Current time: 03-05-2025, 03:24 PM
LR Jousters' Guide
The Jousters' Guide for Armored Core: Last Raven
Compiled/Written by Brett Anthony Harrell a.k.a. "Mechadon" | 2006/2007

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Table of Contents:
I: Opening Comments (00I00)
...A ) Brief Jousting Description (00IA0)
...B ) Changes from Nexus/Ninebreaker to Last Raven (00IB0)

II: Jousting Types (0II00)
...A ) The Pure Jouster (0IIA0)
...B ) The Multi Jouster (0IIB0)
...C ) The Lite Jouster (0IIC0)
...D ) The OB'ing Blade Jouster (0IID0)

III: Jousting Tactics and Styles (III00)
...A ) General OB Jousting (IIIA0)
......Aa ) Setting Up The "Joust Line" (IIIAa)
......Ab ) "Hard" & "Soft" OB Startups (IIIAb)
...B ) OB Flanking/Counter-Flanking (IIIB0)
...C ) The OB Sweep (IIIC0)
...D ) Air/Jump Jousting (IIID0)
...E ) Flutter Jousting (IIIE0)
...F ) The "One-Hit-Wonder" [OHW] (IIIF0)

IV: Useful Jousting Support Techniques (0IV00)
...A ) Close Quarters Combat (0IVA0)
...B ) Rushing (0IVB0)
...C ) The "Circle of Doom" [CoD] (0IVC0)

V: Effective Jousting Part Combinations (00V00)
...A ) Frame Design (00VA0)
...B ) B/G/R Setup (00VB0)
...C ) Jousting Weapons  (00VC0)

VI: Example Jousting Designs (0VI00)

VII: Credits (VII00)

VIII: Other Information/Disclaimer (VIII0)


I. Opening Comments (00I00)

...A ) "Brief Jousting Description" (00IA0)
Ah, jousting...what a great word!  Greater are the rewards, however, when you actually put the word to use.  As you may (or may not) already know, jousting in terms of "Armored Core" lingo is a playing style developed around the time Armored Core 2 was released.  This is because of the introduction of "Over Boost"...a built-in, core-based mechanic whichs allows your AC to maneuver itself at high speeds for brief periods of time.  Over time, jousting became a staple style of play, and thus the style evolved with the releases of the future AC games.

In the FAQ/Guide, I'll explain the basics of the jousting style as well as the different jousting types, support techniques and styles, useful part setups, etc.  Please feel free to test out these setups and techniques for yourself...I mean, that's what the guide is for! 

Just as a note...I obtained this information after years (and years...and years...) in the AC community...some of it I found myself, but most of it got to me through others in the AC community.  This FAQ/Guide is also based off of my experiences in the AC universe...and as with any expericence, people "experience" things differently.  So what I've learned from EXPERIENCE may not be what you learned from EXPERIENCE.  What I'm trying to get at here is that if you find some conflicting data or something you'd like to add to the FAQ/Guide...please let me know Happy.  I'll have all of my necessary contact information at the end of this Guide/FAQ

...B ) "Changes from Nexus/Ninebreaker to Last Raven" (00IB0)
With new releases, you get a number of parts, better graphics, new sound f/x...but with the release of Last Raven the most noticable changes would be in the game physics department (namely speed, energy, and heat mechanics).

You'll notice a HUGE differece in the heat this time around.  No longer will you have to sacrifice energy and weight for a massive radiator just to keep from frying by your OWN boosters...which is a major PLUS for jousting.  Most designs can get away with the ANANDA radiator for general use...and most OB heavy jousting designs can as well.

Another big improvment to the game is the engery.  Energy managment is much easier this time around thanks to the increased OUTPUT across the board on the generators.  So...with reduced heat and more energy, OB jousting 100x easier than it was in the Nexus/Ninebreaker games.

Speed is back...big time.  Where talking borderline Silent Line speeds here...all of the boosters got a power upgrade.  Also, there's a new tuning area avaliable to the boosters; ACCELERATION.  Acceleration plays a big role in Last dictates how quickly you can get from 0 km/h to your maximum speed.  Boosters with high acceleration are very nimble and can dodge oncoming fire much easier...which means boosters with lower acceleration values cannot.  Acceleration will play a big role in setting up the jousting its important to plan your booster choice accordingly.

Another integral addition to the game is the ability to destroy parts (NOT WEAPONS ala SL!!).  This addtion will also play a big role in jousting (did you expect any less?).  For example, if your core becomes damaged during a firefight, you become more vulnerable to OD (output down...aka overheating) and damage.  If your legs become busted, your mobility takes a huge cut. lose weapon accuracy. lose radar and all other funcitons.  As in SL, some weapons can break parts easier than the option of making a part busting AC is avaliable to you.

