Current time: 03-12-2025, 03:47 AM
FA Discussion
I'm all new to this. Having not played an AC title in a dedicated manner for months, and the last time I played AC4 was only for a couple of weeks last year, so I'm really feeling that this is a totally new game.

While I'm still playing the single player aspect of the game, I'm already looking into some of the weapons for competitive purposes (I'll go into the frame parts soon but I just love the way the HILBERT parts and the TELLUS core look together, so I'll stick with that for single player for now). But before that, from what I understand the MELEE ABILITY stat is the new "size of lock box" stat right? And the FCS with the arm accuracy determine the "lock speed" of your weapons? Does arm accuracy play a role this time? Since the PS2 titles have this as an almost negligible stat.

From what I've been reading around RH, there a couple of impressions that people there have gotten after playing 4A:

Blading is very easy now as of 1.2. Lunges can start from far away and easily close the distance. Homing is pretty good, but its not totally impossible to dodge blades.

Assault Armor has become a big factor in close combat, as it removes PA for both players, allowing CQ specialized ACs to gain an advantage with their closer ranged, high DPS weapons.

There exists a couple of overpowered weapons in the form of the 063 ANAR assault rifles (I could be mistaken, it could be he 053 ANNR, but anyway I'm referring to the 1.3K MV assault rifle with 480 ammo) and the PHACT backmount railguns. These two weapons overshadow the same weapons in their class as they all have superior muzzle velocities and ammo capacity. The 063 ANAR has too much ammo and has the best muzzle velocity of all the regular rifles while having comparable rates of fire, the PHACT on the other hand outclasses all the back mount sniper cannons for lesser weight and greater accuracy for the same ammo and roughly same damage (they do drain a lot more though).

Online play is rather borken with teleporting bladers due to a supposed bug in the netcode. Competitive weapons include the aforementioned weapons earlier, and a lot of bladers.

Anyway, I'll hold off my comments until I get all of the parts in the game first, these are just some of the things being observed and can change in time.

On a side note, I am rather disappointed in the rather easy Arms Fort battles. I expected more twists in fighting them as opposed to the straightforward "keep shooting" or sneak in and shoot their weakpoint that I've been doing. AF Great Wall for example, could have been a way epic battle if:

First, they require you to disable its long range guns, after which it will start deploying its land forces through its various hatches. After it starts deploying its land forces will only be the time where the rear hatch of Great Wall will be accessible. By the time you reach the accessible opening and start sneaking in, Great Wall separates into its 4 different sections after disabling the 1st section, requiring the player to to sneak into each of the mobile sections, while constantly being under fire from MT forces on the ground and gun batteries from each separated section. After destroying 3 of the 4 sections' power source, the last one tries to make a break for it and the player will have to chase it down in order to finish the mission.

As it stands, Great Wall just requires you to sneak from the opening of its rear section and work your way to the front of the AF to destroy its engines.

Pretty much, there is no twist that comes with every AF battle. Everything in the end just seems the same. They are fun to look and destroy though, but its just too easy to destroy them as it currently stands. Its a shame really considering how hyped the AF battles were.

I've read that fighting AFs under older regulations in hard mode provides some challenge as EN is much more limited in older regs. I have yet to try this though.
I haven't been in this place in a long time. Anyway I'm still trying to defeat all four ACs. I'll let you know if I come up with something lol.
"Stand tall, shake the Heavens"

Back of case of "Xenogears"
BTW, am I the only one who got the copy of acfa without the in mission voice overs? This sucks most of the mission drama as you could expect...
This is also a punishment for you.
You will be the defender of justice and wear a mask forever,
you won't be able to live as yourself.
You will sacrifice all your happiness for the world.. Eternally..
(Last words to Zero - Lelouch Vi Britania)
You don't hear the dialogue during missions? That's odd...
"May those who accept their fate find happiness. May those who defy their fate find glory."
they need to come up with a patch where you can use your own design during coop. I totally dislike these set designs they provide.
"Stand tall, shake the Heavens"

Back of case of "Xenogears"
I don't think I understand you black flame. I mean I've been using my own design every time we play coops. What do you mean set designs??
@fox: hmm, so I am the only one.. I'll try something realy radical l8er. Hopefully this issue will resolve itself.
This is also a punishment for you.
You will be the defender of justice and wear a mask forever,
you won't be able to live as yourself.
You will sacrifice all your happiness for the world.. Eternally..
(Last words to Zero - Lelouch Vi Britania)
this is proof i haven't had xbox live in a long time lol.
"Stand tall, shake the Heavens"

Back of case of "Xenogears"
I know this is totally unlike me but ... WANT!!! Big grinOMO: clown zephyr I must finish designing her XD Domo

Says the guy who designed a lightweight machine that packs the largest fething cannon in the entire game...

Effective, yes but really ungainly-looking. The unfolded grenade launcher looks even bigger than the NEXT itself.
"May those who accept their fate find happiness. May those who defy their fate find glory."
okay na weapons load out pero ung tuning and frame medyo kilangan pang ayusin IMO ehehe and the paint job ah yes the paint job XD

*Is saving enough money for a brand-new PS3* Jason

Requesting someone to post/PM me my "CannonFodder" schematics if you have enough time! You know who j00 are! I'll need to use it on my uncle's PS3 atm.

I can't even remember the parts by image, except for the legs. Sad
Yeah, I'll post both your designs by tomorrow hopefully Tongue
i think i'll be playing some AC today... i'm really feeling it.
"Stand tall, shake the Heavens"

Back of case of "Xenogears"
well actually ung design na nakasave beta version palang un pero yeah it works out LOL


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