Current time: 03-12-2025, 03:27 AM
FA Discussion
Wait 'til you see the Kojima Particle Cannon.
Your jaws will drop twice.
'Signatures are overrated.'
what what?? baket serene ano meron un? ano parang sat cannon nang dx?

@goat-yeah they're weak. real weak -_- '

Koji cannons kill an AC with a single bullet. No,not like sat cannons,just really scary looking cannons with jaw dropping powers
Oh sorry about my last post, cauz I was refering to LR, also I sometimes watch youtube and see those AC fight's and the gameplay is really different, compared in LR.

Anyway what's that Kojima cannon, and that back weapon that looks like a wing, and also I also see in the AC4 that a weapon can be used as a sword, waht's that?????
My first impression of you was right

But there is still that needs to be done

We must hurry
the wing looking part is just a laser cannon that fires 3 shots at the same time. I've never seen anything that can be used as a sword besides the laser blades...

and the Kojima cannon? it'd be the things this guy is using.

EDIT: hmm...just noticed that this = post 600
I know how dangerous a Kojima Cannon can be. I've seen a bunch of vids at youtube a long time ago. It was boring though.
Yeah those wings are more than just for show ,they're very powerful indeed in the right arms.Most of my fellow members in OE call me as the White wing for being able to master this thing. By mastering it I mean how long the interval for timing,How much it cuts my energy(it cuts more than 3/4 of your energy btw),how long it takes to lock,how to fire it 1 by 1(using 1 of 3 cannons a time) and how efficient you use it at any range and even in airborne. Really it's not that simple. Most people don't want to use it even if it's very powerful coz it's damn hard lol

As for Kojis..........yeah you got the picture Big grin
wait wait I know about kojima cannons and rifles but what I wanted to ask serene if he's talking about a "new" type kojima weapon...

And it looks like an LX, but more electric volts and something.
My first impression of you was right

But there is still that needs to be done

We must hurry
Clonezero- No I don't think so lol.
The Kojima Particle Cannon...
A weapon so strong it warps the atmosphere around its barrel making it look like your traveling through time and space.
It's one broken weapon that will kill an AC in 2 hits at full charge.
I had my try on that baby back in PACT2 at DT's place.
It's one hell of a gun.

The Kojima shoots large energy bolts. Not Lightning.
'Signatures are overrated.'
Serene,at the present regs, it could kill with a single shot
New features:

-AA which is some sort of PA explosion (it appears to overload the PA generator and makes the immediate surrounding area explode) but leaves your energy gauges empty after.

-The garage system has reverted back to LR/FF format (little thumbnails of parts).

And got this from GFAQs
homer2001 Wrote:hi, I translated the main points from Famitsu

-The handicapped control system has autosight so you pretty much don't need your right analog during combat

-The giant rocket propellor is for VOB and can only be used against armed for missions (super speed basically)

-Last picture is a teaser of some kind of new weapon or energy shield

-Everything is destructable now apparently, and it involved gameplay (I assume only for single player)

-Mentioned before, revised garage interface

-New regs going ot be added

-Parts will be pretty much doubled

-PRETTY SURE that you can use save file from AC4

-You can choose AI partners instead of human partner, you have a choice of 3 and they all act differently with different battle behavior

-Transforming AC only transforms when using OB or VOB

-JP release date is Jan 10th

-regarding the gold AC it's a female LYNX pilot

-Pretty much all of singleplayer missions allow coop play

-Armed Forts comes in different types, such as airship, train, sea battle ship, and etc... and can kill you in one shot

-Wow, ok you can transform PA into AA which is an attack shield that overloads and blows up but depletes your PA guage
Lord_Leperman Wrote:New features:

-AA which is some sort of PA explosion (it appears to overload the PA generator and makes the immediate surrounding area explode) but leaves your energy gauges empty after.

Dapat ginawa na lang na self-destruct device, mas bagay na pang-multiplayer.
"May those who accept their fate find happiness. May those who defy their fate find glory."
Better watch out for updates, their site's up.
Though I don't know what's going on FROM's mind LOL
[Image: nines.jpg]

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