Some other, less important game changes include a new garage setup (now you can store 5 ACs per save), the ability to save replays, more options in the paint shop, and air blade tracking.

II: Jousting Types (0II00)

...A ) "The Pure Jouster" (0IIA0)
Let's start off with the most common and recognized type of jousting AC; the Pure or "Heavy" Jouster.  Pure Jousters were the first type of jousting AC (as far as I know, anyways).  They are very simple in design and play style, which makes them great for people who are getting started in the jousting style.

Basically, you need 2 elements for make a Pure Jouster; an OB core and a "Pure" jousting armament.  The armament is what makes this jouster; its nothing BUT jousting weapons.  Such weapons would include things like bazookas, plasma rifles, grenade launchers...anything that's "hard-hitting" and somewhat inaccurate at mid-long ranges.  The point of the inaccurate weapons is to utilze your OB to get in your opponents face and unleash hell...without the worry of missed shots.  You can think about it this way...pure jousting is just a way to compensate for a weapons horrible accuracy.  Tired of missing shots with that grenade launcher?  Strap on a OB core and make sure that grenade DOESN'T miss!

...B ) The Multi Jouster (0IIB0)
With one simple change, you can turn any "Pure" jouster into a "Multi"  jouster.  The need for FLEXIBILITY is what created the Multi jouster.  As "Pure" jousters are simple, they are also very predictable machines.  Multi jousters, on the other hand, mix up the playing field a bit to keep your opponent guessing and keep you where YOU need to be.

To make a Multi Jouster, all you need is an OB core and atleast ONE jousting-appropriate weapon.  The rest of the armament can be whatever you want it to be...verticle missles, machine guns, pulse rifles...whatever.  The purpose of this is to use...let's say a close-range fighter and still have your jousting option avaliable to you when the time presents itself.  If you can't find an opening to joust, you can fall back on your close-range tactics...thus FLEXIBILITY.  These types of ACs are great to play with...and when paired with the right setup they can be top teir machines.

Something you'll want to keep in mind when desiging a Multi jouster is the the armament mix...cerain weapon are only effective at certain ranges, so you want to pick a jousting weapon that will be of some use at the same range you use your auxilary weapons (or you'll want the mobility to get yourself in and out of the appropriate ranges).

...C ) The Lite Jouster (0IIC0)
"Lite" jousters are the odd ball out of the group of jousters.  In a sense, its not really a "jouster" at all...atleast not in the traditional definition.  These types out jousters became prominent with the introduction of EO (Exceed Orbit) cores in Armored Core 3.  However, they existed before a matter of fact, "Lite" jousters are the ancestors to Pure and Multi jousters since AC1 to ACMoA all had "Normal" type cores and no Over Boost type cores.

The only thing required to make a Lite Jouster is some sort of joustable weapon.  OB isn't required...thus the term "Lite".  Basically, you depend on your boosters to get you within the weapons range.  This usually requires a speedy frame and booster setup, and plenty of back-up/paired firepower.  A good example of this type of setup would be a lightweight hover design using a hand-mounted grenade laucher as its main jousting armament and an EO core to keep the heat on while attaining the specified range for the grenade laucher.

"Lite" jousters are very similar to CQC designs except for the fact that it has a joustable weapon.

...D ) The OB'ing Blade Jouster (0IID0)
OB Bladers are very simple in concept and execution...think of a Multi Jouster setup, then slap on a blade.  However, when blading with an OB unit as your main source of range control, smart energy managment takes top priority.  When designed correctly, OB Bladers can be some of the deadlist jousters around.

III. Jousting Tactics and Styles (III00)

...A ) "General OB Jousting" (IIIA0)
If your going to make a jouster, you need to know the basic maneuvers that go along with the play style.  Without proper knowledge on how and when to use your Over Boost function, how to setup your jousting line, etc...your going to have a hard time jousting.

Basically, your garden-variety OB joust sounds very simple.  Setup your joust line, activate your OB, and bring the firepower to your opponent.  However, to get from point A to point B, its a bit more involved.

There's a Over Boost guide for Last Raven being compiled by a good friend of mine at the Raven's Nest fourms named Blues Mage.  Look it up for detailed information on all the Over Boost cores and the basics of Over Boosting.

......Aa ) "Setting Up The "Joust Line"" (IIIAa)
Before you charge into a joust, you always do one thing beforehand (even if you don't realize it); setup your "Jousting Line".  The jousting line is a direct path to the opponent AC...pretty simple stuff.  However, your opponent (given its a fairly skilled player) will always be on the move, making joust line setup a bit more involved than it sounds.

