named 'pia' lost here iphone while the truck busted over the Tricycle, after the accident, they texted me and I'm like "what? nasan n ung phone? nakita ba?" lol, not only me, most of their clasmates asked abt the phone too rather than her being injured Sad but I pity her tho for losing her phone that had just been bought 3weeks ago.. ohwel, atleast she's fine.
(09-27-2010, 10:20 PM)Sforza Wrote: I fail'd hard Ninja

Brother came in my room to borrow a USB drive, I just came out of the toilet and didn't have shorts on (but I was wearing underwear and a shirt). He came in without knocking, I instinctively went back to the toilet to put on my fucking shorts, kicked the standing fan, and tripped into the toilet -_-

Brother was like "..... Wtf LOL"

Yeaaah -_- Oh and my feet hurt.

Nosebleed my brain is letting me imagine it. NOOOO!!!
(09-27-2010, 10:20 PM)Sforza Wrote: I fail'd hard Ninja

Brother came in my room to borrow a USB drive, I just came out of the toilet and didn't have shorts on (but I was wearing underwear and a shirt). He came in without knocking, I instinctively went back to the toilet to put on my fucking shorts, kicked the standing fan, and tripped into the toilet -_-

Brother was like "..... Wtf LOL"

Yeaaah -_- Oh and my feet hurt.

Rant: my officemate just called me Edward because i looked like the homophobe vampire

Rave: he is a "nice" guy
Rant: Mom threw another tantrum again, knocking down chairs, swearing at me, and slamming doors, real loud.

Reason: I was too much in a hurry to make her toast. Note: She asked as she saw me ducking into the bathroom to prepare for work. She spent the last several hours playing farmville.
[Image: totallyrandomkane.gif]
(09-29-2010, 08:59 AM)Twin-Skies Wrote: Rant: Mom threw another tantrum again, knocking down chairs, swearing at me, and slamming doors, real loud.

Reason: I was too much in a hurry to make her toast. Note: She asked as she saw me ducking into the bathroom to prepare for work. She spent the last several hours playing farmville.

That is fucked up... Ermm

Rant: Midterm's in twelve hours, the second will be a day after that, and the third will be the day after tomorrow... Got to survive until fall break. Crazy
Rave: finished Recettear's story mode. go go endless mode ^^
Rant: why is there only 24 hours in a day, and why do we need to sleep, and why do i have work tomorrow ~.~?
I miss Armored Core. Anything new with the series?

I will also be getting Front Mission Evolved in the next few days, hope to play with some of you guys Smile

I reserved a copy from Datablitz, so I hope to see you online soon as well Smile

Via PS3, right?
[Image: totallyrandomkane.gif]
Hey, what's up Apple. Smile

I miss AC too. But real life is catching up.

Let's hope FME will be a good placeholder till AC5 finally comes out.

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