Current time: 02-16-2025, 08:51 PM
Mental Repository (M.R.)
MOD EDIT: Rant/Rave has gotten more congested than anything, and has basically turned into a mental shitting zone. So I've decided to basically create a Rant/Rave 2 with a more appropriate name serving pretty much the same purpose.

For your convenience, I've included posts from the last 3 pages of the previous thread. Though inconveniently, the usernames didn't get ported over. My fail.

Anyway, with that, carry on, RR. Carry on. - NiX

(09-12-2010, 08:44 AM)Goat Wrote: Rant:

I don't know what the fuck is up with my relatives, but they've been bugging me to start a love life and some even couldn't believe that I'm single. Fuck, they wouldn't even want to believe that I am not interested in the meantime and keep wondering like the world is going to blow up that how I'm single. Just because the place where I'm studying at has a lot of "chicks" doesn't mean I'll get one right away. Some are even trying to introduce me to a friend of theirs, WTF. This is how sexism affects other people for some reason, it makes them stupid enough not to realize that we have our own set of patterns, interests, and behavior - our personality. #%!$!#&^!@$

I think most of the single people here on RR can relate

(09-12-2010, 08:44 AM)Goat Wrote: Rant:

I don't know what the fuck is up with my relatives, but they've been bugging me to start a love life and some even couldn't believe that I'm single. Fuck, they wouldn't even want to believe that I am not interested in the meantime and keep wondering like the world is going to blow up that how I'm single. Just because the place where I'm studying at has a lot of "chicks" doesn't mean I'll get one right away. Some are even trying to introduce me to a friend of theirs, WTF. This is how sexism affects other people for some reason, it makes them stupid enough not to realize that we have our own set of patterns, interests, and behavior - our personality. #%!$!#&^!@$

I get that from my parents once in a blue moon - you should see the look on their faces when i tell them I don't plan to have kids, at least not in the near future. I can always adopt a kid if I really want to become a parent. The sad truth these people can't seem to realize is that getting steady jobs today is fucking hard, and most people in our generation just refuse to enter into a relationship until they've actually made a good nest egg for their future family.

Love won't put food on the table, and it pisses me off when some idiot tells me that it's all you need for a good family. And to be perfectly blunt, too many of the girls I've met in my age group are simple too shallow and kikay for my taste. If they talk about Coco Martin again, I will just scream.

The smart, sensible ones that I'd actually think of dating in our skeptic's group are already taken, unfortunately for me. At least their boyfriends are great people to have serious discussions with too
@ twinskies what skeptic group? you mean in RR?

Iraya-sama; destroying RR's manity and sanity once again!
Rant: Blockmates or relatives arguing amongst themselves over so-and-so being mayabang or arrogant or having a shitty attitude and then whining to me about the whole thing in itty bitty detail. Then they have a big squabble over blah-blah and blah and then a few weeks or at most a month later, and everything is just all fine and peachy and roses again, until the next silly little problem comes along. Once in a while is fine, but every. single. time. we speak?! No thanks.

Note: I'd rather watch a toenail grow than hear about your inane, ultimately inconsequential personal problems which have very little to do about how important the person really is or should be to you. Which is why you have to repeatedly call my attention when you're making kwento. It's because I'm zoning out on you. Probably thinking about why I should have brought my psp if it's not in my hands already. Oh, and I love headphones. They make great "do not bother me pls ktnx" signs.
(09-12-2010, 07:24 PM)iraya-sama Wrote: @ twinskies what skeptic group? you mean in RR?


This group:
parang hindi ako nalalayo sa topic nyo kinukulit din ako nang tatay ko kung kailang daw ako mag asawa grabe parang napak simple lng ng pagaasawa sila ba ang makikisama sa asawa ako naman din eh sabi nila sign of maturiy ang pag aasawa di ko ma gets ang katuwiran nla nakakaasr talga
Relative: P. Noy should ban twitter because it's bad for the national image of the Philippines. All people do there is criticize him.

Me: First of all, freedom of speech is a law. And since when did we have a national image to protect?

