I wonder what would happen if you do kill the both of them before one transforms...
*Game Crashes*
I should've started PVPing long ago, this shiz is fun, good way to farm souls too, it's easy to go back to your bloodstain when you die. Won most of them, including a 2 on 1 fight, but I lost another 2 on 1 fight when the other guy popped in from somewhere behind me and backstabbed me XD. Running out of Humanities though, so better start farming soon >_<
Can't wait to go to Kiln of the First Flame~
Also, you have to be in Hollow form to be summoned, and human form to summon right? Can't wait to try that out some time.
*Game Crashes*
I should've started PVPing long ago, this shiz is fun, good way to farm souls too, it's easy to go back to your bloodstain when you die. Won most of them, including a 2 on 1 fight, but I lost another 2 on 1 fight when the other guy popped in from somewhere behind me and backstabbed me XD. Running out of Humanities though, so better start farming soon >_<
Can't wait to go to Kiln of the First Flame~
Also, you have to be in Hollow form to be summoned, and human form to summon right? Can't wait to try that out some time.