When setting up your jousting line, there are numerous factors you have to consider.  The opponents evasion skill, mobility (air and ground), its main weapons range, and its CQC potential.  Things that you'll want to consider on your side of the fence are mobility, OB power/heat buildup speed/energy drain, available energy, current heat level, and CQC potential.  Knowing the CQC potential of both ACs is critical, especially if the opponent is running some sort of blade.  If you get stuck at the end of the joust and end up facing the opponent AC in the face, a blade strike can easily shift the outcome of the match to your opponent's favor.  Once you determine most of this information, your ready to setup your joust line.  (Usually, once you get use to jousting, it'll only take you a couple of seconds to get all of the information that you need).

When setting up the "physical" line, one thing that I've come to rely on is the FCS lock-box.  Given you have a lock, you can use the lock symbol to setup your joust line.  On ground fighting, you'll want to keep the lock symbol in the middle of the box as best you can...this will allow you to get a direct line to your opponent fairly easily.  However, given that your opponent is always on the move, you have to plan ahead and "predict" the approximate area where your opponent is going to be, and setup your jousting line accordingly.

Once you get the hang of the jousting line, you'll notice that its not always the best (or easiest) to always use a striaght line.  That's when you have to start learning to "curve" the line to suit your needs at the time.  Strafing is the best way to correct a missed joust line.  But even then your going to miss some joust lines every now and then...and thats where you have to be prepared to either get out of the range of the opponent or get out of your opponents range fighting.  Thus knowing your CQC potential is very important.

......Ab ) ""Hard" & "Soft" OB Startups" (IIIAb)
I've come to realize that there are two types of OB startups during jousting sessions; "Hard" startups and "Soft" startups.

"Hard" startups occur when your running your boosters at the same time you startup your OB.  This results in a huge heat spike due to the constant stress on the radiator from the booster and then a huge heat build-up from the OB.  Once you enter the actual OB state on a Hard startup, your either borderline OD or your already overheating.  However, Hard startups aren't always a big problem if you running a very cooled AC, low heat boosters, or a low heat OB.  It all depends on your setup...and if your AC is prone to Hard statups, be sure to avoid them when it could mess with your jousting line.

"Soft" startups are just the opposite of Hard statup the OB without using the boosters at the same time.  These are the best types of startups for jousting.  However, to do a Soft statup, you usually have to STOP BOOSTING to let the stress on the radiator release.  That leaves you prone to attack and it can also mess with your joust line to the point that you have to abandon it completely.  I usually find myself in bad situations on Soft startups just for those reasons.

Between the two statup types, there really isn't a GOOD or BAD just have to decide which will cause the least amount pain during a match.

...B ) OB Flanking/Counter-Flanking (IIIB0)
A critical maneuver that you'll have to learn while jousting is the flank/counter-flank.  Flanking can be one of the most devastating moves at your disposal...and it can also ruin your day if used against you.

By loose definition, flanking is getting "behind" the opponent.  This is a very vulnerable spot because its almost impossible to dodge attacks from behind and your opponent can't return fire...this really comes in handy at blade ranges.  Flanking also comes in handy when fighting Heavy Weights and Tanks.  Since they have pretty deplorable turning speeds, you can easily get behind them and unleash hell.

Flanking plays in integral role in jousting.  While the head-on approach is the classic jousting maneuver, adding in a flanking maneuver can confuse the opponent as well as giving you that edge of being out of their range of fire.  However, you need a few things to be able to flank well at closer ranges; namely, High Turning Speed...or better yet, Turn Boosters.

To execute a flanking maneuver, you have to setup your jousting line the same way as always.  As soon as your OB activates, you'll want to turn TOWARD your opponent while STRAFING in the direction of your OB line.  You'll have to curve your line a bit to keep as straight as takes practice to master getting your line to go as smooth as possible.  If done correctly, you should have turned about 45-90 degrees from your original position and you should be facing your opponent's side or back.  The next step is fairly attack!  If you decide to implement the Turn Boosters, you don't have to worry about the above directions.  Instead, OB joust as you would with a regular head-on joust, then activate your turn boosters right as you get to your opponent.  Usually, I tend to activate them AFTER I deactivate my OB, if possible.  This reduces the stress on your radiator and your generator as much as possible.

Counter-Flanking is a maneuver you can use if you find that your opponent is continuesly flanking you during a match.  However, the OB isn't usually implemented for counter-flanking.