Weird insect rant/rave:

Rave: I saw a low flying mosquito and killed it by stepping on it! I killed a mosquito with my foot! HAHA I AM SO AWESOME

Rant: I pulled a banana out from a banana stalk (?) and saw a cockroach wedged tightly in-between the banana I just pulled out and the two bananas beside it. It probably went in too deeply and couldn't move back out. I wanted to take a picture but there were other people with me at the time. *sad*

Q: Come to think of it, have you ever seen a cockroach move backwards? Blink

A (google'd):
Quote:As an ear, nose and throat physician, I occasionally see patients with cockroaches stuck in one ear. It crawls into the ear canal, but because (I’m told) they can’t crawl backwards, and because of the narrow dimensions of the ear canal, they can’t turn around or back out. The roach squirms and wriggles, driving the person crazy.

If this ever happens to you, pour some cooking or olive oil into the ear canal to drown and kill the roach. Then see an ear, nose throat doctor promptly to have it removed.

I’ve always wondered, is it true that cockroaches can’t crawl backwards?

I think they can hop backward with their wings, but that's it. Hmm.
Talking about roaches, there's this cockroach that has been playing hide and seek with me for 2 days. It keeps showing up and then disappearing whenever I go back to the roach after getting some slippers to whack the fucker.

Also, it either appears around every midnight beside my keyboard or it tries to crawl on my legs, where the light is already gone! There must be some kind of RPG in-game mechanic that is being exploited. I still haven't killed the thing yet.
Jake: That whole description sorta made me queasy. >_<

Eli: Oo, so ang mga hindi kasal, immature?
Domo bwahahaha! at last! i finally downloaded the in-game BGM's of PS1's AC Clapping

i dunno if all are in there Mellow

i love to listen to it...very good quality... perfect for RR's tournament rawr! Jason

@NiX ewan ko sa mga tita ko kala nila kung sino cla magaling di ba tau naman ang maikikitungo sa asawa dba hindi naman sila kakaasar talaga sila
Clueless person: May boyfriend ka na ba???? Big grin Big grin Big grin

Me: La pa.

Clueless person: May plano ka bang magkaroon ng boyfriend??? Big grin Big grin

Me: Hindi.

Clueless person: Magiging madre ka ba? D:

Me: Hindi.

Clueless person: De, bakit ayaw mo magka-asawa?

Me: Wala akong sinabing ganun...

Clueless person: Eh pano yun? Magkaka-asawa pero walang BF???

Me: *face palm* Oo na nga...I'm gonna be a nun -.- *gave up*

Clueless person: Waw hah, religious Big grin Big grin Big grin Onga noh, anu gagawin mo sa prom~ <3 ??

Me: *wants to cry badly* T__T


My SAT's coming up next month...I'm probably gonna die in the math part (mostly coz I can't "study" that. )

I just remembered that I might have to stop taking music lessons next summer in order to make time to study for entrance exams...

I want to take a music course and that requires an audition tape....
...What's the point of studying for entrance exams again? D:

(And a voice course requires singing in Latin...)

Debate. And there's no such thing as cross-examination. Sad
(09-13-2010, 06:46 PM)HayWire Wrote: Clueless person: May boyfriend ka na ba????

Me: La pa.

Clueless person: May plano ka bang magkaroon ng boyfriend??? Big grin Big grin

Me: Hindi.

Clueless person: Magiging madre ka ba? D:

Me: Hindi.

Clueless person: De, bakit ayaw mo magka-asawa?

Me: Wala akong sinabing ganun...

Clueless person: Eh pano yun? Magkaka-asawa pero walang BF???

Me: *face palm* Oo na nga...I'm gonna be a nun -.- *gave up*

Clueless person: Waw hah, religious Onga noh, anu gagawin mo sa prom~ <3 ??

Me: *wants to cry badly* T__T

UGH. My brain wanted to explode at this conversation.
(09-13-2010, 06:57 PM)arch_angel Wrote:
(09-13-2010, 06:46 PM)HayWire Wrote: Clueless person: May boyfriend ka na ba????

Me: La pa.

Clueless person: May plano ka bang magkaroon ng boyfriend???
Me: Hindi.

Clueless person: Magiging madre ka ba? D:

Me: Hindi.

Clueless person: De, bakit ayaw mo magka-asawa?

Me: Wala akong sinabing ganun...

Clueless person: Eh pano yun? Magkaka-asawa pero walang BF???

Me: *face palm* Oo na nga...I'm gonna be a nun -.- *gave up*

Clueless person: Waw hah, religious Onga noh, anu gagawin mo sa prom~ <3 ??

