Current time: 03-10-2025, 02:26 PM
K.O.B. tournament (king of blades)
In a small corner of the l.r. universe... a planet was discovered with an abundance of minerals and resources , control of which, will mean power and stability for the cooperation which lays it's hands on it.

but riches comes with a price to pay, the planet is coated with an abnormally high ecm field, rendering all types of a fcs targeting useless.

thus, a long forgotten breed of raven arise from obscurity...

these are the bladers....
charge your primers, let the games begin

what: king of blades tournament
when: mar 19. 12 noon onwards
where: my house (pm me if you need directions)

pact rules on ac design apply
no eo cores
no rockets

double elimination
no time limit
best of 3 rounds

map determined by dice toss 1d6
2-hole aqua
3-site s
4-barn arena
5-deck cage

Nice. LOL

So pwede right hand guns? Basta may blade sa left?

It's a Monday though. Pero sige try hahabol ako after work.
Right handguns aren't allowed either. Workable weapons are Syura dual blade arms, laser blades and parry blades.

Suggesting to always equip back mounted radar as head unit radar functions are laggy, making them near useless in predicting your opponent's position. And believe me, you'll be looking at your radar a hell lot.

'Signatures are overrated.'
Rockets? Flamethrowers? Shields? Inside parts like sticky mines and heat pods?
Or purely blades and parry blades lang?
Purely blades and parry blades.
It's a brawl.

pact rules on ac design apply
no eo cores
no rockets

More accurately: No Rockets, Back Weapons, Arm Weapons and Insides.
'Signatures are overrated.'
Can we impose a time limit to make sure that players won't be running around forever? Of course that'd make having an AP lead at the start by using high-AP parts a prime strategy, but at least that'd mean costing you a bit of mobility.

EDIT: Ooops. I just read the map selection. That basically cancels my worries. Carry on then. LOL
I hope march 19 is not my company outing scheduled Chair

wow, K.O.B. Clapping sounds like "King Of Fighters (K.O.F.)" We're not worthy shet, blading really means business Ninja .no lock-on, pure reflexes and stealth-strategy. Flamethrower *Nostalgia burns Me* Laser

[Image: upeo113pr8.gif]


"I am more of a Teacher rather than a Pilot"

AHAHA Para tayong nasa sabungan because of the choice of battlefields. Ilabas nyo na mga tare nyo mga brad.

Since we don't use ECM pods in out regular tourneys, maybe we could use them here. We'll be using blades anyway so they don't have our usual aims and locks that they mess up. All they'll do is jam radar, which adds a stealth element.
'Signatures are overrated.'
Whoa this is awesome. It'd be cool to be able to go!

How about directional shoulder boosters? And it'll fine for an AC to sport a parry blade on the right and a blade on the left?
"Numbers are not part of the real world; they're part of something else."

-Prof. Rolly Panopio, UPLB Math Division
Cool. Wouldn't mind joining this one. Big grin
suggestion Ninja ->use only head parts with out radars Woot (...and ECM won't be necessary)

rules are plain and simple: no radar, no projectiles, just laser blades Clapping


[Image: upeo113pr8.gif]


"I am more of a Teacher rather than a Pilot"
(03-02-2012, 12:52 AM)maitreya Wrote: Whoa this is awesome. It'd be cool to be able to go!

How about directional shoulder boosters? And it'll fine for an AC to sport a parry blade on the right and a blade on the left?

I think this is allowed since they're melee weapons and the extension boosters don't get any love at all during normal play.

I'm also thinking of suggesting to ban VULTURE2, GULL and the PEGASUS back boosters. With minimal equipment, all ACs are gonna be moving pretty fast anyway.
"May those who accept their fate find happiness. May those who defy their fate find glory."
updated rules

eo core
rockets any kind

booster extensions
side shields
back radar
parry blades

pending decision for legality
buko joe mines (adhesive mines)
floating mines

I suck at blades hell no and yeah got work XD

NO inside parts should be allowed

Laser Blade SHOULD be the only weapon here Jason

(i wish head parts w/ radar function and back unit radar WILL be banned)

about V2, GULL, PEGASUS... banning these has something to do with limiting speed Glare . well, it should be ok since every will kick speeds of 440+ kph. controlling the speed is the task in order to land those blade swings, whether it is on ground or airborne strikes.

[Image: upeo113pr8.gif]


"I am more of a Teacher rather than a Pilot"

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