09-12-2011, 08:01 AM
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Imagination Garage
09-15-2011, 12:02 PM
(09-12-2011, 08:01 AM)adiyel Wrote:(12-05-2006, 03:10 PM)wanzerfreak Wrote: a left-hand Python would probably more reliable than a right-handed one. WOW! Holy Sheet! I've been wanting to ask you lately... Is it possible to actually make left arm version of right arm weapons?
'Signatures are overrated.'
That reminds me of the KHD-GMAX from nexus. I bet its got some crappy stats
Not sure if this is a dig, buuut...I came up with some ideas for AC parts using AC3-style names (Because NX series sucks):
MHD-SS/808 (Mirage Head - ZHD-8008/S) MANUFACTURER MIRAGE PRICE 41500 WEIGHT 179 ENERGY DRAIN 431 ARMOR POINTS 922 DEF SHELL 133 DEF ENERGY 141 COOLING 164 COMPUTER TYPE DETAILED COMPUTER VOICE FEMALE SYSTEM RECOVERY HIGH MAP TYPE AREA & PLACE NAME BIO SENSOR NONE ECM CANCELER PROVIDED RADAR FUNCTION PROVIDED RADAR RANGE 950 RADAR TYPE STANDARD SCANNING INTERVAL 42 DESCRIPTION Head with wide range search radar. MY INPUT It's the ZHD-8008/S from AC2. Like a lighter MHD-MM/007 but lacking a Bio-Sensor. MLR-ARW (Mirage Legs Float - ZLR-ARROW) MANUFACTURER MIRAGE PRICE 97000 MAXIMUM WEIGHT 3930 WEIGHT 1655 ENERGY DRAIN 2044 STATIONARY DRAIN 3265 ARMOR POINTS 2880 DEF SHELL 412 DEF ENERGY 478 COOLING 965 MOVING ABILITY 691 TURNING SPEED 133 JUMP FUNCTION NONE BRAKING ABILITY 178 LANDING STABILITY 866 DEFENSIVE STABILITY 899 DESCRIPTION Designed with high top-speed in mind. MY INPUT It's the ZLR-ARROW from AC2AA. Very fast and light, but low stability and load capacity. CAW-DNM48-01 (Crest Arms Weapon - Dual Napalm Missile - 48 Rounds, 1 Lock) MANUFACTURER CREST IND. PRICE 116000 TYPE WEAPON ARMS WEIGHT 1920 ENERGY DRAIN 420 ARMOR POINTS 1176 COOLING 212 WEAPON LOCK STANDARD ATTACK POWER 1350:168 AMMO HEAT 500:1011 RANGE 450:450 MAXIMUM LOCK 1:1 RELOAD TIME 46:46 NUMBER OF AMMO 48 AMMO TYPE SOLID AMMO PRICE 830 USAGE DRAIN -:- DESCRIPTION Toggle missile type: napalm/heat. MY INPUT If you thought heat missile arms were fun, this should be even better. Imagine the hilarity of launching these and watching the enemy wail their ass off as they're on fire! Also note that they launch two missiles per lock. CWM-N20-2 (Crest Weapon Missile - Napalm - 20 Rounds, 2 Locks) MANUFACTURER CREST IND. PRICE 64000 TYPE NAPALM MISSILE WEIGHT 420 ENERGY DRAIN 285 WEAPON LOCK STANDARD ATTACK POWER 150 AMMO HEAT 672 RANGE 450 MAXIMUM LOCK 2 RELOAD TIME 64 NUMBER OF AMMO 20 AMMO TYPE SOLID AMMO PRICE 540 USAGE DRAIN - DESCRIPTION Fires missiles that ignite on impact. MY INPUT EWM-NAP-02 from AC2AA. Because napalm is fun. CWX-TM-60-1 (Crest Weapon Dual Back - Triple Missile - 60 Rounds, 1 Lock) MANUFACTURER CREST IND. PRICE 147500 TYPE TRIPLE MISSILE WEIGHT 1756 ENERGY DRAIN 1036 WEAPON LOCK STANDARD ATTACK POWER 980 AMMO HEAT 310 RANGE 500 MAXIMUM LOCK 1 RELOAD TIME 60 NUMBER OF AMMO 60 AMMO TYPE SOLID AMMO PRICE 515 USAGE DRAIN - DESCRIPTION Fires six missiles per lock-on. MY INPUT Six missiles at once! Without relations! Heavy as all hell though. CWX-MM-24-1 (Crest Weapon Dual Back - Multi Missile - 24 Rounds, 1 Lock) MANUFACTURER CREST IND. PRICE 122000 TYPE MULTI MISSILE WEIGHT 1430 ENERGY DRAIN 320 WEAPON LOCK STANDARD ATTACK POWER 880 AMMO HEAT 380 RANGE 550 MAXIMUM LOCK 1 RELOAD TIME 47 NUMBER OF AMMO 24 AMMO TYPE SOLID AMMO PRICE 825 USAGE DRAIN - DESCRIPTION Fires 2 multiple warhead missiles. MY INPUT Much like the EWX-BAL4 from AC2, but the warheads split in an X-pattern. MWX-OC18/3 (Mirage Weapon Dual Back - Orbit Cannon - 18 Rounds, 3 Locks) MANUFACTURER MIRAGE PRICE 138000 TYPE ORBIT CANNON WEIGHT 1317 ENERGY DRAIN 1020 WEAPON LOCK SPECIAL ATTACK POWER 145 AMMO HEAT 12 RANGE 500 MAXIMUM LOCK 3 RELOAD TIME 240 NUMBER OF AMMO 18 AMMO TYPE ENERGY AMMO PRICE - USAGE DRAIN 1300 DESCRIPTION Fires units that attack on their own. MY INPUT ZWX-F04/ORBIT from AC2, launches two Orbits per lock. May need a bit more ammo. KWI-OM15 (Kisaragi Weapon Inside - Orbit Maker, 15 Rounds) MANUFACTURER KISARAGI PRICE 62000 TYPE ORBIT MAKER WEIGHT 415 ENERGY DRAIN 280 ATTACK POWER 145 AMMO HEAT 22 RANGE 420 MAXIMUM LOCK 0 RELOAD TIME 160 NUMBER OF AMMO 15 AMMO TYPE SOLID AMMO PRICE 900 DESCRIPTION Dispenses a small orbit weapon. MY INPUT Dohohoho INW-OM-PRT in AC3! KWGG-IRX-IN (Kisaragi Weapon Miniature Back - Plasma Cannon Dual Arm, I-C003-IN) MANUFACTURER KISARAGI PRICE 130000 TYPE PLASMA CANNON WEIGHT 1710 ENERGY DRAIN 895 WEAPON LOCK SPECIAL ATTACK POWER 3000 AMMO HEAT 24 RANGE 550 MAXIMUM LOCK 1 RELOAD TIME 34 NUMBER OF AMMO 30 AMMO TYPE ENERGY AMMO PRICE - USAGE DRAIN 7300 DESCRIPTION: Rapid-fire plasma cannon. Takes both arm unit slots. MY INPUT I always thought it would have been interesting to have dual arm units. Here's the I-C003-IN's two-handed plasma cannon. You can't fire it while moving unless you're using a quadruped or tank, but you can move directly before or afterward, unlike back-mounted cannons. KWGG-XC-SERRE (Kisaragi Weapon Miniature Back - Laser Rifle, I-CFFF-SERRE) MANUFACTURER KISARAGI PRICE 90000 TYPE LASER RIFLE WEIGHT 1238 ENERGY DRAIN 815 WEAPON LOCK SPECIAL ATTACK POWER 1550 AMMO HEAT 15 RANGE 565 MAXIMUM LOCK 1 RELOAD TIME 80 NUMBER OF AMMO 48 AMMO TYPE ENERGY AMMO PRICE - USAGE DRAIN 4672 DESCRIPTION Kisaragi-manufactured laser rifle that fires high velocity rounds. MY INPUT It's I-CFFF-SERRE's laser rifle. I filed it under Kisaragi's name because they were also responsible for reverse-engineering OP-I and such. It also happens to be more like a handheld laser cannon than it is a laser rifle. KLB-LS-SERRE (Kisaragi Laser Blade - Left Arm, I-CFFF-SERRE) MANUFACTURER KISARAGI PRICE 96000 TYPE LASER BLADE WEIGHT 451 ENERGY DRAIN 201 ATTACK POWER 1597 ATTACK HEAT 16 DISCHARGE HEAT 12 RANGE RATING 12 WAVE RANGE - USAGE DRAIN 7093 DESCRIPTION High-powered blade with a long laser housing for improved range. MY INPUT I-CFFF-SERRE's blade. Kind of similar to the LB4 from ACLR. KAW-JUPITER (Kisaragi Arms Weapon - Dual Parrying Blade, 40 Rounds) MANUFACTURER KISARAGI PRICE 128000 TYPE WEAPON ARMS WEIGHT 1532 ENERGY DRAIN 202 ARMOR POINTS 1018 COOLING 322 DISCHARGE HEAT 362:724 ATTACK POWER 3200:4500 ATTACK HEAT 625:1583 RANGE RATING 7 USAGE LIMIT 40 DESCRIPTION: Toggle parrying blades: attack strength. MY INPUT Perhaps destined to be the most specialized weapon in AC history, these things are boss against Massive Weapons but not much else (They can kill ACs, but you'd need to be a pretty dumb pilot to get killed by these). Secondary fire mode increases the attack power and heat, but also doubles the discharge heat. CAW-DGS-96 (Crest