Current time: 02-10-2025, 08:14 AM
Space Ninja F2P co-op game
Confession time: I'm really hooked in this game that I've lost lots of sleep over it.

here's a gameplay vid:

As you can see, it's basically a space-ninja free to play co-op game. Incidentally, the PS4 is having this as a launch title, along with another game I am playing (before Warframe) Blacklight: Retribution. Currently, Goat and I are playing this fine game. Anyone else interested in giving it a try?
Quick question: PC or console?
[Image: 213920.gif?v=1]
"It's snowing women." -Tsukika.
There are two things that I will always laugh at: "Yuno F***ing Gasai" and something else.
Add me up. HellHeart
It's for the PC Sirus. Coming soon to the PS4 as well.

Added you already Hellheart Big grin
Just had to snap a screenshot as soon as I saw this. Awesome run with Lord_Leperman and Goat

[Image: 922574_662856670428104_1724808046_o.jpg]
I have no playmates on console Sad
I'm here doc, though i just startedthis week Big grin
(01-04-2014, 09:01 AM)Hell Heart Wrote: Just had to snap a screenshot as soon as I saw this. Awesome run with Lord_Leperman and Goat

[Image: 922574_662856670428104_1724808046_o.jpg]
Ahem, Lepermantis!

Goodness that was an incredibly fun boss to fight. I wanna slay it again with you guys. Tongue See you later this evening haha, I'll try to farm some nav coordinates so we can do more derelict missions.

Doc, Flau, as soon as I get a PS4, I'll migrate my account so we can play together as well. Tongue
wtf, you can migrate accounts? Awesome! By the way doc, Rookie also plays Warframe. You can ask him to play around with you. As for me, I'm still having trouble getting through the 1st boss on Mercury.

Another question would be is it possible for cross platform multiplayer for this game? I mean I used to play FFXIV on PS3 with friends on the PC, maybe Warframe can do the same?
I think I've read somewhere that they were planning to link both PC and PS4 users soon. It's just that the PS4 version is a bit behind when it comes to updates atm.

PS: I've ran out of Nano Spores so I don't think I'll be able to craft golem keys anytime soon. I have two atm though. LOL
Why not play on the PC for now then just migrate later on.. Tongue
Actually, what Hellheart said makes sense. The PS4 is a bit behind on updates and Digital Extremes already said that account migration is a one time thing as soon as the updates between the PS4 and PC versions are synchronized. This could also mean that cross platform play is a possibility in the future as well, though they never really mentioned it AFAIK.

I really wish I was playing during that time when the event reward was the Machete Wraith, it would go so well with the Strun Wraith and upcoming Twin Vipers Wraith.
I'm confused with how levelling worked with this game. I just wanted my bladed polearm-staff ;~;
nice... so many players. but ahmm... hehe rick could you get warframe for my pc as well?
treat you to zarks. Xp
(01-04-2014, 02:12 PM)Zefyr Wrote: I'm confused with how levelling worked with this game. I just wanted my bladed polearm-staff ;~;

There's weapon leveling and there's Mastery Ranks.

Weapon leveling contributes to your mastery rank. Every time you level up a weapon, you get 100xp in mastery points, which contribute to your mastery rank. In order to access new weapons, you have to improve your mastery rank, in order to improve your mastery rank, you have to use the plethora of weapons currently available to your account.

Doc, you can just go to > Download now, then double click the installer. Big grin

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