Basically, when you find yourself in the process of being flanked, what you want to do is boost to the other side of your opponent's joust line.  You have to be very quick and able to read your opponents maneuvers to do this, because usually by the time your opponent has activated it's OB, it'll be too late.  If done correctly, your opponent should be facing where you USED to be, and you should be seeing the side or back of your opponent.  That'll give you a small window to do some damage.

...C ) The OB Sweep (IIIC0)
OB Sweeping is a general maneuver that you'll want to master for just about any type of OB jouster. OB sweeping was sort of derived from the "Head On" OB jousting essecne, until you deliver your armament payload, its performed exactly the same way.

To perform an "OB Sweep", you setup your joust line just as you would in a regular joust session. However, with the OB sweep, instead of going head-on to your opponent and stopping withing CQ range in front of your opponent, you'll want to find an exit that is connected to your joust line. In other words, once you deliver your offensive payload, you keep OB'ing past your opponent, instead of hanging around in CQ. I tend to incorporate my "exit" into my joust line, that way I won't have hurry and find an exit after the joust.

This works particularly well with mid/light as well as fast OB AC setups. Since you can't really afford to take heavy damage at CQ range in a lightweight AC, delivering the offense and getting out of harms way at the same time is a great survival startegy. I use this type of maneuver the most.

...D) Air/Jump Jousting (IIID0)
One of the harder jousting maneuvers that you can use is Air Jousting (jump jousting is a bit different...and easier). Because it involves many different maneuvers into one (all of which will place more stress on your energy and cooling), it can be very hard to pull off sucsessfully. However, with the right setup and enough skill, it can be a very potent maneuver at your disposal.

First, I'll cover Air Jousting. If you haven't figured it out already, its jousting from or in the air. While I wouln't really recommend jousting another opponent thats in the air, it can be done with a certain degree of sucsess. However, the more common approach is to joust your opponent from the air onto the ground. This is a very hard angle for your opponent to defend himself from, making is a great tactic for jousters to utilize. Before you setup for an air jousting session, you'll want to consider a few things about your AC; avaliable energy, current heat levels, and the type of armament your going to joust with. I wouldn't recommend using energy based jousiting weapons for air jousting unless you have a very energy efficient setup. You'll also want lots of avaliable energy to, first, boost into the air and secondly, OB to your opponent. Also, you'll want a very cooled setup...because when your Air Jousting, you'll be doing lots and lots of Hard OB startups. When setting up your joust line, you'll want to make sure that the line will work well enough from the air. Depending on how quickly you can setup your joust line, you can either do it from the ground and then go from there, or you can do it from the air right before you acitvate your OB. If you try the latter, be sure you can setup your joust line in time.

Jump jousting is very similar to Air jousting, except for the fact that you WON'T be using your boosters to gain altitude. In essence, you'll be jumping to gain your altitude, which puts a lot LESS stress on your generator and radiator due to the fact that most of the time you'll be doing lots of Soft OB startups. Jump Jousting works best with Reverse Joint bipeds...and sometimes with some lightweight bipdes. These leg types have the highest jumping height out of all the other legs, and thus they work very well with jump jousting. Basically, you follow the same steps as in Air Jousting, except you have to time your OB activation just right. Usually, you'll want to activate your OB BEFORE your jump...if you time it right, your OB warm-up period will be during you jump, and at the pinicale of the jump, your OB should activate. With some practice, you'll be able to time the jump and the OB activations very easily. Sometimes, however, if your jousting line needs some small corrections to be made AFTER the jump, you'll have to remaneuver yourself in the air BEFORE your OB activates...thus starting in a Hard OB startup...this may happen from time to time, but if you plan your OB jousting line right from the start, you shouldn't run into that senario very often.

..F ) The "One-Hit-Wonder" [OHW] (IIIF0)
The One Hit Wonder (or OHW as I've called it in the past) isn't necessarily a jousting style, per say. It's more of a tactic you can employ using the wonderous LARGE Missle Weapon Arms (I can't think of their name right now null ). Anywho, I developed this tactic back in Armored Core 3: Silent Line, when these arms where first introduced. They have two (2) firing modes: Dual Launcher and Quad Launch (for the OHW purposes, I use Quad Launch). Basically, if you can get in your opponent's face and unleash 4 TITAN missles at the same time (in such a way that they CANNOT dodge them), then you've pretty much one the match with one offensive run...thus "One-Hit-Wonder". Of course, that amount of damage that you can inflict will depend on your opponents AP/Defense, energy levels, and cooling efficiency, but in most cases its a very detrimental hit in your favor.