Arms Weapon - Dual Shotgun, 96 Rounds) MANUFACTURER CREST IND. PRICE 48000 TYPE WEAPON ARMS WEIGHT 1180 ENERGY DRAIN 74 ARMOR POINTS 690 COOLING 536 WEAPON LOCK STANDARD ATTACK POWER 183:183 AMMO HEAT 54:54 RANGE 750:750 MAXIMUM LOCK 1:1 RELOAD TIME 143:87 NUMBER OF AMMO 96 AMMO TYPE SOLID AMMO PRICE 156 USAGE DRAIN -:- DESCRIPTION Toggle shotgun: no. of rounds fired. MY INPUT I was imagining these things would be some kind of dual quad-barrel mechanism. You can fire both shots at once, but the reloading process takes longer. It's worth noting it fires twelve pellets per round, so you're actually dealing with 2196 damage on a good hit. MAW-DSR/120 (Mirage Arms Weapon - Dual Sniper Rifle, 120 Rounds) MANUFACTURER MIRAGE PRICE 48000 TYPE WEAPON ARMS WEIGHT 1180 ENERGY DRAIN 74 ARMOR POINTS 690 COOLING 536 WEAPON LOCK NARROW&DEEP ATTACK POWER 995:995 AMMO HEAT 23:23 RANGE 1000:1000 MAXIMUM LOCK 1:1 RELOAD TIME 38:62 NUMBER OF AMMO 120 AMMO TYPE SOLID AMMO PRICE 100 USAGE DRAIN -:- DESCRIPTION Toggle sniper rifle: no. of rounds fired. MY INPUT Quad sniper rifles. In case it wasn't blindingly obvious to begin with, I really like weapon arms. You can toggle two rounds or four depending on how confident you are in them all connecting. PLS-EMA02 (Kisaragi Fire Control System - Improved PLS-EMA) MANUFACTURER KISARAGI PRICE 62000 WEIGHT 18 ENERGY DRAIN 38 LOCK TYPE LENGTHWAY TARGET MULTI MAXIMUM LOCK 12 LOCK SPEED 40 SIGHT RANGE 481 PRECISION 8 DESCRIPTION: Twelve locks max, vertical lock type. MY INPUT This + MWM-S60-12s = All your aerial enemy problems solved. PLS-ROA02 (Kisaragi Fire Control System - Improved PLS-ROA) MANUFACTURER KISARAGI PRICE 110000 WEIGHT 37 ENERGY DRAIN 65 LOCK TYPE SIDEWAY TARGET MULTI MAXIMUM LOCK 12 LOCK SPEED 29 SIGHT RANGE 351 PRECISION 5 DESCRIPTION: Twelve locks max, horizontal lock type. MY INPUT This is probably too good an FCS for AC3. On second thought, Little Raptors are too good a guard MT for AC3 too, so go for it. VREX-ND-1 (Crest Fire Control System - Narrow And Deep, 1 Lock) MANUFACTURER CREST IND. PRICE 45000 WEIGHT 22 ENERGY DRAIN 55 LOCK TYPE NARROW&DEEP TARGET SINGLE MAXIMUM LOCK 1 LOCK SPEED 20 SIGHT RANGE 751 PRECISION 8 DESCRIPTION Narrow and deep lock type FCS with improved lock time. MY INPUT Basic as basic ever gets but posesses an EXTREMELY QUICK LOCK SPEED! This is basically the CR-F91DSN from Nexus. KWI-HZ50 (Kisaragi Weapon Inside - Howitzer, 50 Rounds) MANUFACTURER KISARAGI PRICE 35500 TYPE HOWITZER WEIGHT 204 ENERGY DRAIN 14 ATTACK POWER 1250 AMMO HEAT 306 RANGE 440 MAXIMUM LOCK - RELOAD TIME 60 NUMBER OF AMMO 50 AMMO TYPE SOLID AMMO PRICE 400 DESCRIPTION Inside-mounted howitzer. MY INPUT Yeah. Pretty self-explanatory, although it's worth noting there could be Spread and Napalm variants. CLF-33-XX (Crest Legs 4Legs - ELF-XX33) MANUFACTURER CREST IND. PRICE 78700 MAXIMUM WEIGHT 6660 WEIGHT 3035 ENERGY DRAIN 3570 STATIONARY DRAIN 2990 ARMOR POINTS 3722 DEF SHELL 552 DEF ENERGY 556 COOLING 1076 MOVING ABILITY 396 TURNING SPEED 122 JUMP FUNCTION PROVIDED BRAKING ABILITY 116 LANDING STABILITY 2402 DEFENSIVE STABILITY 1960 DESCRIPTION High load capacity. Heavy. MY INPUT When you build a tank but don't want to make it a tank. This is supposed to be based on the ELF-XX33. MBT-OX/E10 (Mirage Booster - Add Power, Improved MBT-OX/E9) MANUFACTURER MIRAGE PRICE 34700 WEIGHT 213 ENERGY DRAIN 41 BOOST POWER 15400 CHARGE DRAIN 3500 DESCRIPTION MBT-OX/E9 redesigned to offer improved boost power. MY INPUT That unused booster from the Silent Line promo screens. You have them in an archive so you probably already know what I'm talking about. KWX-EO-SERRE (Kisaragi Weapon Dual Back - Exceed Orbit, I-CFFF-SERRE) MANUFACTURER KISARAGI PRICE 77700 TYPE RELATION EO WEIGHT 1556 ENERGY DRAIN 875 WEAPON LOCK SPECIAL ATTACK POWER 123 AMMO HEAT 8 RANGE 300 MAXIMUM LOCK 8 RELOAD TIME 122 NUMBER OF AMMO 120 AMMO TYPE ENERGY AMMO PRICE - USAGE DRAIN 884 DESCRIPTION Back-mounted exceed orbits. MY INPUT A relation EO? Sweet! Problem is, using it with an OB core can be kind of awkward, as OB is, well, OB. That said, eight extra EOs can be quite a help at times... KWEL-RO20 (Kisaragi Weapon Extension Laser - Relation Orbit Cannon, 20 Rounds) MANUFACTURER KISARAGI PRICE 130000 TYPE RELATION ORBIT WEIGHT 399 ENERGY DRAIN 507 ATTACK POWER 145 AMMO HEAT 6 RANGE 500 MAXIMUM LAUNCH 2 RELOAD TIME 160 NUMBER OF AMMO AMMO TYPE ENERGY AMMO PRICE - USAGE DRAIN 1600 DESCRIPTION Interlocking support orbits. MY INPUT Because I liked OP's idea. KWG-EFT600 (Kisaragi Weapon Hand - Energy Flamethrower, 600 Rounds) MANUFACTURER KISARAGI PRICE 68500 TYPE EN FLAMETHROWER WEIGHT 355 ENERGY DRAIN 315 WEAPON LOCK WIDE&SHALLOW ATTACK POWER 580 AMMO HEAT 16 RANGE 96 MAXIMUM LOCK - RELOAD TIME 4 NUMBER OF AMMO 600 AMMO TYPE ENERGY AMMO PRICE - USAGE DRAIN 370 DESCRIPTION Flamethrower designed to utilize energy ammunition. MY INPUT More attack power on a flamethrower, at the cost of not being able to use it continuously. The "flames" are more like some purple gas, not your usual fire. MWM-QM24/1 (Mirage Weapon Missile - Quad Missile - 24 Rounds, 1 Lock) MANUFACTURER MIRAGE PRICE 87300 TYPE QUAD MISSILE WEIGHT 220 ENERGY DRAIN 285 WEAPON LOCK STANDARD ATTACK POWER 1110 AMMO HEAT 268 RANGE 400 MAXIMUM LOCK 1 RELOAD TIME 62 NUMBER OF AMMO 24 AMMO TYPE SOLID AMMO PRICE 364 USAGE DRAIN - DESCRIPTION Fires 4 missiles at once per lock. MY INPUT Quad missiles! Note that this is the ZWM-M24/IMI from AC2. CWX-TITAN2 (Crest Weapon Dual Back - CWM-TITAN - Dual Fire) MANUFACTURER CREST IND. PRICE 193700 TYPE LARGE MISSILE WEIGHT 2272 ENERGY DRAIN 554 WEAPON LOCK STANDARD ATTACK POWER 6800 AMMO HEAT 1730 RANGE 290 MAXIMUM LOCK 1 RELOAD TIME 255 NUMBER OF AMMO 8 AMMO TYPE SOLID AMMO PRICE 3500 USAGE DRAIN - DESCRIPTION Dual high-explosive missile launchers. MY INPUT It's like having dual TITANs, except they fire two missiles at a time. Can lead to some rather lulzy outcomes when combined with the TITAN4 arms and RT16 extensions. Of course, it's heavy as fuck and useless against MTs. MWG-SBZ/HYDRA (Mirage Weapon Hand - Spread Bazooka, ZWG-BZ/HYDRA) MANUFACTURER MIRAGE PRICE 81000 TYPE SPREAD BAZOOKA WEIGHT 1230 ENERGY DRAIN 36 WEAPON LOCK SPECIAL ATTACK POWER 560 AMMO HEAT 108 RANGE 400 MAXIMUM LOCK 1 RELOAD TIME 58 NUMBER OF AMMO 24 AMMO TYPE SOLID AMMO PRICE 370 USAGE DRAIN - DESCRIPTION Bazooka fires a spread. MY INPUT The HYDRA from Another Age was a cool design, but its SLAC counterpart didn't really feel up to par due to the horizontal-only and wider shot spread. This is here to rectify that. It contains less ammunition though. The total damage