Current time: 03-14-2025, 01:01 PM
ACV General Discussion
one of the most useful posts we've had here in a while. Thanks so much, Ichi.

i'm sure Goat can add his input here as well.
Good stuff Ichi, looking forward to meeting you online as soon as the English version comes out Tongue If you can give more input, please do so.

Based on some of the stuff I saw online, lights have been really good at back-stabbing enemies while other weight classes do a better job at a front-line role, so I wouldn't say a single weight class would dominate and that each one has it's own role, but I suppose it's still too early to tell given the game is just a month old.
I think the server's down as of now. I'm at mission 04 too, and just about to attempt it now. I spent too much time playing territorial missions yesterday. LOL

Anyway, for inputs, maybe later. I just woke up and noticed that if you play offline, your team reverts to your SP-created one as opposed to retaining that team you joined in MP. At least I bought most of the parts; I'll have to wait for online again to take advantage of the items at the shop. LOL

Edit: I'll just keep adding info on this post while no one has posted yet. Which will be inside the spoiler box.

@ Ichi's #8:
Yep. I learned that the hard way in Story Mission 03. Never bothered to change my stuff at the garages throughout the area from KE-based weaponry. As soon as I ran out of ammo, that fucking boss suddenly showed up, plus the garages at the map have been taken off. LOL

Oh, and humanoid heavyweights surely kick ass, literally. Most of them dealing about 18-20k KE-based attack.

well i guess you're right lord leperman, am also looking forward to meeting you guys online, it's just now that i was able to download the free content from the psn store, i guess i have to practice a lot to learn how to move fast enough so i'd be able to go around heavies, just finished mission 5, and hell, that psychotic guy with the laser cannon overed weapon pissed me off, imagine he was firing at me as if it had infinite ammo lol, and hell just a scratch from the projectile hit me for like 23k damage T__T when i only have 25k ap lol!, will keep you posted as soon as i get a good feel of the game, well good enough to post interesting things about acv
There's a method to avoid getting a direct hit.

Just stay underwater before it fires. I almost didn't get any damage because of this.

Speaking of which, it might be a new feature for staying underwater then, I'll go ask ACU.

Also, we hath cleared the story mode yesterday (didn't coop though) just so we can use some OWs. So far, I don't see any other possible combination how to fire an OW more than twice though. Now we just need to collect the rest of the OWs like pokeemanz.

Edit: Nevermind, the mass blade allows you to fire it thrice. Your AC would look like a man's thing facing backwards though. Ugh.
yeah, you can stay underwater so enemies won't be able to hit you, and hey goat did you notice that the mass blade looks like a pillar from a building? with boosters in it?, btw when you try to use the chainsaw of death once you charge it there's no going back, it automatically sets off after a complete charge, so i guess that's why nabeshima said that OWs are kinda last resort kinda thing, and that chainsaw can only be used once i think coz i tried to wait for it to be able to re use it but it seems that it cant be re used, goat and i will keep you guys posted for updates regarding acv, darn i got so addicted to the game, that i forgot to eat breakfast and lunch XD
(02-25-2012, 11:35 PM)Ichi Wrote: yeah, you can stay underwater so enemies won't be able to hit you, and hey goat did you notice that the mass blade looks like a pillar from a building? with boosters in it?, btw when you try to use the chainsaw of death once you charge it there's no going back, it automatically sets off after a complete charge, so i guess that's why nabeshima said that OWs are kinda last resort kinda thing, and that chainsaw can only be used once i think coz i tried to wait for it to be able to re use it but it seems that it cant be re used, goat and i will keep you guys posted for updates regarding acv, darn i got so addicted to the game, that i forgot to eat breakfast and lunch XD

I can use the chainsaw OW twice.
Godly Perfection makes an ACV builder! Time to calculate for your damage soakers, Rick. LOL

GodlyPerfection Wrote:The current version contains stats from release date to Feb 25th. On the 25th a new patch was released with part rebalancing. I will include these stats as soon as the wikis update with the appropriate info. Until then feel free to use this to get a pretty decent idea of what parts there are and how they were intended to function at first.

Anyway, to avoid having a thread with too many scattered info, let's use Takayanagi's thread (this one where im posting at) for random useful stuff we find about the game. We'll use the ACV discussion thread instead for asking/talking about in-game mechanics and such. If you find something useful, that's the time you can finally use the personal notepad in case you want to look back at a later time.

