Current time: 03-12-2025, 03:35 AM
FA Discussion

Worship: UBISOFT!!!!
Time for the US to suit up!

Is the US release or Europe Release?
"Stand tall, shake the Heavens"

Back of case of "Xenogears"
it was rumored to be released on september 9th or 16th

i guess i have to celebrate the arrival of FA at the same time as i wore my first birthday suit
i can't wait!!
"Stand tall, shake the Heavens"

Back of case of "Xenogears"
Its set for a 09/18/08 release in the US...

We fools here in the islands may have to give it a little time before we see any copies.
"May those who accept their fate find happiness. May those who defy their fate find glory."
gonno pick up the game next week!! putting a reserve on it tomorrow!!! I think I'm gonno walk so I can lose weight.. gonno condition for paintball LOL!
"Stand tall, shake the Heavens"

Back of case of "Xenogears"
has anyone got the game already?
atdsutm Wrote:has anyone got the game already?
we do...... since march pa Chair
Ninja Ninja 
English version? No one yet, as far as I know. A lot of people have the Japanese version though.
[All systems online. Kojima output normal. Synchronizing AMS Compatibility... Done. Engaging Primal Armor... Done. All systems green. Firing main boosters.]
"Blackwing, let's fly!!"
I got it!! I got For Answer!! holy crap I didn't sleep till 4 am lastnight playing it!!
"Stand tall, shake the Heavens"

Back of case of "Xenogears"
@Blackflame: lucky for you dude(envy).

I'm just DL-ing it now for xb360, it'l be completed(hopefully) tom. BTW blackflame what did you get when you converted your ac4 file?
This is also a punishment for you.
You will be the defender of justice and wear a mask forever,
you won't be able to live as yourself.
You will sacrifice all your happiness for the world.. Eternally..
(Last words to Zero - Lelouch Vi Britania)
Doom Trigger Wrote:I'm just DL-ing it now for xb360, it'l be completed(hopefully) tom.
Get a PS3 NOW!!!
So we can start making mecha-pron videos (AC4FA style) LOL

Domo Domo Domo
Ninja Ninja 
Just finished burning the disk.. Can't w8 to try it out.

Get a PS3 NOW!!!
So we can start making mecha-pron videos (AC4FA style)

W8 lng ah, ng iipon p nga eh!
This is also a punishment for you.
You will be the defender of justice and wear a mask forever,
you won't be able to live as yourself.
You will sacrifice all your happiness for the world.. Eternally..
(Last words to Zero - Lelouch Vi Britania)
lol someone got infected by the goat virus LOL


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