output is roughly 1680 points. CWI-PL-60 (Crest Weapon Inside - Plasma Dispenser, 60 Rounds) MANUFACTURER CREST IND. PRICE 19800 TYPE PLASMA DISPENSER WEIGHT 158 ENERGY DRAIN 105 ATTACK POWER 740 AMMO HEAT 84 RANGE 750 MAXIMUM LOCK - RELOAD TIME 150 NUMBER OF AMMO 60 AMMO TYPE ENERGY USAGE DRAIN 1200 DESCRIPTION High energy bomb explodes on impact. MY INPUT It's an energy-based bomb dispenser. Need I say more? CWI-SV-80 (Crest Weapon Inside - Spread Vulcan, 80 Rounds) MANUFACTURER CREST IND. PRICE 37000 TYPE SPREAD VULCAN WEIGHT 149 ENERGY DRAIN 78 ATTACK POWER 150 AMMO HEAT 64 RANGE 750 MAXIMUM LOCK - RELOAD TIME 10 NUMBER OF AMMO 80 AMMO TYPE SOLID AMMO PRICE 5 DESCRIPTION Small, inside mounted vulcan. MY INPUT Remember the useless-as-hell INW-RV-08 from AC2AA? Well, now that Inside parts actually face forward, we actually have a useful weapon from that! Each round fires four pellets similar to a Slug Gun's, out of alternating shoulders. No lock, but extremely powerful if you get in close. MWR-P/45 (Mirage Weapon Rocket - Plasma, 45 Rounds) MANUFACTURER MIRAGE PRICE 46000 TYPE PLASMA ROCKET WEIGHT 390 ENERGY DRAIN 13 WEAPON LOCK NARROW&DEEP ATTACK POWER 1600 AMMO HEAT 14 RANGE 800 MAXIMUM LOCK - RELOAD TIME 48 NUMBER OF AMMO 40 AMMO TYPE ENERGY AMMO PRICE - USAGE DRAIN 3400 DESCRIPTION Plasma-based rockets, forty five rounds. MY INPUT Energy rockets! Someone else mentioned it in this thread, I think. Don't remember where. MWC-SPL/96 (Mirage Weapon Cannon - Spread Laser, 96 Rounds) MANUFACTURER MIRAGE PRICE 45400 TYPE SPREAD LASER WEIGHT 835 ENERGY DRAIN 983 WEAPON LOCK NARROW&DEEP ATTACK POWER 150 AMMO HEAT 10 RANGE 350 MAXIMUM LOCK 1 RELOAD TIME 28 NUMBER OF AMMO 96 AMMO TYPE ENERGY AMMO PRICE - USAGE DRAIN 4800 DESCRIPTION Laser cannon version of the slug gun. MY INPUT I never understood why there were spread laser arms and no spread laser back units. Well, this is to rectify that. Each round fires ten lasers, for a total damage output of 1500 points. Usage drain is high however, so be careful! MWG-MGE/300 (Mirage Weapon Hand - Machine Gun Energy, 300 Rounds) MANUFACTURER MIRAGE PRICE 77200 TYPE EN MACHINE GUN WEIGHT 950 ENERGY DRAIN 160 WEAPON LOCK SPECIAL ATTACK POWER 122 AMMO HEAT 8 RANGE 340 MAXIMUM LOCK 1 RELOAD TIME 5 NUMBER OF AMMO 300 AMMO TYPE ENERGY AMMO PRICE - USAGE DRAIN 680 DESCRIPTION Machine gun designed to fire high charged energy rounds. MY INPUT Hey look, it's like the SILKY...but it's not complete crap! Ho ho! MWM-M36/6 (Mirage Weapon Missile - Middle Missile - 36 Rounds, 6 Locks) MANUFACTURER MIRAGE PRICE 53000 TYPE MIDDLE MISSILE WEIGHT 741 ENERGY DRAIN 203 WEAPON LOCK STANDARD ATTACK POWER 1350 AMMO HEAT 186 RANGE 500 MAXIMUM LOCK 6 RELOAD TIME 60 NUMBER OF AMMO 36 AMMO TYPE SOLID AMMO PRICE 250 USAGE DRAIN - DESCRIPTION Fire up to 6 missiles at once. MY INPUT Six Middle Missiles. They were so underrated in AC3... KWX-XM-120-1 (Kisaragi Weapon Dual Back - Micro Missile - 120 Rounds, 1 Lock) MANUFACTURER KISARAGI PRICE 105010 TYPE MICRO MISSILE WEIGHT 635 ENERGY DRAIN 1022 WEAPON LOCK STANDARD ATTACK POWER 405 AMMO HEAT 90 RANGE 580 MAXIMUM LOCK 1 RELOAD TIME 72 NUMBER OF AMMO 120 AMMO TYPE SOLID AMMO PRICE 315 USAGE DRAIN - DESCRIPTION Fires twelve micro missiles per lock-on. MY INPUT Micro Missiles aren't in AC3, but here's a damn fine start for them! It's a dual back unit, yes, but it launches no less than twelve missiles per lock. Combine with Relation Missiles and...well, you can guess the rest. KWC-HZ90S (Kisaragi Weapon Cannon - Howitzer, 90 Rounds, Spread) MANUFACTURER KISARAGI PRICE 173000 TYPE SPREAD HOWITZER WEIGHT 1186 ENERGY DRAIN 14 WEAPON LOCK STANDARD ATTACK POWER 485 AMMO HEAT 278 RANGE 1148 MAXIMUM LOCK - RELOAD TIME 94 NUMBER OF AMMO 90 AMMO TYPE SOLID AMMO PRICE 300 USAGE DRAIN - DESCRIPTION Shoulder-mounted spread howitzer. MY INPUT The shells fired by this thing actually split into eight bomblets for a total of 3880 damage. Otherwise, it's exactly as you'd expect. KWX-HZ-160 (Kisaragi Weapon Dual Back - Howitzer, 160 Rounds) MANUFACTURER KISARAGI PRICE 215700 TYPE HOWITZER WEIGHT 1169 ENERGY DRAIN 28 WEAPON LOCK STANDARD ATTACK POWER 1800 AMMO HEAT 305 RANGE 1000 MAXIMUM LOCK - RELOAD TIME 60 NUMBER OF AMMO 160 AMMO TYPE SOLID AMMO PRICE 400 USAGE DRAIN - DESCRIPTION Dual back-mounted howitzer. MY INPUT When you need a lot of howitzers... CWM-BL06-1 (Crest Weapon Missile - Burst Large Missile - 6 Rounds, 1 Lock) MANUFACTURER CREST IND. PRICE 115000 TYPE BURST LARGE MISSILE WEIGHT 1520 ENERGY DRAIN 418 WEAPON LOCK STANDARD ATTACK POWER 1520 AMMO HEAT 888 RANGE 600 MAXIMUM LOCK 1 RELOAD TIME 255 NUMBER OF AMMO 6 AMMO TYPE SOLID AMMO PRICE 3500 USAGE DRAIN - DESCRIPTION Large missile that releases high-explosive cluster bombs. MY INPUT Okay, so it launches a Large Missile...which then makes its way above the target and fires no less than six grenade rounds into their head! Of course, you pretty much need the target to stand still in order to work. But Massive weapons do that. And with a total of 9120 damage per launch, who can resist these? CWX-HECTO2 (Crest Weapon Dual Back - CWR-HECTO - Dual Fire) MANUFACTURER CREST IND. PRICE 190500 TYPE LARGE ROCKET WEIGHT 1241 ENERGY DRAIN 24 WEAPON LOCK NARROW&DEEP ATTACK POWER 3200 AMMO HEAT 635 RANGE 900 MAXIMUM LOCK - RELOAD TIME 60 NUMBER OF AMMO 36 AMMO TYPE SOLID AMMO PRICE 442 USAGE DRAIN - DESCRIPTION Dual fire large rockets. MY INPUT It's dual HECTO action on a dual back slot. Sounds fun, right? MWG-XCT/90 (Mirage Weapon Hand - Laser Rifle Triple, 90 Rounds) MANUFACTURER MIRAGE PRICE 62200 TYPE TRIPLE LASER RIFLE WEIGHT 632 ENERGY DRAIN 842 WEAPON LOCK SPECIAL ATTACK POWER 482 AMMO HEAT 4 RANGE 690 MAXIMUM LOCK 1 RELOAD TIME 52 NUMBER OF AMMO 90 AMMO TYPE ENERGY AMMO PRICE - USAGE DRAIN 2500 DESCRIPTION Triple fire laser rifle. MY INPUT It's the next natural step... KAW-DKP48 (Kisaragi Arms Weapon - Dual Pulse Rifle, 48 Rounds) MANUFACTURER KISARAGI PRICE 82100 TYPE WEAPON ARMS WEIGHT 1694 ENERGY DRAIN 491 ARMOR POINTS 975 COOLING 298 WEAPON LOCK WIDE&SHALLOW ATTACK POWER 820:820 AMMO HEAT 32:32 RANGE 680:680 MAXIMUM LOCK 1:1 RELOAD TIME 24:34 NUMBER OF AMMO 48 AMMO TYPE ENERGY AMMO PRICE - USAGE DRAIN 3817/3817 DESCRIPTION Variable firing rate pulse rifles. MY INPUT This is basically a choice between regular and AST pulse cannons (With a WS lockbox, yay!). Also the arms on the RUSYANA from ACNX. MWG-MGL/360 (Mirage Weapon Hand - Machine Gun Left Arm, 360 Rounds) MANUFACTURER MIRAGE PRICE 56000 TYPE MACHINE GUN WEIGHT 464 ENERGY DRAIN 7 ATTACK POWER 92 AMMO HEAT 6 RANGE 330 RELOAD TIME 2 NUMBER OF AMMO 360 AMMO TYPE SOLID