Current time: 09-28-2024, 09:37 PM
Space Ninja F2P co-op game
That sucks, all that hard work gone to waste.

Last night's T3 defense mission was amazing. It was like an unstoppable force vs. an immovable object kind of battle. We should do it again, and I hope it drops Fang Prime Blades next time.
trying to specialize my frost for base defense

primary weapon- can't decide between vectis or vulkar
secondary weapon- still looking fora good crowd control 2nd weapon, or a snipe-like secondary
melee-gram ( for multi hit crowd control )
skills-snow globe, with continuity and streamline

for defense missions
snipe enemies from afar, while keeping globe up, switch to secondary when primary out of ammo,switch to melee when enemies enter globe.

work in progress. need input
(02-04-2014, 10:15 AM)Lord_Leperman Wrote: That sucks, all that hard work gone to waste.

Last night's T3 defense mission was amazing. It was like an unstoppable force vs. an immovable object kind of battle. We should do it again, and I hope it drops Fang Prime Blades next time.

Doing some normal mission I now believe I can make Pull work on t3 but it is gonna be risky for me. While a lot of them are stunned by Bastille I run some distance behind them Pull them towards me and when they start to get up I use Crush then scram. Helps in delaying them and I think is a bit more cost effective than just spamming Crush. Specially when blue balls are scarce.

Alternatively I can try to pull as many enemies I can in front of a laser before swatting them with it.

I just have to be mindful of where I am when I use Pull on mobs, last thing anyone of us wants is suddenly getting surrounded by a bajillion heavy gunners.

Ya'll all prolly high level now :T
I find Rhino really broken. Amazing armor and health, a really devastating Rhino stomp coupled with time slowing after effects, and an armor that completely nullifies attacks. Also, that Iron skin only requires minimal energy. His speed is supposedly the downside but it's really bearable, it can even be fixed with his Vanguard helmet. This bastard is what got me really far in Survival and defense missions, but I can't help but wonder, what can't this frame do? '__'
Rhino's Iron Skin can get ripped off to shreds easily in end game content though, especially when being shot by a couple of high level heavy gunners. Ironically, Trinity and Ember seem to be better choices at that point. LOL

@ Zefyr:
Nah, some people just started too.
Rhino is definitely a very,very, capable frame-capable of soloing and carrying a lot of games for yourself and the team. However, I noticed that on higher level games, like the one we had last night, T3 defense in Orokin Derelict iirc, it will definitely pale in comparison to other utility focused frames.

Iron skin is a very very self-centric skill, and while it can be used for reviving downed mates, can't have the same amount of utility Vauban's Bastille has in doing the exact same thing, while generally allowing your other mates to be safe as well, not just for the rhino for a free revive.

Stomp i noticed also scales worse compared to Mag's crush(wider effective radius iirc), Volt's overload(which basically stuns the entire map), and Nova with Molecular Prime.

In general though, Rhino should be able to do lots for the team in a wide variety of missions. I just think he leans more on the "self sustaining self-centric side" versus the team centric utility side. Ash feels the same too. I do not have any idea how to help the team in a T3 defense with ash outside of the occasional bladestorm that will barely do anything to high high level mobs. I also do not think Loki, even as highly touted as it is, could do much in a defense or survival mission that will generally help the team.

I actually think and still think that we had one of the best possible frame combos for the super epic T3 tower defense. Vauban for the general disable and utility, Volt for general stun while Bastille wears off(also Overload for oh shit panic button), frost for just globe, period, and Mag for adding another wide range disable, with shield polarize for added defensive bonus.
(02-04-2014, 10:22 AM)AEA1 Wrote: trying to specialize my frost for base defense

primary weapon- can't decide between vectis or vulkar
secondary weapon- still looking fora good crowd control 2nd weapon, or a snipe-like secondary
melee-gram ( for multi hit crowd control )
skills-snow globe, with continuity and streamline

for defense missions
snipe enemies from afar, while keeping globe up, switch to secondary when primary out of ammo,switch to melee when enemies enter globe.

work in progress. need input

If you'd look at the Vulkar's stats, you'll see that the damage is skewed heavily towards impact damage, limiting its versatility against anything else besides shielded enemies. I'd say the Vectis is more well rounded, but only if you can get over the slow ROF thanks to the 1 sec reload after every shot. On he other hand, the Vulkar's 4 round magazine takes 4 seconds to reload as well.

If ever, try the Latron, Mark and Hellheart will testify to its effectiveness. I however, lean towards automatic weapons even at extreme ranges like the Karak, Braton or Soma.

A crowd control secondary is a bit hard to come by because of the limited total ammo capacity of the secondary slot (Augmentable by the Trick Mag mod however). However, do try any of the dual pistols like the Aklex, Akmagnus, or Akvasto. They are fast enough to kill small groups of enemies at close range if you spam fire. Their single wield counterparts are accurate enough to have limited sniping use.

If you want a more dedicated sniper secondary, then you might try the Seer. It also has the best zoom capabilities among the secondary weapons.

For melee, if you like the Gram, you'll love the Galatine. Slower charge attack, but double damage then that of the Gram.
... so what's a nice frame to use dat Orthos o3o
Well, you could go for the game trailer look by using Trinity Tongue. Or use other Warframes that will help you get up close and personal with your enemies. Here are some of my recommendations:

Ash: His Smokebomb and Teleport skills will allow you to get really close, stun your opponents, and remain invisible (in addition to dealing x5 melee damage on opponents).

Loki: Use the Invisibility skill to remain untargetable, allowing you to do more melee crits while staying invisible (Enemies won't shoot at anything they can't see, even if they hear you)

Rhino: Rhino Charge and Iron Skin will allow you to charge right into the heat of battle, and give you a huge HP buffer in addition to being unstunable allowing for continuous melee attacks when in close range.

Excalibur: Slash Dash + Radial Blind will give you something similar to Rhino, except that all enemies will be blinded withing a certain radius for a limited duration (allowing you to relatively melee enemies with ease).

Valkyr: Never used her, but she is a melee-centric warframe.
i'll probably just trade the mods i want. which brings me to a question...... how do yu trade in this game? can you trade blueprints? can you pay with plats? so many questions >_<
I might stick with Excalibur because he has those Javelin skills.

Is Excalibur okay compared to the other/newer Frames? I don't want to be horribly useless later on :T
I believe he is. quite a lot of utility if you ask me. slash dash can be a cheap room sweeper, radial blind helps the team in tight situations, javelin makes short works of low level enemies. I use this frame too, my favorite so far Smile
Excalibur will remain effective even in the later stages. One cannot really go wrong with Slash dash to target mob>radial blind>slash dash out. It also has pretty decent stats and it quite flexible to mod.

Radial blind will also be perpetually effective as utility throughout the game. Excalibur is not a full-on utility frame like others, but it has all the tools to get general work done.
Got a taste of my very first nightmare mission and the condition was no shields ... now for those who don't know I use Mag ... now see how shitty that was for me ... then add to the fact that it was freaking survival.

Well we did survive and now I got 2 rare mods from it, one as a normal drop and one for the mission.


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