Me: *wants to cry badly* T__T

UGH. My brain wanted to explode at this conversation.

Reminds me of conversations with my classmates Big grin
Somebody likes you Nica. Big grin
@ beastkiller

i had to read a bunch of times before i got your message wat

So~ Kapag nag-asawa ka mature ka na agad?

Ahh~ Highschool~

Upcoming test in literature this Wednesday. Anyone who gets a perfect score will be exempted for the final exam.
Final exam = 60% total grade. Jason

ewan ko sa kanila they expect that at my age 26 yrs old that aim a married individual now hay anu ba talaga standard nang pagiging matured
Happy Bday Andrew!
happy bday andrew
Happy birthday Andrew!
YES! one year closer to your demise!
happy birthday andrew!!!
***passing by RR forums in Hyperspace mode***
**reads quote**
*drops vid*

(09-14-2010, 03:25 PM)arch_angel Wrote: YES! one year closer to your demise!

Rave - 'Tis my last day in the land of oblivion, for tomorrow i shall return to land of the living, of sunlight skies and busy people going about their lives. Farewell, nightshift!

O nga pala, happy birthday, Atdsutm!
thanks to everybody!!!!! you are all so "nice" to me!!!!

Mark is still older than me though................
happy birthday andrew!!

time to pop your ass' cherry!
(09-14-2010, 07:25 PM)iraya-sama Wrote: happy birthday andrew!!

time to pop your ass' cherry!

k, back to taking a mental shit.

Rant: Sked's messed up, I have school from Mon-Sat. Hooray Irregulars! (someone please shoot me)

Rant: Wala pa rin connection sa bahay for 2-3ish months na because sunbro modem decided to fuck up, 6 months past its warranty. Now sun says we have to buy a new modem or pay the whole thing (in other words, magbabayad kami ng bulag sa 6 months na natitira sa contract >_>)

Rant: Mom still doesn't want wi-tribe. I want to try it for one week at least, then cancel if the service is unsatisfactory. Yeah I know it has bandwidth limits and all, but I still want to see if it's worth it. I rarely get past 3gb at home anyway.

siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh.. .__.

(09-14-2010, 07:29 PM)Shintetsu Wrote: Rant: Mom still doesn't want wi-tribe. I want to try it for one week at least, then cancel if the service is unsatisfactory. Yeah I know it has bandwidth limits and all, but I still want to see if it's worth it. I rarely get past 3gb at home anyway.

siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh.. .__.

Don't even think of signing up for that particular service. It's not worth the stress you'll just be putting yourself through. Besides, they don't even offer a trial period. Trust me, it's definitely not worth even the time it takes to call in an application.

Random thought when I woke up:
I've been seeing more PSPs around since BBS came out
Belated Happy Birthday Andrew.

When it comes to having a family or for starters - a girlfriend, my family knows that I don't have much of a care about that stuff since before high school.
Then they looked like a bridged dropped on them when they found out I liked the girl who chases me down the halls, trying to riddle my ribs with holes with a sign pen. What I'm saying is, relationships come in due time.
Gah, so many BR lines @____@

Slowest net evaaaaaaaaar (so far)

IP Methodology deadline moved to Monday (doesn't really matter...I was done since last week <.< )
Also debate Big grin

I asked my arnis training buddy what her height was since she's only a few months older......

Shemai 5'7" cya T______T

but her friend is 4'8" XD;;

(I probably shouldn't rejoice since she might make my training bud sic on me or something <.< )

Everyone in my barkada's taller than me already. I used to be the 2nd tallest ._.

A year and a half left to grow ._.

I have a feeling I'll grow up like Adolf or something .___.
[Image: 142183_zps37998c8a.gif]
And I was wondering when I created this mental toilet LOL

So what's the difference with rant/rave and this thread?

Edit: Oooh I get it. Spelling.
Wish the first post wouldn't literally look like a gigantic mental dump though LOL
Yeah, I fucked up. LOL

Made a new thread since the old one went far beyond rants and raves anyway. This is more comprehensive. =P
For the last several dozen pages or so, it was more on ranting. Just a question though, where do we greet the birthday people from now on?
"May those who accept their fate find happiness. May those who defy their fate find glory."
Er. You can still greet them here. This thread is the repository for whatever it is that your mind may shit at a certain point in time.
Nice title. "Mental Toilet" XD

The nearer you go towards the light...
The greater your shadow becomes...