AMMO PRICE 15 USAGE DRAIN - DESCRIPTION Machine gun designed to inflict impressive close-range damage. MY INPUT Hey look, it's the NIX in AC3! Without the absurdly long reload time! Of course, ammo runs out in a heartbeat. But seriously, just imagine the fire rate tearing through someone unfortunate... KWX-PLUTO (Kisaragi Weapon Dual Back - Pursuit Orbit Cannon, 4 Rounds) MANUFACTURER KISARAGI PRICE 164000 TYPE PURSUIT ORBIT WEIGHT 1556 ENERGY DRAIN 875 WEAPON LOCK SPECIAL ATTACK POWER 285 AMMO HEAT 6 RANGE 420 MAXIMUM LOCK - RELOAD TIME 240 NUMBER OF AMMO 4 AMMO TYPE ENERGY AMMO PRICE - USAGE DRAIN 9600 DESCRIPTION Fires a pod that deploys swarms of orbits. MY INPUT I think someone in this thread mentioned this thing already. Decided to capitalize on it and such. Each pod carries twelve Orbits, by the way. CWG-ABZ-60 (Crest Weapon Hand - Assault Bazooka, 60 Rounds) MANUFACTURER CREST IND. PRICE 85000 TYPE AST BAZOOKA WEIGHT 1386 ENERGY DRAIN 24 WEAPON LOCK SPECIAL ATTACK POWER 1400 AMMO HEAT 476 RANGE 435 MAXIMUM LOCK 1 RELOAD TIME 60 NUMBER OF AMMO 60 AMMO TYPE SOLID AMMO PRICE 161 USAGE DRAIN - DESCRIPTION Bazooka fires a three-round burst. MY INPUT You know, ever since Silent Line (And at LEAST Silent line, mind you), there has been some enemy with an AST bazooka, and yet you never get ahold of one yourself. Times have changed now! KWM-E15/3 (Kisaragi Weapon Missile - Energy - 15 Rounds, 3 Locks) MANUFACTURER KISARAGI PRICE 99000 TYPE EN MISSILE WEIGHT 527 ENERGY DRAIN 495 WEAPON LOCK SPECIAL ATTACK POWER 800 AMMO HEAT 3 RANGE 500 MAXIMUM LOCK 3 RELOAD TIME 160 NUMBER OF AMMO 15 AMMO TYPE ENERGY AMMO PRICE - USAGE DRAIN 1600 DESCRIPTION Fires energy-based missiles. Up to 3 locks. MY INPUT These are basically energy-based Stealth missiles. Unfortunately, they're rather slow and don't track well either. So we're not going to see R-Gray action anytime soon. Although I would full well endorse an R-Gray that transformed into an AC...Oh hey. That already exists. MWG-LBZ/30 (Mirage Weapon hand - Laser Bazooka, 30 Rounds) MANUFACTURER MIRAGE PRICE 63000 TYPE LASER BAZOOKA WEIGHT 1183 ENERGY DRAIN 511 WEAPON LOCK SPECIAL ATTACK POWER 1600 AMMO HEAT 14 RANGE 470 MAXIMUM LOCK 1 RELOAD TIME 75 NUMBER OF AMMO 30 AMMO TYPE ENERGY AMMO PRICE - USAGE DRAIN 3400 DESCRIPTION Bazooka firing high-charged energy rounds. MY INPUT I always found it funny how FROM seemed to stress that the bazookas in game were "solid shell". It's almost as if they were implying an energy-based one was somewhere around the corner. Ah, well, this is it I guess. CWG-BZ-50N (Crest Weapon Hand - Bazooka, 50 Rounds, Napalm) MANUFACTURER CREST IND. PRICE 53000 TYPE NAPALM BAZOOKA WEIGHT 804 ENERGY DRAIN 15 WEAPON LOCK SPECIAL ATTACK POWER 200 AMMO HEAT 444 RANGE 435 MAXIMUM LOCK 1 RELOAD TIME 60 NUMBER OF AMMO 50 AMMO TYPE SOLID AMMO PRICE 200 USAGE DRAIN - DESCRIPTION Bazooka's shells ignite target upon impact. MY INPUT This would be too damn funny to use in a game. Seriously, a bazooka that SETS ENEMIES ON FIRE! Low actual damage though. MWG-AKPL/96 (Mirage Weapon Hand - Assault Pulse Rifle Left Arm, 96 Rounds) MANUFACTURER MIRAGE PRICE 80000 TYPE AST PULSE RIFLE WEIGHT 325 ENERGY DRAIN 489 ATTACK POWER 399 AMMO HEAT 4 RELOAD TIME 44 NUMBER OF AMMO 96 AMMO TYPE ENERGY AMMO PRICE - USAGE DRAIN 820 DESCRIPTION AST type pulse rifle. MY INPUT This also has appeared on various enemies but not on ACs themselves. Weird. MWR-SM/30 (Mirage Weapon Rocket - Spread Rocket, 30 Rounds) MANUFACTURER MIRAGE PRICE 46000 TYPE SPREAD ROCKET WEIGHT 568 ENERGY DRAIN 18 WEAPON LOCK NARROW&DEEP ATTACK POWER 820 AMMO HEAT 162 RANGE 885 MAXIMUM LOCK - RELOAD TIME 60 NUMBER OF AMMO 30 AMMO TYPE SOLID AMMO PRICE 378 USAGE DRAIN - DESCRIPTION Fires rockets that spread out just as they reach their target. MY INPUT This fires a Middle Rocket that splits into four Small Rockets shortly before hitting its target. This makes it easier to hit enemies if they attempt to dodge. KARASAWA-MK3 (Karasawa, Third Generation) MANUFACTURER MIRAGE PRICE 104500 TYPE LASER RIFLE WEIGHT 920 ENERGY DRAIN 422 WEAPON LOCK SPECIAL ATTACK POWER 1570 AMMO HEAT 56 RANGE 475 MAXIMUM LOCK 1 RELOAD TIME 54 NUMBER OF AMMO 35 AMMO TYPE ENERGY AMMO PRICE - USAGE DRAIN 3430 DESCRIPTION The ultimate incarnation of the KARASAWA. MY INPUT Herp derp, it's a KARASAWA firing XCG-20E style rounds. The catch? You only get this after unlocking every other part in the game (Maybe save for OP-INTENSIFY). Tourneyfags will complain about it for the rest of history, but hey, that's what regulations are for, right? CWG-XCMK-65 (Crest Weapon Hand - Laser Rifle Mini Karasawa, 65 Rounds) MANUFACTURER CREST PRICE 78000 TYPE LASER RIFLE WEIGHT 469 ENERGY DRAIN 586 WEAPON LOCK SPECIAL ATTACK POWER 600 AMMO HEAT 16 RANGE 400 MAXIMUM LOCK 1 RELOAD TIME 50 NUMBER OF AMMO 65 AMMO TYPE ENERGY AMMO PRICE - USAGE DRAIN 3200 DESCRIPTION Crest's counterpart to the KARASAWA-MK2. MY INPUT ZWG-XC/01 in AC3! There is little else to explain. CHD-10-ENT (Crest Head) MANUFACTURER CREST IND. PRICE 89800 WEIGHT 481 ENERGY DRAIN 374 ARMOR POINTS 840 DEF SHELL 177 DEF ENERGY 153 COOLING 449 COMPUTER TYPE ROUGH COMPUTER VOICE MALE SYSTEM RECOVERY HIGH MAP TYPE AREA&PLACE NAME BIO SENSOR NONE ECM CANCELER PROVIDED RADAR FUNCTION PROVIDED RADAR RANGE 360 RADAR TYPE STANDARD SCANNING INTERVAL 66 DESCRIPTION Heat-resistant head with balanced performance. MY INPUT Think OVE that isn't a complete air-head. This is notable for being in the ACNX art gallery as the AC3SL two-leg AC no. 6's head. MHD-RE/009 (Mirage Head) MANUFACTURER MIRAGE PRICE 89000 WEIGHT 202 ENERGY DRAIN 308 ARMOR POINTS 911 DEF SHELL 196 DEF ENERGY 172 COOLING 300 COMPUTER TYPE STANDARD COMPUTER VOICE FEMALE SYSTEM RECOVERY HIGH MAP TYPE NO MEMORY BIO SENSOR PROVIDED ECM CANCELER NONE RADAR FUNCTION PROVIDED RADAR RANGE 481 RADAR TYPE STANDARD SCANNING INTERVAL 10 DESCRIPTION Radar possesses a short scanning interval. MY INPUT Good close-range midweight head. From ACNX gallery, AC3SL Two-Leg type AC no. 5. CLH-XV-TON (Crest Legs Heavy Biped) MANUFACTURER CREST IND. PRICE 74800 MAXIMUM WEIGHT 8220 WEIGHT 3174 ENERGY DRAIN 2038 STATIONARY DRAIN 1283 ARMOR POINTS 3788 DEF SHELL 710 DEF ENERGY 523 COOLING 246 MOVING ABILITY 135 TURNING SPEED 100 JUMP FUNCTION PROVIDED BRAKING ABILITY 143 LANDING STABILITY 1909 DEFENSIVE STABILITY 1955 DESCRIPTION Highest load capacity of all bipeds. MY INPUT: Biped with tank-leg capacity. It kind of pays for its own strength in other respects, though...also from ACNX gallery, AC3SL Two-leg number 6. CBT-FLEET-OX (Crest Booster - CBT-FLEET, Add Power) MANUFACTURER CREST