Most OHW designs work well on very speedy desings (I've had lots of sucsess with hovers in this area). You'll want to utilize high speed/acceleration OB units, and a very fast missle lock FCS. Since these missle take a VERY LONG TIME to obtain a lock, its crucial that you use a fast missle lock FCS and high speed/acceleration OB. If you do not utilize such things, you'll find yourself not being able to OB joust the missles effective...or at all.

All in all, the OHW is a very hard tactic to use...and I wouldn't really recommend it for tournaments or serious human versus combats...but its a lot of fun to use against the computer opponents, and you can use it against a human for kicks.

IV: Useful Jousting Support Techniques (0IV00)

...A ) Close Quarters Combat (0IVA0)
Close Quarters Combat (aka "CQC" or "CQ") is the term used for AC combat that takes place within very close ranges of each opponent. A good CQ AC uses weapons such as shotguns, laser blades, rockets, etc...which inflict the most damages or are easier to use at very short ranges. CQC can play a very important role in a jouster...since they often find themselves in CQ range after an OB joust, some sort of protection (in this case, offensive protection) can really help. Blades tend to be my favorite CQ weapons, especially for jousters because its a quick, and often very painful, way of protecting your AC. Also, many CQ weapons also make great jousting weapons, which means you don't necessarily have to alter your jousting armament to include a CQ weapon.

I really like the combination of jousters and CQ Acs...they make for very flexible setups, which is key when it comes to jousting.

...B ) Rushing (0IVB0)
Rushing is a great way to put and KEEP pressure on your opponent. Its simialr to CQC in that you'll be in close range to your opponent for the majority of a match. The difference is in the way you maneuver and attack your opponent, and also the frequency of the attack and the amount of pressure you apply to your opponent.

Rushing also has a lot to do with the weapons that are used. Basically, an ideal rushing weapons would be something like an energy shotgun, a bazooka, dual MG's, etc. Rushers also employ high-speed Acs, which allows them range control...another crucial aspect of rushing.

A rusher is an AC that keeps on the opponent's AC and unloads a mountain of non-stop, offensive barrages (think about the top-ranked AC's in past games and that's sort of what I'm trying to say). They stay on you the entire match, not giving you a moments notice to get away or retailiate with some degree of sucsessfullness. These types of opponents are a pain to fight against just because of the sheer speed and brutality of the attacks...which makes it a perfect tactic to use alongside a jouster ( null ).

...C ) The "Circle of Doom" [CoD] (0IVC0)
Another basic tactic you can use to go alongside jousting is the Circle of Doom (I've affectionally called it the CoD). The CoD is sort of a combination of rushing and flanking. The basic idea is to stay on the opponent's blind side (usually either on top of them, on either side, or behind them) and attack. If you haven't figured it out already, the basic maneuver you do throughout this tactic is stay in a circle formation around your opponent. The best range to stay at is mid close range, its almost impossible to stay next to your opponent and at longer ranges the tactic pretty much becomes useless (you opponent can easy thwart you flanking attempts). The whole idea is to keep the fire off of your AC while keeping the fire on the opponent...the circle formation allows you to keep your opponent guessing which direction your going and which direction you will go. This tactic works especially well against slow moving AC's like tanks and HW's.

V: Effective Jousting Part Combinations (00V00)

...A ) Frame Design (00VA0)
Besides your armament, the most important aspect of jouster design is the frame. In terms of stats, there are a few precious ones that you need to consider:
- Energy Supply/Refresh Rate
- Cooling/Heat Resistance
- OB Speed/Acceleration/Heat/Energy Drain
- Turing Speed

Obviously, other stats like AP, defense, boost speed, etc. are also very important, but you want to be sure that the above stats are within acceptable parameters.

First off, the generator is the lifeline of the AC, not to mention the OB function. OB will eat up a lot of energy in a small space of time, so its critical that you have lots of avaliable energy. Of course, this is all gonna depend on your OB/Generator/Radiator setup as well as the extra parts that eat energy and dispell heat (energy weapons, boosters, etc.). I'll cover some useful BGR (Booster/Generator/Radiator) setups in the next section.

Another integral part of designing the frame of a jousting AC is to consider cooling/heat resistance. Most of the cooling power of your AC is gonna come form the radiator, the rest comes from the frame parts that you will use, tuning (cooling stat), the calorific value of your generator, and the MARISHI cooling optional part. You do not want an AC that fries under the heat of its own boosters...if that turns out to be the case, you may want to look over you BGR setup. If you can boost and gain little or not heat from use of you boosters, you should be good. I'll cover the radiator aspect in the next section.

