Current time: 06-07-2024, 12:48 PM
Mental Repository (M.R.)
I don't get the tone in your reply - was that sarcastic?
It's still your usual RR trolling.
Oh I didn't mean it to sound offensive, if it came off that way. I genuinely meant that in order to maintain and even improve your speech, you need to talk to more humans (edit - 'people,' if you prefer. I've made a habit of referring to ourselves as humans, which I just realized does lead to some confusion LOL ).
Haha yeah, I need to talk to more people the right way. I didn't take any offense to it - it just sounded a bit off. LOL Thanks anyway!

Not just stuttering, I sometimes lose my trail of speech and derp all of a sudden Sad
just a random thought browsing through files...

ended up painting one of my really old original character sketches...which i wasn't really planning to paint...
i guess i lost track of time again and enjoyed it too much >_<

...grrr stone/color is always the part that takes me the longest to color...Tongue
shading isn't the problem is finding the right skin tone is the hard part XD

maybe someday any of my ideas (i have so many idea/stories in mind and on files) might happen/produced who knows...highly doubt it though like a 1 percent chance of happening...only time will tell

Work's piling up and it's getting kinda confuzzling >_<
[Image: 142183_zps37998c8a.gif]
happy birthday daizengar666!!!!
I was supposed to study but was looking through some RSS feeds before that; ended up reading an article on BoingBoing about a redditor that asked a friend for "I would like a single plum, floating in perfume, served in a mans hat" (Simpsons reference) to help him get over his grandma's recent death. Anyway, I clicked the link to reddit, ended up on IamA after reading the linked post.

Next thing I know it's 3 and a half hours later, and I feel sleepy and haven't studied at all. Dunno wtf just happened. Time space warp? Damn internets. -_-
1. Bedridden from Saturday to Monday due to sore throat and high fever. Turns out I had Tonsilitis.
2. Hit with another severe bout of high fever and sore muscled and joints Tuesday night to Wednesday. Have blood test done at hospital, come up negative for dengue

4. Feel much better on Thursday, go back to hospital for checkup. Turns out I DID have dengue, but the docs couldn't detect the symptoms because they overlapped with my tonsilitis and urinary-tract infection. Yes, I just found out I have UTI. Sad

5. Doc says dengue is gone and prescribes painkiller to help sore body recover, and antibiotics for UTI.

6. Turns out I'm allergic to the anti-biotics. Another trip to the ER as lip swells up like a balloon.

So to summarize, I had:

1. Dengue
2. Tonsilitis
3. UTI
4. Allergic reactions

Four diseases in a span of five days.
[Image: totallyrandomkane.gif]
Damn! Hope you get better soon dude.
Damn dude. Glad you're ok. That could've ended far worse. At least you've now a cool story to tell!
Rant/Rave: started DEMON SOULS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
^ .............................Facepalm
Hahaha it has begun.
It's 11/11/11 !
Speaking of which...
This is EQD's banner atm...

[Image: rarityplaceholder.png]

I just got my report card today.
[Image: 142183_zps37998c8a.gif]

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