IND. PRICE 47000 WEIGHT 383 ENERGY DRAIN 44 BOOST POWER 20500 CHARGE DRAIN 6990 DESCRIPTION FLEET modified to deliver even greater boost power. MY INPUT They're heavy, but DAT POWAH! You may even end up boosting too fast for your own good. You never know... CWR-BO-20 (Crest Weapon Rocket - Bomb Dispenser, 20 Rounds) MANUFACTURER KISARAGI PRICE 13400 TYPE BOMB DISPENSER WEIGHT 761 ENERGY DRAIN 41 WEAPON SIGHT STANDARD ATTACK POWER 680 AMMO HEAT 188 RANGE 750 MAXIMUM LOCK - RELOAD TIME 150 NUMBER OF AMMO 20 AMMO TYPE SOLID AMMO PRICE 240 USAGE DRAIN - DESCRIPTION Fires a pod that dispenses contact bomblets. MY INPUT The premise is simple: Aim above the enemy's head, fire the thing, and watch as it showers them with six packets of explosive joy. Unlike the inside-mounted Bomb Dispensers, these fire the bombs over the enemy beforehand, making them more like a spread howitzer or something. MLB-MX/VAT (Mirage Legs Reverse - ZLB-7744/VAT) MANUFACTURER MIRAGE PRICE 41000 MAXIMUM WEIGHT 6500 WEIGHT 2877 ENERGY DRAIN 1715 STATIONARY DRAIN 437 ARMOR POINTS 3602 DEF SHELL 650 DEF ENERGY 572 COOLING 622 MOVING ABILITY 223 TURNING SPEED 107 JUMP FUNCTION PROVIDED BRAKING ABILITY 102 LANDING STABILITY 3000 DEFENSIVE STABILITY 3015 DESCRIPTION New heavy armor reverse joint legs. MY INPUT VAT legs from AC2. The load capacity is top-notch for an RJ. CWEM-RH24 (Crest Weapon Extension Missile - Relation Hi-Act, 24 Rounds) MANUFACTURER CREST IND. PRICE 94200 TYPE RELATION HI ACT WEIGHT 394 ENERGY DRAIN 266 ATTACK POWER 680 AMMO HEAT 260 RANGE 450 MAXIMUM LAUNCH 2 RELOAD TIME 70 NUMBER OF AMMO 24 AMMO TYPE SOLID AMMO PRICE 400 USAGE DRAIN - DESCRIPTION High mobility interlocking missiles. MY INPUT It fires better tracking missiles. I bet you're surprised, no? CWGG-HLC-10 (Crest Weapon Miniature Back - Hand Linear Cannon, 10 Rounds) MANUFACTURER CREST IND. PRICE 90000 TYPE HAND LINEAR CANNON WEIGHT 1758 ENERGY DRAIN 586 WEAPON LOCK NARROW&DEEP ATTACK POWER 3000 AMMO HEAT 24 RANGE 800 MAXIMUM LOCK 1 RELOAD TIME 115 NUMBER OF AMMO 10 AMMO TYPE ENERGY AMMO PRICE - USAGE DRAIN 7300 DESCRIPTION Handheld version of the CWX-LIC-10. MY INPUT Otherwise to be known in Nexus as the CR-WR96LX, the idea for this first cropped up when I asked a venerable graphic artist on another board to "sprite me a WA-FINGER". He declined, but promptly came out with what looked much like a handheld WBW98LX instead. Seeing the name, "LX-96", I immediately thought, "CR-WR96LX" and promptly went to work designing such a weapon. As for the thing itself, it's basically absurd power with only ten rounds. Of course, that's still enough! KWC-STILETTO (Kisaragi Weapon Cannon - Parrying Blade Cannon - 30 Rounds, 3 Locks) MANUFACTURER KISARAGI PRICE 88000 TYPE BLADE CANNON WEIGHT 475 ENERGY DRAIN 492 WEAPON LOCK SPECIAL ATTACK POWER 1550 ATTACK HEAT 673 RANGE 500 MAXIMUM LOCK 3 RELOAD TIME 160 NUMBER OF AMMO 30 AMMO TYPE SOLID AMMO PRICE 300 USAGE DRAIN - DESCRIPTION Recoilless cannon firing parrying blade-like projectiles. MY INPUT This uses a lock similar to a missile system. Upon firing, three parrying blade-like projectiles fire upward, unfold themselves and point at the designated targets, and then boost very quickly using a solid motor into them, embedding themselves and exploding shortly afterward. Though someone mentioned Parrying Blade orbits here, this is more intended to be like Death Header's missiles from the Raiden Fighters shmup series. Because these projectiles stop attempting to track the target once upon their final approach, you can safely dodge most of them by continuously boosting in one direction. CWC-BZ-30 (Crest Weapon Cannon - Bazooka, 30 Rounds) MANUFACTURER CREST IND. PRICE 107800 TYPE BAZOOKA WEIGHT 1010 ENERGY DRAIN 18 WEAPON LOCK NARROW&DEEP ATTACK POWER 2240 AMMO HEAT 473 RANGE 760 MAXIMUM LOCK 1 RELOAD TIME 75 NUMBER OF AMMO 30 AMMO TYPE SOLID AMMO PRICE 200 USAGE DRAIN - DESCRIPTION Shoulder-mounted bazooka. MY INPUT Think of a rocket launcher, except it's a cannon and has a lockbox. That's basically what you have here. KWG-XCA90 (Kisaragi Weapon hand - Laser Rifle Assault, 90 Rounds) MANUFACTURER KISARAGI PRICE 58000 TYPE AST LASER RIFLE WEIGHT 683 ENERGY DRAIN 311 WEAPON LOCK SPECIAL ATTACK POWER 674 AMMO HEAT 8 RANGE 640 MAXIMUM LOCK 1 RELOAD TIME 34 NUMBER OF AMMO 90 AMMO TYPE ENERGY AMMO PRICE - USAGE DRAIN 2800 DESCRIPTION Triple-shot laser rifle. MY INPUT Woo, an assault laser rifle. Frankly, now that I've figured out how much assault rifles suck, I don't even remember how I bothered to come up with this to begin with. MWM-VMM16/1 (Mirage Weapon Missile - Vertical Multi Missile - 16 Rounds, 1 Lock) MANUFACTURER MIRAGE PRICE 76900 TYPE MULTI MISSILE WEIGHT 614 ENERGY DRAIN 492 WEAPON LOCK STANDARD ATTACK POWER 780 AMMO HEAT 145 RANGE 540 MAXIMUM LOCK 1 RELOAD TIME 83 NUMBER OF AMMO 16 AMMO TYPE SOLID AMMO PRICE 1890 USAGE DRAIN - DESCRIPTION Multi-warhead vertical missile launcher. MY INPUT Vertically launched HYDRAs. There isn't much else to explain, is there? CAW-GIGAS4 (Crest Arms Weapon - CWM-GIGAS - Quad Fire) MANUFACTURER CREST IND. PRICE 123800 TYPE WEAPON ARMS WEIGHT 1914 ENERGY DRAIN 48 ARMOR POINTS 740 COOLING 336 WEAPON LOCK STANDARD ATTACK POWER 5600:5600 AMMO HEAT 1730:1730 RANGE 290:290 MAXIMUM LOCK 2:2 RELOAD TIME 255:255 NUMBER OF AMMO 12 AMMO TYPE SOLID AMMO PRICE 3500 USAGE DRAIN -:- DESCRIPTION TITAN4 arms with added ammo stores. MY INPUT With the potential to launch eight Large Missiles at once, don't you feel more than a little tempted to start some kind of nuclear armageddon? That said, getting a double lock on quad-fire mode is going to take an incredibly long time. CWEM-TITAN1 (Crest Weapon Extension Missile - CWM-TITAN, Single Fire) MANUFACTURER CREST IND. PRICE 105000 TYPE RELATION MISSILE WEIGHT 532 ENERGY DRAIN 292 ATTACK POWER 6800 AMMO HEAT 1730 RANGE 290 MAXIMUM LAUNCH 1 RELOAD TIME 255 NUMBER OF AMMO 2 AMMO TYPE SOLID AMMO PRICE 3500 USAGE DRAIN - DESCRIPTION High-explosive interlocking missiles. MY INPUT Hoo boy. There's only two of them, but you can be sure to make your enemies very angry at you by popping out one of these. They launch out of alternating sides, though, so you kind of have to anticipate that when targeting things. I have a GIGAS model in my next post. CWR-ALX (Crest Weapon Rocket - CWGG-HLR-ALX) MANUFACTURER CREST IND. PRICE 45000 TYPE LARGE ROCKET WEIGHT 1462 ENERGY DRAIN 10 WEAPON LOCK NARROW&DEEP ATTACK POWER 4500 AMMO HEAT 1583 RANGE 1200 MAXIMUM LOCK - RELOAD TIME 240 NUMBER OF AMMO 10 AMMO TYPE SOLID AMMO PRICE 2000 USAGE DRAIN - DESCRIPTION Fires large, powerful rockets. MY INPUT Say