Current time: 02-01-2025, 10:01 AM
Dragon Age 2
I'm surprised there's still no thread or topic about this >_>


If you have a finished game of Dragon Age : Origins, you can import your file. (Whoever died, whatever choices and etc. the Warden has made will be imported. But not the Warden him/herself or anything >_> )

Some of the characters from the first game (and its DLCs) are featured in DA2, most are NPCs though.


I went thru my first playthrough in Hard mode with a dual dagger rogue.

I'm playing it again with an SnS warrior in Nightmare mode - I missed out a secret boss or two, plus a few quests that could change the possible outcome of the ending.

Random time:

[Image: 142183_zps37998c8a.gif]
To that Merrill comment,


Dual-Dagger rogue on Nightmare from the get-go for me, woot. Once you get Assassinate and Twin Fangs + Mark of Death + Petrify say goodbye to those forsaken Ninja Templars/Dwarves/What-have-you. I still hate it when they pop out of nowhere, sort of a negative vote from me on that one >_<

Anyway, I like it when you import you DAOhmy file. You get to hear stuff related to yourself XD
I'm staying in Hard mode, thank you LOL

Although the Warrior Vanguagrd build I'm using was geared for Nightmare, and it is wicked.
[Image: totallyrandomkane.gif]
When I cranked it down to Hard I said to myself "What the hell just happened? I'm... I'm LIVING! HOLY CRAP! O_O"

I always play a Warrior no matter what kind of game, so it's sort of a whole new experience to be the Rogue for a change, haha. I hear 2h Warriors are pretty wicked in DA2 though, but I can't bring one with me on Nightmare, unless everyone else is ranged, since anyone that's not a warrior that gets caught in Whirlwind/Mighty Blow/What-have-you AoE attacks will DIE no matter what o3o. Maybe I'll make a 2h Warrior on my next run, I'll just bring Varric to pick locks and 2 more mages or a mage and another archer so they won't get caught in the AoEs of doomedness XD''

edit: Just a little note I want to make: Ninja TEMPLARS? Seriously Bioware? What do they teach in the Chantry, "I back-istab you with the knives of our almighty Meikah!"? XD
Hard mode with Fenris : OMG you're awesome

Nightmare mode with Fenris : OMG I HATE YOU D:

Friendly fire sucks. I love the Space bar more than potions now. LOL
[Image: 142183_zps37998c8a.gif]

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