I may regret this and I know I said I would not continue with the project that I would move onto other things, which I have been doing but after the amount of good fan responses I have been getting I feel that this should be expanded on and done properly.
Before I did not want help because I wanted to prove something to myself, that I could go beyond what I was capable of.Now I feel that with so many people wanting more from Limit Release that what I have is a chance to expand on what was already done but with help, working alone was very hard work and took so long, but by adding more people it would speed things up considerably.
And thus I believe in the possibility and potential of anyone that wishes to help, weather it be 3d modeling, animation, voice acting or helping me write the story instead of using just the basics I have at the moment.
I wish to provide an experience that will not only provide new content but will also expand on the AC universe in a similar style to what Brave new world did.
I also wish to take this time to say sorry for the shoddy editing in Limit Release, that was due to my approach to getting it done by a certain date. That and editing the audio separately in Audacity before then putting that into After Effects, when it played in AE it was fine but when it was compiled it did not line up, also because of the quick cuts getting the text boxes right was low priority and thus they look screwed up, so really sorry that those 2 main elements let down that presentation.
Before I did not want help because I wanted to prove something to myself, that I could go beyond what I was capable of.Now I feel that with so many people wanting more from Limit Release that what I have is a chance to expand on what was already done but with help, working alone was very hard work and took so long, but by adding more people it would speed things up considerably.
And thus I believe in the possibility and potential of anyone that wishes to help, weather it be 3d modeling, animation, voice acting or helping me write the story instead of using just the basics I have at the moment.
I wish to provide an experience that will not only provide new content but will also expand on the AC universe in a similar style to what Brave new world did.
I also wish to take this time to say sorry for the shoddy editing in Limit Release, that was due to my approach to getting it done by a certain date. That and editing the audio separately in Audacity before then putting that into After Effects, when it played in AE it was fine but when it was compiled it did not line up, also because of the quick cuts getting the text boxes right was low priority and thus they look screwed up, so really sorry that those 2 main elements let down that presentation.