it with me: Really...damn...big...rockets. Think Grenade-sized or possibly even larger. And they hurt a whole lot more, too. Now here's the rub: There are only ten of them. Make your shots count, buddy! MAW-DRG/40 (Mirage Arms Weapon - Dual Railgun, 40 Rounds) MANUFACTURER MIRAGE PRICE 82200 TYPE WEAPON ARMS WEIGHT 1666 ENERGY DRAIN 604 ARMOR POINTS 888 COOLING 338 WEAPON LOCK SPECIAL ATTACK POWER 2335:1240 AMMO HEAT 24:24 RANGE 950:1000 MAXIMUM LOCK 1:1 RELOAD TIME 155:124 NUMBER OF AMMO 40 AMMO TYPE ENERGY AMMO PRICE - USAGE DRAIN 4224:2488 DESCRIPTION Toggle railgun: shot strength. MY INPUT Railgun arms. Charge 'em and fire. Although these lack the attack heat Railguns are usually known for, they have some rather nice power and fire two at a time. Also comparatively low usage drain and a Special lockbox. MWG-QKP/120 (Mirage Weapon Hand - Quad Pulse Rifle, 120 Rounds) MANUFACTURER MIRAGE PRICE 63000 TYPE QUAD PULSE RIFLE WEIGHT 507 ENERGY DRAIN 673 WEAPON LOCK SPECIAL ATTACK POWER 280 AMMO HEAT 4 RANGE 500 MAXIMUM LOCK 1 RELOAD TIME 20 NUMBER OF AMMO 120 AMMO TYPE ENERGY AMMO PRICE - USAGE DRAIN 800 DESCRIPTION Fires quadruple energy rounds. MY INPUT This is basically the energy version of the venerable FINGER. It will pretty much MELT anything at close range within an instant, but ammo stores are kind of low. MWM-ML10/1 (Mirage Weapon Missile - Multi Large Missile - 10 Rounds, 1 Lock) MANUFACTURER MIRAGE PRICE 115000 TYPE MULTI LARGE MISSILE WEIGHT 1640 ENERGY DRAIN 418 WEAPON LOCK STANDARD ATTACK POWER 1350 AMMO HEAT 186 RANGE 290 MAXIMUM LOCK 1 RELOAD TIME 255 NUMBER OF AMMO 10 AMMO TYPE SOLID AMMO PRICE 3500 USAGE DRAIN - DESCRIPTION Multi-warhead large missile launcher. MY INPUT Remember those stupid cruise missiles from Defend Vargas Airport? Well, now you can launch them too! There's only ten rounds though. Be careful. MWM-HAM20/2 (Mirage Weapon Missile - Hi-Act Middle - 20 Rounds, 2 Locks) MANUFACTURER MIRAGE PRICE 72800 TYPE HI ACT MIDDLE MISSILE WEIGHT 1047 ENERGY DRAIN 320 WEAPON LOCK STANDARD ATTACK POWER 1350 AMMO HEAT 186 RANGE 500 MAXIMUM LOCK 2 RELOAD TIME 57 NUMBER OF AMMO 20 AMMO TYPE SOLID AMMO PRICE 300 USAGE DRAIN - DESCRIPTION Fires larger high mobility missiles. MY INPUT They're mid-sized Hi-Acts. Yeah. How original of me. And don't make fun of the name, dammit! KWEM-RX60 (Kisaragi Weapon Extension Missile - Relation Micro Missie, 60 Rounds) MANUFACTURER KISARAGI TYPE RELATION MICRO MISSILE WEIGHT 224 ENERGY DRAIN 425 ATTACK POWER 405 AMMO HEAT 90 RANGE 450 MAXIMUM LAUNCH 6 RELOAD TIME 104 NUMBER OF AMMO 60 AMMO TYPE SOLID AMMO PRICE 315 USAGE DRAIN - DESCRIPTION Interlocking Micro Missiles, six launch max. MY INPUT So wait, why a six-launch Micro Missile extension if the KWEM-RX40 (Better known to you Nexus fans as FUNI) exists already? Well...it may not have been obvious already, but if you check FUNI's stats, it actually launches missiles slightly better than regular Micro Missiles. So while this will fire more missiles, it isn't necessarily firing better missiles. And don't complain about ammunition costs, either! OP-M/AUTO (Optional part - Missile, Automatic) MANUFACTURER MIRAGE PRICE 18000 SLOTS REQUIRED 1 DESCRIPTION Fires missile on full lock-on. MY INPUT At last, now your enemies will explode simply by you looking at them funny! Unfortunately, it can't differentiate whether there is a wall or other obstacle between you and them, so equipping this has its risks. OP-VIECH (Optional Part) MANUFACTURER KISARAGI PRICE 89000 SLOTS REQUIRED 6 DESCRIPTION Increases lock-on range. MY INPUT Increased range for all weapons excluding EOs (as that's covered by OP-EO-LAP). A sound choice for snipers. MAW-MOONLIGHT2 (Mirage Arms Weapon - Moonlight, Dual) MANUFACTURER MIRAGE PRICE 31500 TYPE WEAPON ARMS WEIGHT 1370 ENERGY DRAIN 14 ARMOR POINTS 1018 COOLING 322 DISCHARGE HEAT 6 ATTACK POWER 2070 WAVE ATTACK POWER 800 ATTACK HEAT 25 RANGE RATING 7 WAVE RANGE 500 USAGE DRAIN 2100 WAVE USAGE DRAIN 2100 DESCRIPTION Arms recovered from a long-lost relic. MY INPUT Hey, they're Predicador arms...what? That doesn't make you hard already? Okay, they're dual MOONLIGHTs! There are no triple blade waves here though, just the regular and no blade wave. So they're not totally better than KAW-SAMURAI arms. MAW-KARASAWA2 (Mirage Arms Weapon - Karasawa, Dual) MANUFACTURER MIRAGE PRICE 48000 TYPE WEAPON ARMS WEIGHT 1818 ENERGY DRAIN 61 ARMOR POINTS 888 COOLING 338 WEAPON LOCK SPECIAL ATTACK POWER 1580:1580 AMMO HEAT 42:42 RANGE 500:500 MAXIMUM LOCK 1:1 RELOAD TIME 93:54 NUMBER OF AMMO 80 AMMO TYPE ENERGY AMMO PRICE - USAGE DRAIN 3420:3420 DESCRIPTION Toggle laser cannon: no. of rounds fired. MY INPUT M-9's arms, oh boy! You don't have a high-power setting, it's just single/dual fire. Rather heavy though. CGP-RXZ1 (Crest Generator Power - Experimental High Output, Type 1) MANUFACTURER CREST IND. PRICE 190000 WEIGHT 629 ENERGY OUTPUT 11800 MAXIMUM CHARGE 38000 REDZONE 19000 CALORIFIC VALUE 5600 DESCRIPTION The culmination of recent Crest generator studies. MY INPUT Remember that mission in Silent Line where you dodge missiles while jumping from plane to plane and then somehow get stuck in a fight against a giant flying MT of some kind? Well, that must have been more than enough information Crest needed to build themselves a I-C003-IN style generator! And this is it! MLB-DEVASTATOR (Mirage Legs Reverse - Devastator) MANUFACTURER MIRAGE PRICE 32000 MAXIMUM WEIGHT 7501 WEIGHT 3215 ENERGY DRAIN 2330 STATIONARY DRAIN 937 ARMOR POINTS 3800 DEF SHELL 740 DEF ENERGY 576 COOLING 366 MOVING SPEED 148 TURNING SPEED 110 JUMP FUNCTION PROVIDED BRAKING ABILITY 120 LANDING STABILITY 3245 DEFENSIVE STABILITY 3008 DESCRIPTION Reverse-joint legs obtained from a peculiar source. MY INPUT "What kind of joke is this?" Well, they're MT legs, yes, but they're very special MT legs, as they are miniature versions of none other than ACNX Devastator's legs. They're the slowest, but most heavily armored and load-bearing RJs in the game, and since they come from an MT, they're offered at discount price! Sweet! KMX-AD-80 (Kisaragi Magazine Dual Back - General Addition, 80 Percent) MANUFACTURER KISARAGI PRICE 68000 TYPE GENERAL MAGAZINE WEIGHT 2437 ENERGY DRAIN 34 FUNCTION ADD AMMO 80 DESCRIPTION Increases ammo storage by 80 percent. MY INPUT See how KWM-AD-60 has only one ammo pack on the right section? Add another one there, and BAM! You have 80% ammo. Unfortunately, the reinforcement needed to carry that was phenomenal for some reason, so it's very heavy. Uh, yeah, REALLY FUCKING HEAVY. So weapon arms are practically obligatory. KM-AD40 (Kisaragi