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Dragon Age 2 - HayWire - 03-23-2011

I'm surprised there's still no thread or topic about this >_>


If you have a finished game of Dragon Age : Origins, you can import your file. (Whoever died, whatever choices and etc. the Warden has made will be imported. But not the Warden him/herself or anything >_> )

Some of the characters from the first game (and its DLCs) are featured in DA2, most are NPCs though.


I went thru my first playthrough in Hard mode with a dual dagger rogue.

I'm playing it again with an SnS warrior in Nightmare mode - I missed out a secret boss or two, plus a few quests that could change the possible outcome of the ending.

Random time:

RE: Dragon Age 2 - Zefyr - 03-29-2011

To that Merrill comment,


Dual-Dagger rogue on Nightmare from the get-go for me, woot. Once you get Assassinate and Twin Fangs + Mark of Death + Petrify say goodbye to those forsaken Ninja Templars/Dwarves/What-have-you. I still hate it when they pop out of nowhere, sort of a negative vote from me on that one >_<

Anyway, I like it when you import you DAOhmy file. You get to hear stuff related to yourself XD

RE: Dragon Age 2 - Twin-Skies - 03-30-2011

I'm staying in Hard mode, thank you LOL

Although the Warrior Vanguagrd build I'm using was geared for Nightmare, and it is wicked.

RE: Dragon Age 2 - Zefyr - 03-31-2011

When I cranked it down to Hard I said to myself "What the hell just happened? I'm... I'm LIVING! HOLY CRAP! O_O"

I always play a Warrior no matter what kind of game, so it's sort of a whole new experience to be the Rogue for a change, haha. I hear 2h Warriors are pretty wicked in DA2 though, but I can't bring one with me on Nightmare, unless everyone else is ranged, since anyone that's not a warrior that gets caught in Whirlwind/Mighty Blow/What-have-you AoE attacks will DIE no matter what o3o. Maybe I'll make a 2h Warrior on my next run, I'll just bring Varric to pick locks and 2 more mages or a mage and another archer so they won't get caught in the AoEs of doomedness XD''

edit: Just a little note I want to make: Ninja TEMPLARS? Seriously Bioware? What do they teach in the Chantry, "I back-istab you with the knives of our almighty Meikah!"? XD

RE: Dragon Age 2 - HayWire - 03-31-2011

Hard mode with Fenris : OMG you're awesome

Nightmare mode with Fenris : OMG I HATE YOU D:

Friendly fire sucks. I love the Space bar more than potions now. LOL