When choosing an OB core to use for jousting, it really all depends on the type of AC frame your using and the weapons you've added to that frame. There are OB cores that have high power/acceleration, but they put out lots of heat and they eat up tons of energy. There are others that have relatively small amount of power/acceleration, but they don't put out that much heat and they won't eat up energy quite as fast as the more powerful OB cores. Also, you'll want to consider the other stats of the OB core that your using...cooling, AP, defense, energy drain, etc. So, basically, when it comes to OB core choice, you really have to step back and figure out what your looking for in terms of stats and OB speed/acceleration/energy drain/heat output. If your looking for a detail guide on all of the OB cores in Last Raven, I'd suggest taking a look at Blues Mage's OB Whoring 101 Guide (

Turing speed is important, especially if your running anything bigger than a middleweight. This will be the determing factor in flanking...if its too low, you WON'T be able to flank very all (or at all) and your opponent may flank you unmercifully. Unless your good at counter-flanking, this is something that you'll want to consider when designing a frame. Lightweights usually don't much of a problem with turning speed, but sometimes you'll want to make double sure...and you can do that a few ways: Tune for weight on your frame parts to make you AC lighter, use a high-powered booster, use the ANOKU turn booster extenstions, and/or use the CODON optional part. Using one, all, or a combination of them can increase your turning speed.

Someother important things that you'll want to consider during frame design stability (defensive, and landing if your doing lots of air jousting), and radar. Stability is the amount of stun your AC can absorb before its "stunned" into position. This stat really effects Reverse Joints the most because they have the worst natrual stability stats out of all of the leg classes. A good way to remedy this the best way you can is to use a head part that has a high stabilitly rating or use the 069SS optianl part. As for radar, I don't personlly care too much how "good" my radar is...some people do, however. Things you might want to consider when looking for a good radar are refresh rate, radar range, energy drain, and weight. Again, I don't necessarily find the radar to be all that important, but other I thought I'd mention it in the guide.

...B ) B/G/R Setup (00VB0)
Most of these setups are fraily common, and for a good reason...there good. Others aren't quite as common because they are specialized for jousting...experiment around and ask others about good BGR setups. Also note that I'm not putting tunes in...I figure tuning is a personal preference most of the times and most of these setups will work just fine with your own tunes.
- G91/ANANDA/VULTURE2 – This is probably the one BGR combo that you'll run into the most. Its well rounded, allowing it to go on just about any desing without problem. Good cooling, good energy, good speed...there aren't any flaws with this setup.
- FUDOH/ANANDA/GULL – This is a pretty solid jousting BGR setup, but it also works very well with a number of setups. The excellent capacity and low calorific value of the FUDOH goes along very well with the average cooling/low energy drain/low weight of the ANANDA...and add that to the GULL's excellent power and effeciency (its heat output is offseted by the FUDOH's low calorific value) and you've got a powerhouse setup.
- KONGOH/ANANDA/BIRDIE2 – I consider this to be a good setup for flutter jousters...its got a super-refreshing generator and an effecint booster...again, this should work well on most flutter jousters.
- LOTUS(G69)/ANANDA/GULL – This is yet another setup that's great for flutter jouster (also great for lightweight bipeds in general). The LOTUS doesn't have a huge capacity bank, but its refresh is pretty good, and it has a very low calorific value. The ANANDA (along with the low calorific value) quells the GULL's high boost heat.
- KUJAKU/R92/B81 – This combo, I've found, works fairly well with air jousters and jump jousters. Even with the extra cooling of the R92 and the low heat output of the B81's, you still have to be very weary of the KUJAKU's insane calorific value. If you can handle it, it proves to be quite the powerhose generator, and that comes in handy during jousting sesstions. This combo is quite heavy'll also want to consider it would be a good idea to tune the KUJAKU's weight to 100%.
- G84P/ANANDA/VULTURE2 – This is very similar to the G91/ANANDA/VULTURE2, but you get a good bit more refresh from the G84P. This is good for any number of designs, as well as jousters.

I'm not gonna use anymore BGR setups for now...I may update with more setups later. Until then, go through these setups and see how you like them...also, be sure to experiment with your own setups, because there are a lot out there that will work very well.