Magazine - General Addition, 40 Percent) MANUFACTURER KISARAGI PRICE 103000 TYPE GENERAL MAGAZINE WEIGHT 1098 ENERGY DRAIN 17 FUNCTION ADD AMMO 40 DESCRIPTION Increases ammo storage by 40 percent. MY INPUT And here's half of that thing in turn. CM-SD-20 (Crest Magazine - Shell Addition, 20 Percent) MANUFACTURER CREST IND. PRICE 67000 TYPE SHELL MAGAZINE WEIGHT 544 ENERGY DRAIN 0 FUNCTION ADD AMMO 20 DESCRIPTION Adds 20% ammo for all shell weapons. MY INPUT No solid magazines in AC3? Let's change that! MM-ED/10 (Mirage Magazine - Energy Addition, 10 Percent) MANUFACTURER MIRAGE PRICE 58400 TYPE EN MAGAZINE WEIGHT 501 ENERGY DRAIN 422 FUNCTION ADD AMMO 10 DESCRIPTION Adds 10% ammo for all energy weapons. MY INPUT This is the EN counterpart to the above. CMX-SD-60 (Crest Magazine Dual Back - Shell Addition, 60 Percent) MANUFACTURER CREST IND. PRICE 55000 TYPE SHELL MAGAZINE WEIGHT 1516 ENERGY DRAIN 8 FUNCTION ADD AMMO 60 DESCRIPTION Adds 60% ammo for all shell weapons. MY INPUT Here's a dual slot shell magazine as well. MMX-ED/40 (Mirage Magazine Dual Back - Energy Addition, 40 Percent) MANUFACTURER MIRAGE PRICE 45800 TYPE EN MAGAZINE WEIGHT 1328 ENERGY DRAIN 502 FUNCTION ADD AMMO 40 DESCRIPTION Adds 40% ammo for all energy weapons. MY INPUT ...And a dual-slot energy one. CXW-LIC-15 (Crest Arms/Back Weapon, Linear Cannon, 15 Rounds) MANUFACTURER CREST IND. PRICE 193800 TYPE WEAPON ARMS ARM WEIGHT 1107 BACK WEIGHT 646 ENERGY DRAIN 122 ARMOR POINTS 1170 COOLING 402 WEAPON LOCK NARROW&DEEP ATTACK POWER 5820:5820 AMMO HEAT 58:58 RANGE 1200:1200 MAXIMUM LOCK 1:1 RELOAD TIME 136:83 NUMBER OF AMMO 15 AMMO TYPE ENERGY AMMO PRICE - USAGE DRAIN 9400 DESCRIPTION Devastating linear cannon arms. Requires additional usage of one back unit. MY INPUT I dunno, it was something that I heard about in Brave New World. These are really, REALLY powerful, but you only get to equip one other weapon! So be careful with them. Oh yeah, its firing modes just involve single/dual fire again. How lazy of me. CWM-HM60-4 (Crest Weapon Missile - High Velocity Missile - 60 Rounds, 4 Locks) MANUFACTURER CREST IND. PRICE 58200 TYPE HIGH VELOCITY MISSILE WEIGHT 573 ENERGY DRAIN 549 WEAPON LOCK STANDARD ATTACK POWER 780 AMMO HEAT 145 RANGE 600 MAXIMUM LOCK 4 RELOAD TIME 60 NUMBER OF AMMO 60 AMMO TYPE SOLID AMMO PRICE 140 USAGE DRAIN - DESCRIPTION High velocity missiles, four locks max. MY INPUT Ever noticed that Hand Missiles launch significantly faster missiles than regular missile launchers? Well, now you can have a missile launcher converted to a hand missile launcher converted to a...missile launcher, I guess? They're kind of like the exact opposite of Hi-Acts. Fast, don't track as hard, but fired in groups will wreak havoc on things that can't dodge in time. MWM-MQM3/1 (Mirage Weapon Missile - Multi Quad Missile - 3 Rounds, 1 Lock) MANUFACTURER MIRAGE PRICE 115000 TYPE MULTI MISSILE WEIGHT 1520 ENERGY DRAIN 418 WEAPON LOCK STANDARD ATTACK POWER 620 AMMO HEAT 185 RANGE 600 MAXIMUM LOCK 1 RELOAD TIME 200 NUMBER OF AMMO 3 AMMO TYPE SOLID AMMO PRICE 1640 USAGE DRAIN - DESCRIPTION Carries three powerful multi-warhead missiles. MY INPUT The God of all Multi Missiles, this thing launches a single Large Missile which splits into four Middle Missiles vertically, which each split into four Small Missiles horizontally, for a total of sixteen missiles. It's heavy though, and has a slow lock kind of like a Large Missile. The range is enormous by the way, as it counts for each stage, making it far longer than a traditional Large Missile. Needless to say, this is one hell of a fireworks show when fired. CWX-GND-10 (Crest Weapon Dual Back - Grenade Launcher, 10 Rounds) MANUFACTURER CREST IND. PRICE 80000 TYPE GRENADE LAUNCHER WEIGHT 1378 ENERGY DRAIN 10 WEAPON LOCK NARROW&DEEP ATTACK POWER 4500 AMMO HEAT 1583 RANGE 1100 MAXIMUM LOCK 1 RELOAD TIME 184 AMMO PRICE 2000 DESCRIPTION Devastatingly potent grenade launcher. MY INPUT Make no mistake, these are the biggest damn grenades a Normal could ever hope to fire (OIGAMI is for NEXTs hur dur). Aside from being nigh-impossible to dodge at close range, the blast radius also happens to be enormous, and as you might expect, getting hit by this is no picnic. That said, it takes both back slots and only has ten rounds. MWX-MDM12/1 (Mirage Weapon Dual Back - Multi Dual Missile - 12 Rounds, 1 Lock) MANUFACTURER MIRAGE PRICE 150000 TYPE MULTI MISSILE WEIGHT 1762 ENERGY DRAIN 600 WEAPON LOCK STANDARD ATTACK POWER 680 AMMO HEAT 180 RANGE 600 MAXIMUM LOCK 1 RELOAD TIME 84 NUMBER OF AMMO 12 AMMO TYPE SOLID AMMO PRICE 2100 USAGE DRAIN - DESCRIPTION Launches two dual stage multi missiles simultaneously. MY INPUT Dual-fire MWM-MDM2/1s! That's a total of sixteen missiles per lock. Sadly, it'll only last for six launches. Make good use of them! CWG-SBZL-20X (Crest Weapon Hand - Spread Bazooka Left Arm, 20 Rounds, Experimental) MANUFACTURER CREST IND. PRICE 54600 TYPE SPREAD BAZOOKA WEIGHT 1399 ENERGY DRAIN 20 ATTACK POWER 560 AMMO HEAT 205 RANGE 420 RELOAD TIME 56 NUMBER OF AMMO 20 AMMO TYPE SOLID AMMO PRICE 242 DESCRIPTION Experimental left-handed spread bazooka. MY INPUT Remember the distinction between GIANT and GIANT2 in Armored Core: Nexus? It's basically the same thing here, as the regular SBZL-20 fired GIANT2-style projectiles and this fires GIANT-style projectiles. CWC-SBZ-72 (Crest Weapon Cannon - Spread Bazooka, 72 Rounds) MANUFACTURER CREST IND. PRICE 51600 TYPE SPREAD BAZOOKA WEIGHT 901 ENERGY DRAIN 9 WEAPON LOCK NARROW&DEEP ATTACK POWER 1020 AMMO HEAT 230 RANGE 900 MAXIMUM LOCK 1 RELOAD TIME 45 NUMBER OF AMMO 72 AMMO TYPE SOLID AMMO PRICE 200 USAGE DRAIN - DESCRIPTION Shoulder-mounted spread bazooka. MY INPUT This fires four rounds at a time, so you actually have something more like 18 firings. That said, it's VERY powerful at close range. MWGG-KP/75 (Mirage Weapon Miniature Back - Pulse Rifle, 75 Rounds) MANUFACTURER MIRAGE PRICE 105000 TYPE PULSE RIFLE WEIGHT 574 ENERGY DRAIN 495 WEAPON LOCK NARROW&DEEP ATTACK POWER 780 AMMO HEAT 8 RANGE 600 MAXIMUM LOCK 1 RELOAD TIME 18 NUMBER OF AMMO 75 AMMO TYPE ENERGY AMMO PRICE - USAGE DRAIN 3500 DESCRIPTION Miniaturized pulse cannon. Low ammo stores. MY INPUT Most Pulse Rifles are just energy handguns...but this is an actual rifle! That said, its ammo stores are rather low, so use them wisely (As usual). CWG-ARF-120H (Crest Weapon Hand - Assault Rifle, 120 Rounds, Heat) MANUFACTURER CREST IND. PRICE 99000 TYPE ASSAULT RIFLE WEIGHT 424 ENERGY DRAIN 12 WEAPON LOCK SPECIAL ATTACK POWER 155 AMMO HEAT 128 RANGE 480 MAXIMUM LOCK 1 RELOAD TIME 34 NUMBER OF AMMO 120 AMMO TYPE SOLID AMMO PRICE 50 