Current time: 02-20-2025, 10:11 AM
AC3p Discussion
Port of the original PS2 game
(10-01-2009, 12:35 PM)Doom Trigger Wrote: Armored core 3 Decrypted

No need guys, done for you already..

Yeah. I'm already getting the file, just a few more minutes and I'll finallly get a taste of this game. Drool
Yep, it definitely works, here are some screenies:

[Image: snap002y.png]
[Image: snap003d.png]
[Image: snap004l.png]
[Image: snap005y.png]
[Image: snap006x.png]
[Image: snap007.png]
[Image: snap008f.png]

I haven't found the new guy yet in the arena (the one with the new head), perhaps he's an "unlockable" like the other rankers.

Anyway, I still have to play Ar Tonelico 2 and Persona 4, dammit, games are stacking up

OT: Gran Turismo has also been decrypted BTW, but you need to upgrade to GEN-B to play it for now
[Image: nines.jpg]
Fantastic! Bert, post your screenshots too. Big grin
Aren't your fingers broken yet?
Some screencaps:

[Image: 20091001045946.png]

I don't remember seeing this guy in the arena.

[Image: 20091001050013.png]

Mission Briefing. You'll recognize your mission briefings by just looking at the pictures if you've wasted too much time playing AC3 before.

[Image: 20091001050040.png]

Oh, and don't bother reading the mail.

[Image: 20091001050426.png]
(10-01-2009, 05:08 PM)Goat Wrote: I don't remember seeing this guy in the arena.

[Image: 20091001050013.png]

IIRC, that's Castor, the one you fight in Disable Radar Equipment mission. (the only mission where you can get Valkyrie as your consort)

(10-01-2009, 04:29 PM)NiX Wrote: Aren't your fingers broken yet?

Not yet lol IMO, the default control layout is pretty usable, but PS2 controls are still better
"New" Part: (Arena D prize, I don't know which rank, but presumably around D-3 to D-1, since I went straight from 3 to 1 without going out of the arena IIRC X_X)

[Image: snap009.png]
[Image: snap010.png]

I hope they didn't add any hidden parts in a mission
W00T, triple posting
"New" Part (obtained after getting to C-10 in the arena arena)

[Image: snap011y.png]
[Image: snap012.png]

[Image: nines.jpg]
I finally got to try it out.


Its AC again! Big grin After all the time AC4 and FA have been around, its nice to see a throwback to what really feels like AC. AC3P runs very smooth with no slowdown or hicups, and it feels like a perfect port of AC3 in all respects. Goat mentions that later missions the game can slow to a crawl, so I'll have to look out for that. The garage interface uses the LR type garage with the part thumbnails on the side, making garage navigation user-friendly.

The controls take a bit of getting used to especially with the new placement of the look up and down buttons. I myself am having a hard time adjusting, though others like Goat seem to have adapted quickly. Overall, the whole new control scheme was a bit clunky, but necessary due to the limited buttons on the PSP, and the default controller configuration is prolly the most optimal given the PSP's constraints.


As it is a direct port of AC3, there were no stat changes whatsoever. Not even the balance or improvements made by the time SL and NX was created (Lock-on EOs and other stat changes), none of which were implemented. The RF/220 still has a WS lock and is still too good for its weight LOL.

One other thing that bothered me was the lockbox drifting outside the screen, which was a problem that plagued the PS1 generation of AC games but have been resolved since ht PS2 generation of AC titles. You'd think From could have gotten away with this by giving the players a wider screen to play with on the PSP, but unfortunately it still doesn't work out. The AC's lockbox still goes outside of the screen when making sharp turns in order to catch opponents who go off screen.

Part stats are entirely in Japanese unlike in the original JPN version of AC3 where all the stats were in English.

Pretty much. The lag is also annoying, since it keeps delaying any action you'd want for your AC. The good thing is that is doesn't lag as much as FF. It only lags if there are too many enemies, particles, etc. Possibly the reason why they made the sprites of the small missile launchers' projectiles simpler, compared to FF.

Anyway, everything is pretty much the same here, the AI programming; the Underground Factory AI glitch.

[Image: 20091001101317.png]

[Image: 20091001101329.png]

Like in AC3, most of your AI opponents tend to stick in that place and will keep boosting/jumping (will also shoot or blade you if possible) and will most likely get stuck. I won unscathed by just standing in one place.
^I wasn't aware of that glitch o.o
Another Part (Reach B-2 arena)
[Image: snap013.png]
[Image: snap014.png]
[Image: nines.jpg]
I'm also havin a hard tym controling my AC.. But damn, this game sure is fun as hell!
This is also a punishment for you.
You will be the defender of justice and wear a mask forever,
you won't be able to live as yourself.
You will sacrifice all your happiness for the world.. Eternally..
(Last words to Zero - Lelouch Vi Britania)
Controls won't seem to be able to work for competitive play because the compressed buttons of the PSP significantly slow down reaction time, specially when the pilot needs to execute multiple actions at the same time like using extensions or dropping weapons while boosting.


Easy Mode: Irshell 3.0

"- Allow use of PC Joysticks or keyboards instead of PSP keypad to control iR Shell, UMD Games or homebrews via USB or WiFi. You can even use the 2nd analog nub on a PC joystick to control the game, such as aiming in a FPS."

perhaps I misunderstood what this meant. but the videos showed someone controlling the psp with an xbox controller. so I thought the same could be done with a ps2 controller instead...

(You need the PSP to be connected to a PC tho)

Hard Mode:
I've been experimenting on the Irshell thing and in theory it should work with any game controller provided that it has a proper input configuration for the PC. PS3 controllers connected via USB to a PC can work as well. I still haven't gotten it to work with my USB controller though but I'm tinkering with it.

Other things I've noticed: Boost fluttering doesn't seem to work anymore, and the gravity physics seem to be LR-ish except for the walking movement of ACs.
If you get that USB thing to work, I am buying a PSP.

CD-R King has PS2-to-USB adapters if you want to use your actual dual shock 2 as a USB controller.
I kinda noticed that MTs are a bit more tenacious than before. Maybe it's just me
[Image: nines.jpg]
Maybe the controls just suck. LOL

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