Current time: 03-12-2025, 03:31 AM
FA Discussion
I'm betting Kawamori had a hand with the transformable AC idea. The guy's designs are decent but Nix is right. All the glitz and names are gonna be for naught if they still don't address the issues that have been around since i first played AC my teens (and that was the better part ofa decade ago) so i dunno if hiring three mech legends is the smart way outta this one.

If i were to offer my 2-cents, the salary for those three guys would be better off researching ways to improve the game itself.
"May those who accept their fate find happiness. May those who defy their fate find glory."
Well, I'll give this one a chance since it is the 1st time we'll see a real mission co-op mode in AC. But as I said, there has to be some intelligent and tactical gameplay involved somewhere in this title, though I'm expecting this to become as simple as "go after the enemy, and try not to get in each other's way" type of multiplayer game (my jaded expectation on AC once again).

Though there are transformations, I think they're not as exaggerated as we think they are. An AC will not turn into a jet and vice versa, nor will a tank AC turn into a real tank (Hildolfer style for those who watched MS IGLOO). Its more like how quad legs in AC4 fold up to facilitate the boosting animation. In the end its just a partial transformation, and not a full transformation as we expect to see like the VFs Macross, which is Kawamori's signature work.
NiX Wrote:Nice job on the AC:FA headline on our front page.

Wow I was really happy to see that they got 3 legendary mecha designers for this. Unfortunately, AC needs more than pretty mechs...

I agree on this one very much.

It needs a stable story line. Something that would really absorb the players' into the game.
And not just that I'm a mercenary working for people s***.

They should've also hired a writer.
'Signatures are overrated.'
They mess this one up, they're gonna end up losing a lot more fans.

Not to mention a lot of money...
"May those who accept their fate find happiness. May those who defy their fate find glory."
Fox Wrote:They mess this one up, they're gonna end up losing a lot more fans.

Not to mention a lot of money...

"conspiracy theory alert"

what if thats their point their ditching their old fan base and trying to start out with a whole new crowd?

Yeah, we need some good storyline too. They also should concentrate their efforts on the gameplay first, then move on to the designing.

Still, I still envy those who have Xbox360 and the PS3 T_T
[Image: nines.jpg]
some guy from gamefaqs got this:
over overboost LOL
[Image: nines.jpg]
Umm is this the part where we compare different AC games???

since I noticed that in SL magazines on the back, ECM makers on the extension, Coolers also on the extension, then in LR they were gone.

if they still excist in LR, ahhhh I donno the game will be nicer???

also why are there no AC characters???? only AC fighting another are in the intro part??? and in LR Cascade Range only appeared on the arena.

Did I wrote the right reply????
My first impression of you was right

But there is still that needs to be done

We must hurry
A new feature was added just in case the AC losses all his ammo. AA-Assualt armor. Uses all the KP remaining. It activates a huge explosion similar to the AC4 boss'
Yea, i think AC need more "human contact" in their stories. It will not become better only by putting some "Neue Ziel scale" MT's
Could be good if story mode were like ZOE and Ace Combat series [despite it's only jet fighting, they appear in cg's and interact better on missions]
and what the heck is that over-overboost? a disposable overboost drone?
and yes, GA nexts are Wanzers.

AC need a good intuitive TUTORIAL for beginners. First AC to LR had only more and more information and details...I admit that is something difficult for bringing new players. Some of them desists to play only because of the too-many-detais for assembling an AC. And someone said about missions that could demand EFECTIVELY a kind of leg. Good idea, too

AC4 is the evolution of other ac's. Compare an AC from LR to another from Project Phantasma, for example...its natural to become more and more different. Anyway, the real problem is about better missions and a tutorial system.

Perfect could be an AC title that the raven begins with a MT instead of an AC. MT's are more simple, good to learn the basics.
You fire at me,
You try to destroy me.
I only evade.
Your ammo ends - My pleasure begins.
Uhm,dude,for your info,AC4 does give tutorials when you click on new game. lol,and I don't think you need tutorial on this game considering it's VERY user friendly unlike the past agmes.

And those,my friend,are what we called VOB. Only available at certain missions. Not disposable.
Black Dragon Wrote:some guy from gamefaqs got this:
over overboost LOL

OMG! an Overed Overboost Shock
[Image: ArmoredCorecopy.jpg]

"I don't know defeat,I don't know fall...Therefore I'm No.1" --Etzam Nar(AC:Nine Breaker)
Also enemy AC's has that thing that they can fire their back weapon without kneeling, and that's unfair, and why they did not make a whole army of AC, just the basic, but carring different weapons.
My first impression of you was right

But there is still that needs to be done

We must hurry
uhm,jack-o,in AC4,everyone can use their back weapons without kneeling. It's not unfair anymore. But because you're now allowed to used this back weapons,it's relatively easy to win over an AI. And cannons here are not really reliable as they are in LR.
Why? Are they weak? Too inaccurate? Tongue

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