[Image: rational.jpg]
[Image: exteel.png]
yah its a good title
if you know yourself and your enemy you will never fear the results of a hundred battles if you know yourself but not the enemy for every victory you will suffer a defeat if you dont know yourself neither your enemy you will lose at every battle.<br />sun tzu, the art of war
(09-15-2010, 07:47 PM)Fox Wrote: For the last several dozen pages or so, it was more on ranting. Just a question though, where do we greet the birthday people from now on?

I think we should have a dedicated birthday thread LOL

Or don't we have enough members for that?
Rant: Start of classes for next sem has been pushed back to the 23rd because the school doesn't know yet how much to charge per unit, and some of the profs haven't turned in their final grades yet LOL

Katangahan Facepalm
Well there was a holiday-amv thread roughly 3-4 years ago...It died coz I was the only one there XDDDD
[Image: 142183_zps37998c8a.gif]
Rave: After two months of inactivity, I am finally back in a boxing gym. The instructor wants to put me in a mini-tourney on November 20 (right before my birthday, w00t!), so I'm actually pretty hyped about attending regularly now. Smile

Rant: I haven't been near anything resembling boxing gloves for two months. Body moves like lead atm, and most of my muscles and joints feel like they've just been hit with a Dempsey Roll Sad
[Image: totallyrandomkane.gif]
Next year, new courses are going to be offered at iAcademy.

Fashion design, MMA (multimedia arts) and game design.

...Now I can double major at fashion design and software engineering!!! Clapping

My analog nub finally started borkening after finishing ACX2. At least, I'm gonna be having a happy departure from any PSP game, as most games have been irritating me lately. FUCK YOU PSP!

"Next year, new courses are going to be offered at iAcademy.

Fashion design, MMA (multimedia arts) and game design."

and kinda checked their website their more of a IT school so i am i having my doubts already most probably their game design/MMA course would focus more on the techy side leaving out the art side which is also important

man i lot of schools/colleges feel like their trying to compete with CSB now a days XD ever since CSB released their game design course...

...and man i feel unlucky now the colleges start bringing up all theses animation/game design courses XD and a lot more are jumping into the course with no idea its not as simple as it looks

hmmm which reminds me about iacademy they kinda had a booth during cinaexpo 2010 and they showed some of the students works... their figure drawing classes look decent actually thinking about it or UST since ust is kinda more known for traditional art and figure drawing is more of a traditional art anyways if its not to pricy but the other seems like normal everyday stuff
(09-18-2010, 01:47 AM)RoninFang Wrote: and kinda checked their website their more of a IT school so i am i having my doubts already most probably their game design/MMA course would focus more on the techy side leaving out the art side which is also important

man i lot of schools/colleges feel like their trying to compete with CSB now a days XD ever since CSB released their game design course...

...and man i feel unlucky now the colleges start bringing up all theses animation/game design courses XD and a lot more are jumping into the course with no idea its not as simple as it looks

hmmm which reminds me about iacademy they kinda had a booth during cinaexpo 2010 and they showed some of the students works... their figure drawing classes look decent actually thinking about it or UST since ust is kinda more known for traditional art and figure drawing is more of a traditional art anyways if its not to pricy but the other seems like normal everyday stuff

I just hope art courses won't get as overrated as nursing, where most students are just taking for the course for granted.

I'm not sure about the other colleges, but CSB is (also?) filled with students who have no idea what to do with their course nowadays. There are some people who don't even know how to draw, paint, and have totally NO KNOWLEDGE regarding whatever software that's important for their course (Photoshop, InDesign, Dreamweaver, etc) and they're about to graduate. It's really annoying getting bugged by a student who kept asking wth is this and that kind of basic stuff (like not even knowing how to make layers) when they should have done so.

"Tol alam mo kung pano mag duplicate ng layer?"
"Hahah yan lang, tapos ganyan, etc, etc..."
"Sige thanks."
"Nag comgrap ka na?"
"Oo, pero di ako nakinig e, tanga magturo ng prof." WHAT THE FUCK

"Huy, patulong naman dito oh."
"Patulong sa yada-yada... etc, etc..."

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