As for the ACV news thread, we'll only post accordingly if either From Software or Bamco updates us on something.
For the rest of us that do not have access to the game or the demo yet, there is a thumbnail parts reference here courtesy of YY AC Workshop (click on pictures for the categories): PARTS CONFERENCE

There are some incomplete tips/reviews on the parts in Japanese, but they do contain information such as the mass blade having three uses if one reads carefully.
(02-27-2012, 02:42 PM)medusa0 Wrote: For the rest of us that do not have access to the game or the demo yet, there is a thumbnail parts reference here courtesy of YY AC Workshop (click on pictures for the categories): PARTS CONFERENCE

There are some incomplete tips/reviews on the parts in Japanese, but they do contain information such as the mass blade having three uses if one reads carefully.

(Original Post)

It depends on your setup afaik and as long as the bar hasn't depleted yet. Mass Blade can do 3 attacks, while the Chainsaw can activate twice. Massive cannon does the same too iirc.

As for the other OWs, I haven't acquired them yet.

(02-25-2012, 01:54 AM)Goat Wrote: There's a method to avoid getting a direct hit.

Just stay underwater before it fires. I almost didn't get any damage because of this.

Speaking of which, it might be a new feature for staying underwater then, I'll go ask ACU.

Also, we hath cleared the story mode yesterday (didn't coop though) just so we can use some OWs. So far, I don't see any other possible combination how to fire an OW more than twice though. Now we just need to collect the rest of the OWs like pokeemanz.

Edit: Nevermind, the mass blade allows you to fire it thrice. Your AC would look like a man's thing facing backwards though. Ugh.

(Original Post)

It only works as long as your head isn't hit. Tried to reconfirm after Niji (is there an alternate name to niji? lest this board would be full of nijis lol; inb4 nijirepublic) told me about this.

Anyway, I tried to test it on the psycho as well. It was a headshot and I died.
In response to post #6:

In response to post #10:

(02-27-2012, 02:42 PM)medusa0 Wrote: For the rest of us that do not have access to the game or the demo yet, there is a thumbnail parts reference here courtesy of YY AC Workshop (click on pictures for the categories): PARTS CONFERENCE

There are some incomplete tips/reviews on the parts in Japanese, but they do contain information such as the mass blade having three uses if one reads carefully.


In any case, RNA has the stats for the OWs too.

Customizing Team Messages:

I didn't know that you can actually customize your messages at all. So yeah, there won't be any auto-translating preset messages, unlike in Metal Gear Online. Thanks to Niji of ACU, I was able to know of this and saved me enough time from translating the messages. If anyone has the JP version of the game, you can change the layout by going to the team menu, then pick the third choice from the bottom.

You can then customize messages, which are composed of three categories:
  • Comments
    - Chat macros that you can use at the world map and even while on a sortie.

  • Battle Message
    - Not sure what this is, but it might be an automatic message notifier that gets delivered to your teammates from your AC while battling.

  • System Message
    - A bit of a cross between your a status and a notifier; your teammates will be notified on certain conditions like making a mission lobby, going to the assembly, etc.

For the third option, here are the necessary messages from top to bottom:
  • Created a Mission Lobby
  • Entered AC Assembly
  • Entered Team Lobby
  • Exited Debriefing
  • Entered Free Match Mode

There should also be two more messages left, which aren't necessary. I'll go either ask him or translate it myself some time later.

Anyway, I've also tested some stuff with Niji regarding the jamming and a bunch of other weapons. I'll just explain it once the video has been uploaded.
(02-27-2012, 03:58 PM)Goat Wrote: Anyway, I've also tested some stuff with Niji regarding the jamming and a bunch of other weapons.

You're already playing online with them? How's the connection?

(02-28-2012, 11:36 AM)NiX Wrote:
(02-27-2012, 03:58 PM)Goat Wrote: Anyway, I've also tested some stuff with Niji regarding the jamming and a bunch of other weapons.

You're already playing online with them? How's the connection?

The netcode of From Software's server isn't half bad. I never experienced lag when we were testing out stuff. I've been with their group for a week now.

So far I've played with AK, Niji, and Ichi online. The others don't seem to be signing in. LOL
Niiiice. Which ISP are you using and what's your latency? PS3 on LAN or Wifi? Sorry for all the questions, but I just want to be assured that online ACV will work well for us here. Tongue
(02-28-2012, 01:50 PM)NiX Wrote: Niiiice. Which ISP are you using and what's your latency? PS3 on LAN or Wifi? Sorry for all the questions, but I just want to be assured that online ACV will work well for us here. Tongue

PLDT. I couldn't remember my latency though, but I'm estimating about 30 at best, 50 at worst. And yeah, wired. Never play wireless. LOL

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