...C ) Jousting Weapons (00VC0)
This is a bit of information Tekka posted over at The Raven's Nest...I'm gonna quote his post in this guide since it'll work just as well as what I might type up...(yea, I know...I'm lazy null ):
The top weapons of choice are as followed for jousting. I'll also post their velocites.
CR-WR93B3 : 980
CR-WH05BP : 980
WR13B-GIANT : 950
WR17B-GIANT2 :1000 *ouch
CR-WR81G : 900 * nasty but not as accurate.
CR-WR93RL :1090 * setups up awesome blade strike
CR-WH05RLA :1090 *see above
CR-WR93HNRP :1000 *mad stun if you have good aim
CR-WR84HNR : 940 * see above
SYAKATSURA : ?!!! * man the tracker missiles work wonders for jousters. They can keep your opponent busy while you push your ATK.
Those are all great right arm weapons that you can use for jousting, in fact, those are probably the best right arm weapons you can use for jousting. Some others that I would like to recommend for the right arm are (sorry, I don't have the weapon veolocties on hand. Check your local AC forums for weapon velocities):
- CR-WR88G2
- KRSW (on the right setup, that is)
- OGRE2 (this thing induces an insane amount of heat and damage)
- ORC (and its hangerable!)
- ETTIN (insanly innacurate and energy hungry...but on a specialized design it can kick major ass)
Parry Blades [all of them] (hard to use...but totally worth it if you can make the work).
As for every other catergory of weapons, here are some of my recommendations:
Left Arm:
- Any of the laser blades
- Any of the wave laser blades
- WH05BP
- WL95G
- NICHIRIN (flamethrower)
- 88HNR, 95HNNR
Back-Mounted Units:
- SYAKATSURA (as suggested by Tekka)
- 75MT
- 91MB/94MB2
- 85MPX (large missle)
- Any of the rockets, especially the SPHINX
- 75SG/82SG2
- Any of the Linear Cannons
- Any of the Rail Guns (LADON/LADON2)
- Any of the Grenade Launchers
- Any of the Plasma Cannons/Laser Cannons
- ECHINDA (dual back unit)
- Both dual rocket launchers
- 98LX (uber mega god cannon)
Inside Units:
- I69BD/I80BD2
- I69R/I78R2

VI: Example Jousting Designs (0VI00)

These designs (except for the last one) are products are of the person named above the designs. DO NOT COPY THESE DESIGNS AND CLAIM THEM FOR YOUR OWN! However, I'm sure they would not mind if you used/cited them in jousting discussions...just be sure to credit the desingers first.


EOS (2W, 3CL, 5ED)
A standard GL jouster. I find the best way o use this AC is to just try and empty out the GL as quickly as possible and dump it. Try to keep opponets locked with the GL from behind cover as much as possible. When you think you can get a good hit OB out of cover and fire.

EYE3 (4CL, 6ED)
EOS (2W, 3CL, 5ED)
G91 (7OP, 3CC)
OP-screens, EC, 79L+, MARISHI, R+, KISSYOH
Works like the one above. An alternative to this AC would be to use the LEMUR arms, BOAR2, MAGNOLIA, exchange the EC for CODON, and switch the RA2 to either SHADE2 or mini-Sawa.

EYE3 (5CL, 5SD)
UL (5CL, 5SD)
HM (neo-Petal) (4CL, 5SD, 1MLW)
G78 (8OP, 2CC)
OP-screens, STAB, EC, 79L+, MARISHI, R+, KISSYOH
Pretty simple. Just ground boost into range and use the OB to get in the air quickly and joust with the B2. Use the OB again to get behind some cover or if the heat is still low keep going on the offensive. If you don't empty out the B2 before the legs break just drop it and use the handguns.

Amino, ES, L+, Marishi, Codon
Well this my jouster not exactally tourney legal but makes good use of all linear weapons and the BP for more punch all you do is ob and keep shooting hopefully stunning your opponent really good and keep the pressure on until the energy reaches the redzone then you deactivate the OB and attack normally

~ AC Design Information ~
C.W.I. AC Production Code: VDS-01E-MJB
Description: 1st Generation, Middleweight OB Jouster/Blader
AC Status: Experimental
Previous Versions: None
Date Created: 09.10.06
Last Update: 09.21.06
Approx. Build Time: 2 hrs.
~ AC Part Layout Map ~
Frame: LONGHORN | EOS | A72F | LH89F
>>>Frame Tunes: 7,0,0,3,0 | 0,0,0,10,0 | 0,4,0,6,0 | 0,0,0,4,6
Internal/Aux.: VULTURE2 | F73H | G84P | ANANDA | -x- | RM2
>>>Internal Tunes: 0,6,4 | N/A | 0,6,4 | 0,0,10 | N/A | N/A
Armament: SATYROS | -x- | 93RL | LB3
Hanger: -x- | -x-
Optional: AMINO, 069ES, 069SS, 071EC, 079L+, MARISHI
This is a middleweight jouster....pretty basic, actually. The frame is very energy efficient, giving me lots of room to abuse the EOS. The basic strategy is....joust! That's all there is to it really null .

