Current time: 02-20-2025, 10:50 AM
The Disappointed Raven Copypasta/Discussion Thread
So I found this troll really funny. Thanks goat and serene for the heads up. Discuss the truth in his erudite prose in this thread! In the meantime, I will troll it and create standard trollspeak for your favorite sites.

Q: What weapon will you choose?

The Last Raven Wrote:From here.

depends on your opponent......that`s all i can`t simply judge the AC`s depend on the pilot....which is skillful enough.......but most of them i face are like ####(AI).......and some real opponent.....but i haven`t face you all.......which i comment your skill yet.....

one more thing.......the RAVEN REPUBLIC........most of their design.......are awfull suck.......except yours goating......some of your trick might be useful to me........but others.....i tried already most of them suck........what the point.......they only depend on speed and defense.......all come on........why they can`t use their heads properly!?!?!?don`t forget we human got skills meaning we can evade any shot easily.....but those freak only know to stand there any stupit is that!?!?!......
they all talk so the end turn out soooo POOR!......and they don`t ven know how to dodge a blue pulverizer cahger cannon using they really suck of the suck
even that also cannot poor... Hmm Hmm Hmm Ermm Ermm im disappointed to them their skill are awfully lacking...really dissapointed to them ALOT!!!!!! >Sad >Sad >Sad >Sad >Sad >Sad >Sad >Sad >Sad >Sad >Sad >Sad >Sad >Sad
Fix'd version.

one more thing.......the RAVEN REPUBLIC........most of their design.......are awfull suck.......except yours Troll......some of your trick might be useful to me........but others.....i tried already most of them suck........what the point.......they only depend on stupidity and cannot spell.......all come on........why they can`t use their heads properly!?!?!?don`t forget we troll got skills meaning we can evade any intelligence easily.....but those freak only know to stand there any stupit is that!?!?!......

they all talk so the end turn out soooo L337!......and they don`t ven know how to dodge a blue pulverizer cahger cannon using they really suck of the suck
even that also cannot get L337... Hmm Hmm Hmm :Ermm: :Ermm: im gay for them their skill are awfully lacking...really gay for them ALOT!!!!!! >Sad >Sad >Sad
I'm BORED. Create your own standard troll copypasta!

Tekken version.

one more thing.......the TEKKEN ZAIBATSU........most of their juggles.......are awfull suck.......except yours Jinpachi......some of your trick might be useful to me........but others.....i tried already most of them suck........what the point.......they only depend on frame trap and juggle.......all come on........why they can`t use their heads properly!?!?!?don`t forget we human got skills meaning we can block any attack easily.....but those freak only know to stand there any stupit is that!?!?!......
they all talk so the end turn out soooo POOR!......and they don`t ven know how to dodge a frame trap using Steve the they really suck of the suck
even that also cannot poor... Hmm Hmm Hmm :Ermm: :Ermm: im disappointed to them their skill are awfully lacking...really dissapointed to them ALOT!!!!!! >Sad >Sad >Sad
I think my brain just broke trying to make sense of your posts, Miss Apple.

Edit: But yes, that troll is funny.
Hahaha nice post. LOL Excellent grammar too. LOL
Darn... Apple's having fun.

And the "word(?)" 'stupit' has been added to my intended typos dictionary alongside Borken and Honry
Honry Goat, taht stupit men, i think his hed b0rken....!!!!!!!!!!!!!

rofl. Miss Apple, you pwn. xD
>_< Im highly allergic to stuff like that never got beyond the first 3 lines ... my eyes couldn't handle it.

its so early in the morning and Im already having a migraine...

Ravens on the friendster boards are actually pissed off because of him, though I'm sure why he hasn't flamed me...

It's probably because of this.

Am I being an elitist prick by saying I wouldn't want all of these guys on our boards? Maybe some... but not all. >_<

Sayang. Mga Pinoy pa naman.

Disappointed indeed.
Oo elitista na kung elitista, pero nakakahiya talaga sila. LOL
Holy Week troll version. Remember to be good little Catholics the next few days! Smile My expert knowledge comes from my weird old Filipino relatives.

one more thing.......the FILIPINO CATHOLICS........most of their devotion.......are awfull suck.......except yours Opus Dei......some of your trick might be useful to me........but others.....i tried already most of them suck........what the point.......they only depend on donation and superficial words.......all come on........why they can`t use their heads properly!?!?!?don`t forget we human got skills meaning we can put action behind our prayers easily.....but those freak only know to stand there any stupit is that!?!?!......
they all talk so the end turn out soooo HYPOCRITICAL!......and they don`t ven know how to pray the correct mysteries and Hail Holy Queen using they really suck of the suck
even that also cannot act on empty poor... Hmm Hmm Hmm :Ermm: :Ermm: im disappointed to them their skill are awfully lacking...really dissapointed to them ALOT!!!!!! >Sad >Sad >Sad >Sad >Sad

- signed, Jeebus

Try reading hs last post..

[quote]okok is get not simply judge your skill....lolz and my englisgh not suck.....i get 90 an above in my just that im suck at typing in keyboard..... [quote]

Astig ka boy! What knid of english lessons do they give these kids there.
This kid's basically an insult to malaysians.
He gave up too soon. That sucks.

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