Current time: 03-13-2025, 11:16 PM
ACV General Discussion
Quick differences from previous AC games that I've come to notice while playing:

-There are 3 damage types, KE, CE, and TE. Damage type varies per weapon. As far as I know, there are no weapons with damage combinations.

-With 3 damage types, armor now comes in 3 parameters as well, with all frame parts having different KE, CE, and TE defense levels. For the demo, each part is skewed to a particular defense type, so you probably won't get a perfectly well-rounded AC frame at least in the demo, or you will but on average a lower overall defense value.

-No more Primal Armor. Hooray!

-Nice touch with some enemies. Your bullets actually bounce off some opponents, and the word "Ineffective" flashes on your hud. This is probably telling you that the attack type you are using is hitting your enemies' strongest armor type.

-QB is there, but not as abuse-able as before and it is noticeably slower to chain QBs and you can do as much as 4-5 before you blow out.

-You cannot use QB to turn anymore, thus making positioning much more important. ACs can actually out-turn other ACs again.

-While boosting, turn speed becomes lower. Turning boost off makes your AC turn faster.

-Boost hopping is technically back, but harder to perform as you have to manually turn off boosting during decent every time. Maybe there's an option for manual boosting as default in the controls?

-Loads of new weapons. Howitzers are back, they travel faster, launch more projectiles, and actually do splash damage now.

-Tanks function like tanks in AC before. Meaning, folding weapons can function on the move only with tank legs.

-Folding weapons cannot be stored on the back.

That's it for now. Feel free to correct me on some things or ask me questions if ever.
I've barely left the testing area lol. I wasn't expecting the boosting to be even more complicated than AC4/FA. I also now understand why there's too much wall hugging in the demo videos--> not easy to gain altitude.

Here's my current setup(trying to match it from the older games)
Toggle Booster: L3
Jump: :L2
High Boost (Quick Boost): L1 --->Only needs to be tapped lightly or it will initiate a melee attack.
Glide Boost (Over Boost): R3
Boost Drive (Wall Jump):L2

Arm Weapon R: R2
Arm Weapon L: R1

LOL Yeah. I've been just going test mode the whole time. I suppose it's a good thing that From Software finally put an auto-restart feature after all enemies have been defeated. I'd still prefer auto-respawn though.

One thing I found about quick-turning is trying to stop Booster mode and turn around 45°. It also works after QB'ing with Booster mode turned off (can i just call it BM?). More or less you could already do about 160° spin depending on your AC's setup.

What I'm doing so far to make a successful 180° spin while boosting is to QB then turn off BM before it hits the ground, then I turn. Then backped to finally reach the half arc while reactivating BM. You could say that it's executed in a manner similar to an OB-cancel frame-jump maneuver.

Edit: ^ Oh, and yes. It's executed while at ground. Apparently when you QB while on BM, your AC will still float on the ground. Might be useful against people trying to flank you. You can also do a similar maneuver to this (with better results) if you try and step on buildings as you turn while keeping distance from an enemy AC.
Quote:-Loads of new weapons. Howitzers are back, they travel faster, launch more projectiles, and actually do splash damage now.

-Tanks function like tanks in AC before. Meaning, folding weapons can function on the move only with tank legs.

This just made the game for me
"I firmly believe there are three tenets that determine victory in warfare; and they are firepower, firepower, and more firepower."
(01-19-2012, 09:51 PM)Lord_Leperman Wrote: Quick differences from previous AC games that I've come to notice while playing:

-There are 3 damage types, KE, CE, and TE. Damage type varies per weapon. As far as I know, there are no weapons with damage combinations.

-With 3 damage types, armor now comes in 3 parameters as well, with all frame parts having different KE, CE, and TE defense levels. For the demo, each part is skewed to a particular defense type, so you probably won't get a perfectly well-rounded AC frame at least in the demo, or you will but on average a lower overall defense value.

-No more Primal Armor. Hooray!

-Nice touch with some enemies. Your bullets actually bounce off some opponents, and the word "Ineffective" flashes on your hud. This is probably telling you that the attack type you are using is hitting your enemies' strongest armor type.

-QB is there, but not as abuse-able as before and it is noticeably slower to chain QBs and you can do as much as 4-5 before you blow out.

-You cannot use QB to turn anymore, thus making positioning much more important. ACs can actually out-turn other ACs again.

-While boosting, turn speed becomes lower. Turning boost off makes your AC turn faster.

-Boost hopping is technically back, but harder to perform as you have to manually turn off boosting during decent every time. Maybe there's an option for manual boosting as default in the controls?

-Loads of new weapons. Howitzers are back, they travel faster, launch more projectiles, and actually do splash damage now.

-Tanks function like tanks in AC before. Meaning, folding weapons can function on the move only with tank legs.

-Folding weapons cannot be stored on the back.

That's it for now. Feel free to correct me on some things or ask me questions if ever.

Defenses are purposefully skewed to make weapon and opponent choices more significant. This makes the operator and scan mode roles much more meaningful to the players, as you can die a very inglorious death to someone if he can expose your weaknesses. Only heavyweight ACs are allowed to have truly rounded defenses, but they must forfeit a large amount of space for weapons and a lot of mobility to have it. Midweight ACs have the ability to gouge one defense and bring their other defenses up to about 1000 (average-ish) if they stick to just using pocket type weapons (smallest size guns), they lose a lot of mobility and almost all weapon space this way. Lightweights just can't gouge defense, they get one decent defense and two bad ones and a ton of speed. Because of how defenses work, having weapon variety on your AC is a huge boon; but also fights against your own ability to stack defenses, making you vulnerable to more weapon types in turn.