VII: Credits (VII00)

This is always the hardest part of the guide null . There are sooooooo many people I should thank, and I'm gonna try to get as many as I can (also note, these AREN'T in any particular order null ).
Tekka, for the help with the highly suggested jousting parts, the jousting designs, and all-around excellent knowledge of the AC games.
REDRUMMURDER & I-70GS-2 for their example jousting designs.
Rachis, Maker, Blues Mage, Orion, and the rest of the Forgotten gang for their help with jousting and general AC knowledge.
Blues Mage for his work on the OB Whoring 101 FAQ...that really comes in handy null .
The Raven's Nest, Armored Core Online, and Armored Core Archive for the awsome forums and the great discussions.
And the 100's of other close friends and AC community members whom I've forgotten....THANKS A TON GUYS!! I wouldn't have been able to do it without your help!
Be on the lookout for an AC4 Jousting Guide!!!

VIII: Other Information/Disclaimer (VIII0)

First off, a disclaimer:
DO NOT reproduce, copy, or claim this work for your own without the permission of the author (That'd be me...see contact information below). You MAY post this guide/FAQ on your forum/website as long as you first ask permission and credit all of the work to me (and the other contributors).

Contact Information:
Name: Brett "Mechadon" Harrell
AIM: Pyromechadon (I'm on every now and then...try to contact my via email first).
Forums I frequent:


09.21.06 – Finished the rest of the guide in one day. HOORAY!!
07.26.06 - Moving kinda slow today...finished "OB Flanking/Counter-Flanking" and I did a bit of editing...that's it. I'm gonna get get some food now....
07.21.06 - Finished last two sections in the "Jousting Types" section, "General OB Jousting", "Setting Up the Joust Line", and "Hard and Soft OB Startups". I also added a cool little thing where you can copy/paste a code in the Table of Contents beside a certain topic in the "Find" tab in WordPad to take the reader to a particular section.
07.20.06 - I'm at the point to where I think I've finally figured out Last Raven enough to start the guide. I've finished the Opening Comments and the first two sections to the "Jousting Types" section. I added a section to the "Jousting Tactics and Styles" section under "General OB Jousting" called "Hard and Soft OB startup". Oh...also, I added another section at the end of the GUIDE/FAQ called "Other Information/Disclaimer". Basically, it'll be contact info...and a disclaimer. Yup.
01.25.06 - Since the public release that AGETEC was doing Last Raven for the US, The Forgotten guys have decided to do one huge FAQ. Maker and Blues will cover their specialties while I will cover jousting. To date, I have created the layout for the FAQ and now I'm awaiting some ahead-of-schedule information to use. Oh....yea, and I guess I'm waiting for the game to come out too.

"I reject reality and substitue my own"
Awesome! This should be of great help to those who find OB fun. Big grin
ahaha there... instead of the link get the real thing eh grimlok!
<a href='' target='_blank'>Heaven Sword</a><br><br>Kensaya Blades<br><img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image'><br><br><img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image'><img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image'><br><br>Impossible is not a fact, its an opinion. Impossible is nothing. Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in a world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it.<br><br>I learned it is the weak who are cruel, and that gentleness is to be expected only from the strong. - Leo Rosten<br><br>Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it. - Lou Holtz
hey... the guide's truncated... can you post the other half here? thanks Smile
Is it practical to joust ETTIN? Haha! Di kasi kapansin-pansin yung malaking "kamay" na yun eh XD
Overboost kamikaze attack Ninja
Yeah, after the move some of the longer posts were cut. I'll have to find a way to restore them eventually, but it's not an immediate concern right now. Tongue

Besides, Mechadon's jousting guide is pretty well known. I think GameFAQs has a copy up.
(12-14-2010, 11:00 PM)darkdragon_ycart22 Wrote: Is it practical to joust ETTIN? Haha! Di kasi kapansin-pansin yung malaking "kamay" na yun eh XD

ETTIN is used for blowing the bishop up. Your AC should be toggling an arm shield repeatedly in order to charge teh spirits.
(12-15-2010, 03:37 PM)Goat Wrote:
(12-14-2010, 11:00 PM)darkdragon_ycart22 Wrote: Is it practical to joust ETTIN? Haha! Di kasi kapansin-pansin yung malaking "kamay" na yun eh XD

ETTIN is used for blowing the bishop up. Your AC should be toggling an arm shield repeatedly in order to charge teh spirits.

This will mean more if you can actually see it in action.
Not sure if I've linked this anywhere here. But it's a great start for people who want to learn to OB. Done in SL, but still very applicable in LR.


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