Inneffective is a result of the defense system. It happens with ACs too. When your defense is really high relative to the guns attack power, the gun will do 1-5 AP damage and the bullets will bounce or sheer off and do nothing. If you exit optimal range for your gun the gun will likely bounce off and do 0 AP damage.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, if your defense is too low a gun can do up to 2.5x listed attack power in AP damage. So a 1,000 KE atk rifle could do up to 2500 AP damage a shot if the opponent is running like 200 or so KE defense. You can see how this becomes very crazy with cannons, which are very hard to get enough defense to stop, as their damage can skyrocket to absolutely absurd levels of damage if anywhere near optimal range.

Try this: Take 2x Gatling Guns vs the Test Mode MW Biped and gun him down with them. Then take 2x Battle Rifles vs the same AC. Then do 2x Pulse Guns vs that same AC. See the difference in killspeed/number of hits to kill him. You can also scan the guy to get his defenses down, then if you keep scan mode up the right side bars will tell you your expected damage for whatever range you are currently sitting at. Trying getting closer to him in scan mode and getting farther from him in scan mode with different guns to see damage scaling and damage over range traits.

Tanks can use cannon weaponry while on the move, but they also lose the ability to zoom in because of that. There's a tradeoff, though not too big of one. You can't hangar cannons of any kind either, you're correct.

Be careful of grounded tanks turn speed. As a special trait tanks get modified turning speed when grounded and not boosting. Much like RJ gets modified jumping ability, quads with stability, and bipeds with their kneeling shields. The tanks get roughly 2x turning speed when grounded.

There's no manual boosting, no. Just boost toggle. Boosters only make you fall slowly and push you around sideways in this game. There is no quick-turn, yes.

Please don't boost hop in ACV.
Fuck terran.
A painful activity in which a man, using the stiffest and pointiest part of his pelvic region, repeatedly stabs
a female in her crotch until he feels satisfied.

[Image: Niji87.png]
That just makes the role of the operator more important then, especially if he can read enemy defense types and weapons and match them to which one among his team members is well suited to deal with that kind of opponent.

The defense thing is pretty crazy though. So if you have low defense the damage actually multiplies compared to the listed amount? To think I overlooked that graph in the garage and it was pretty important LOL

A question on bipeds and kneeling shields though, do those shields actually grant a defense bonus?
Yes, each legtype gets a bonus and the bipeds get a kneeling shield. The shield only works while kneeling, though I'm unsure if it grants an AC-wide bonus or only a bonus for the front of the AC. I'd assume it only defends the front, though.

Operators can spam a pretty huge AoE scan too right at match start, but they gotta be fast and efficient if they really want to be useful for initiating as you can't let your opponents set up a defense or you're screwed, haha. Some FCS allow for up to four automaton sentries dropped at once right now, along with 2-3 jammers dropped at once. If the whole team defending were to bring that stuff in their hangars and set up defenses along the entry routes to their base then drop you'd be screwed trying to get in, haha. That's why you can't wait too long to initiate the opposing team, really.

Dropper ACs are godly for territory mode. Come in severly overweight, drop what you don't need, kill people.
Fuck terran.
A painful activity in which a man, using the stiffest and pointiest part of his pelvic region, repeatedly stabs
a female in her crotch until he feels satisfied.

[Image: Niji87.png]
Do Reverse joints have higher EN drain now or maybe I'm just reading the stats wrong.
damn im happy you guys are able to understand this stuff in the demo, i just sat there for a good hour pressing random things in each section and memorizing what does what, and what goes were.

P.S i like how when i come home from school with the demo waiting for me PSN is under work
what do i fight for? i have nothing to fight for but i fight i LIVE because it is my only defiance to what ever gods may be for making my life a living hell
(01-20-2012, 11:16 AM)J.E_Magog Wrote: Do Reverse joints have higher EN drain now or maybe I'm just reading the stats wrong.

Yeah they do. Damn, I didn't notice that before. Both RJ legs have the highest drain right behind the quad. So they now have poor turning AND high EN consumption? That makes high jumping their only strong point. Its weird though, because when I just recently played through with the RJ it felt that it drained slower than the other legs.

EDIT: They way a crap load too.
How's it been on multiplayer?
Multiplayer's not up yet for a bit (starts at either 7 or 8 PM EST) . I won't be getting home until maybe 6-7 PM EST if i"m lucky and i have to eat and clean up.

Correction: Its already up. I was using MST instead of EST Tongue

It's up? Wasn't it supposed to be 10am JST? Blink

EDIT: WTFFFFFFF TIME IS SO FAST. Didn't know it was already around 9am here.
potang ina now I'm having trouble connecting after restarting teh router. Anyway does anyone know how how to navigate the multiplayer menu?

Does anyone want to share any good leg/gen/booster setups?
(01-21-2012, 12:54 PM)J.E_Magog Wrote: potang ina now I'm having trouble connecting after restarting teh router. Anyway does anyone know how how to navigate the multiplayer menu?

Does anyone want to share any good leg/gen/booster setups?

Niji has translated more about the menu!

I'm having problems the connecting as well. I think it may have been P2P for now, but strangely I never once experienced any lag while playing with them, it's just that I keep getting disconnected while on standby at the menu. I also played with some of the ACO people, and dropkicked one of them by mistake. Friendly fire is still there, as always. Sorry whoever you are! LOL

Also, I'm currently using the generator with the highest output available paired with either a SHINATSU or DAFENG. Don't forget to keep swapping from scout mode to battle and vice versa.

Just try to keep sticking to scan/scout mode and only switch back to battle mode when you're about to fire. Scan/scout mode gives you a lot of EN regen in exchange for not being able to use your weapons other than dropkicking.

I'm also whoring midweight bipeds... as always. LOL

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