USAGE DRAIN - DESCRIPTION Improved ammo heat assault rifle. MY INPUT This is pretty much what it says on the tin. Stats aren't terribly different from the ARF-120. MWG-RF-220A (Mirage Weapon Hand - Rifle, 220 Rounds, Attack) MANUFACTURER MIRAGE PRICE 33000 TYPE RIFLE WEIGHT 325 ENERGY DRAIN 8 WEAPON LOCK SPECIAL ATTACK POWER 330 AMMO HEAT 108 RANGE 600 MAXIMUM LOCK 1 RELOAD TIME 26 NUMBER OF AMMO 220 AMMO TYPE SOLID AMMO PRICE 30 USAGE DRAIN - DESCRIPTION Improved attack power rifle. MY INPUT The exact opposite of the RF-220H, this has enhanced attack power at the cost of lower ammo heat. Someone is sure to love this... KWG-PHZL150 (Kisaragi Weapon Hand - Plasma Howitzer Left Arm, 150 Rounds) MANUFACTURER KISARAGI PRICE 45600 TYPE PLASMA HOWITZER WEIGHT 242 ENERGY DRAIN 17 ATTACK POWER 1360 AMMO HEAT 158 RANGE 440 RELOAD TIME 60 NUMBER OF AMMO 150 AMMO TYPE ENERGY AMMO PRICE - USAGE DRAIN 2000 DESCRIPTION Energy-based howitzer. Good ammo storage. MY INPUT Oh boy! Energy howitzers. Aside from having a near-endless supply of ammunition, this weapon also boasts higher attack power and various other goodies. KWG-EHZL50 (Kisragi Weapon Hand - ECM Howitzer Left Arm, 50 Rounds) MANUFACTURER KISARAGI PRICE 67600 TYPE ECM HOWITZER WEIGHT 491 ENERGY DRAIN 282 ATTACK POWER 326 AMMO HEAT 5 RANGE 430 RELOAD TIME 42 NUMBER OF AMMO 50 AMMO TYPE SOLID AMMO PRICE 3744 USAGE DRAIN - DESCRIPTION ECM howitzer for jamming an enemy FCS. MY INPUT Flashbang howitzers! Damage value is laughable, but when the enemy can't lock onto you, it certainly opens them up to a whole lot more pain. That said, ammunition is expensive. Be sure to use this with a locking right-hand weapon! CWR-NM-40 (Crest Weapon Rocket - Napalm Middle, 40 Rounds) MANUFACTURER CREST IND. PRICE 64000 TYPE NAPALM ROCKET WEIGHT 1293 ENERGY DRAIN 137 WEAPON LOCK NARROW&DEEP ATTACK POWER 135 AMMO HEAT 672 RANGE 775 MAXIMUM LOCK - RELOAD TIME 64 NUMBER OF AMMO 40 AMMO TYPE SOLID AMMO PRICE 100 DESCRIPTION Back-mounted napalm rocket launcher. MY INPUT Essentially the CWI-NM-40 in a different weapon slot. It is worth noting, however, that this weapon does benefit from a much longer range than its Inside-mounted counterpart. CWGG-HNR-30 (Crest Weapon Miniature Back - Hand Napalm Rocket, 30 Rounds) MANUFACTURER CREST IND. PRICE 57000 TYPE HAND NAP ROCKET WEIGHT 605 ENERGY DRAIN 312 WEAPON LOCK NARROW&DEEP ATTACK POWER 168 AMMO HEAT 1011 RANGE 425 MAXIMUM LOCK - RELOAD TIME 75 NUMBER OF AMMO 30 AMMO TYPE SOLID AMMO PRICE 205 USAGE DRAIN - DESCRIPTION Arm-mounted napalm rocket launcher. MY INPUT A right-handed Napalm Rocket launcher. Pretty self-explanatory, although those rockets it fires are slightly more powerful than regular napalm rockets. KWM-XS110-1 (Kisaragi Weapon Missile - Micro Missile - 110 Rounds, 1 Lock) MANUFACTURER KISARAGI PRICE 144820 TYPE MICRO MISSILE WEIGHT 809 ENERGY DRAIN 693 WEAPON LOCK STANDARD ATTACK POWER 405 AMMO HEAT 90 RANGE 700 MAXIMUM LOCK 1 RELOAD TIME 130 NUMBER OF AMMO 110 AMMO TYPE SOLID AMMO PRICE 315 USAGE DRAIN - DESCRIPTION Micro missile launcher, fires eleven missiles per lock-on. MY INPUT Eleven missiles, and only on one back unit...sounds enticing, doesn't it? It's rather heavy of course, but many types of cannon are much heavier, so I wouldn't complain. That said, we're starting to see some VERY pricey weapons here. KWG-NHZ50 (Kisaragi Weapon Hand - Napalm Howitzer, 50 Rounds) MANUFACTURER KISARAGI PRICE 41200 TYPE NAPALM HOWITZER WEIGHT 570 ENERGY DRAIN 33 WEAPON LOCK STANDARD ATTACK POWER 200 AMMO HEAT 444 RANGE 430 MAXIMUM LOCK - RELOAD TIME 45 NUMBER OF AMMO 50 AMMO TYPE SOLID AMMO PRICE 520 USAGE DRAIN - DESCRIPTION Arm-mounted napalm howitzer. MY INPUT 50 rounds of NAPAAAAAALM. On the right hand, mind you. Although some may wonder if this is really necessary. Well, I ask you: Is it really necessary to care? CWC-OM-15 (Crest Weapon Cannon - Orbit Maker, 15 Rounds) MANUFACTURER CREST IND. PRICE 62000 TYPE ORBIT MAKER WEIGHT 1355 ENERGY DRAIN 135 WEAPON LOCK STANDARD ATTACK POWER 145 AMMO HEAT 22 RANGE 420 MAXIMUM LOCK 3 RELOAD TIME 160 NUMBER OF AMMO 15 AMMO TYPE SOLID AMMO PRICE 900 USAGE DRAIN - DESCRIPTION Deploys solid independent weapon pods. MY INPUT A solid Orbit Cannon. Rather heavy due to the nature of its ammunition, but provides significantly better ammo heat and does not drain energy. MWC-CNG/220R (Mirage Weapon Cannon - Chain Gun, 220 Rounds, Rate Of Fire) MANUFACTURER MIRAGE PRICE 46000 TYPE CHAIN GUN WEIGHT 540 ENERGY DRAIN 20 WEAPON LOCK SPECIAL ATTACK POWER 165 AMMO HEAT 78 RANGE 470 MAXIMUM LOCK 1 RELOAD TIME 3 NUMBER OF AMMO 220 AMMO TYPE SOLID AMMO PRICE 60 USAGE DRAIN - DESCRIPTION Lightweight chain gun. Limited ammo. MY INPUT Now, this seems a lot like the CNG-220 until you look at that fire rate - Your enemies really will die from lead poisoning here! That said, its ammo runs out even faster than the CNG-220. Also notably the ZWC-CN/500 from AC2AA. MWC-SLU/32 (Mirage Weapon Cannon - Slug Gun, 32 Rounds) MANUFACTURER MIRAGE PRICE 58000 TYPE SLUG GUN WEIGHT 1310 ENERGY DRAIN 6 WEAPON LOCK SPECIAL ATTACK POWER 201 AMMO HEAT 60 RANGE 750 MAXIMUM LOCK 1 RELOAD TIME 143 NUMBER OF AMMO 32 AMMO TYPE SOLID AMMO PRICE 160 USAGE DRAIN - DESCRIPTION Slug gun fires a spread of shots. MY INPUT Remember the ZWC-LNT/250, that Slug Gun from AC2 that was so damn big it dwarfed the GN44-AC? Well, it's back now, firing the same giant slugs it was known for! Each round fires twenty pellets, which is greater than the other Slug Guns' sixteen. This makes it a helluva lot more potent! MWX-LIC/20 (Mirage Weapon Dual Back - Linear Cannon, 20 Rounds) MANUFACTURER MIRAGE PRICE 90000 TYPE LINEAR CANNON WEIGHT 1630 ENERGY DRAIN 965 WEAPON LOCK NARROW&DEEP ATTACK POWER 4450 AMMO HEAT 58 RANGE 800 MAXIMUM LOCK 1 RELOAD TIME 124 NUMBER OF AMMO 20 AMMO TYPE ENERGY AMMO PRICE - USAGE DRAIN 6900 DESCRIPTION High caliber dual linear cannon. MY INPUT ZWX-E90/MAC in AC3! This time around it fires a laser bolt more like the LIC-10, except pink (Kind of like the Leviathan's linear cannon bolts). And there's twenty of them! MWG-SRFE/20 (Mirage Weapon Hand - Sniper Rifle Energy, 20 Rounds) MANUFACTURER MIRAGE PRICE 74000 TYPE EN SNIPER RIFLE WEIGHT 428 ENERGY DRAIN 146 WEAPON LOCK SPECIAL ATTACK POWER 1228 AMMO HEAT 31 RANGE 770 MAXIMUM LOCK 1 RELOAD TIME 65 NUMBER OF AMMO 20 AMMO TYPE ENERGY AMMO PRICE - USAGE DRAIN 1680 DESCRIPTION Energy sniper rifle. MY INPUT ZWF-S/NIGHT in AC3. A sound alternative to the KARASAWA and the like. CWG-RF-120 MANUFACTURER CREST IND. PRICE 39900 TYPE RIFLE WEIGHT 498 ENERGY DRAIN 14 WEAPON LOCK WIDE&SHALLOW ATTACK POWER 350 AMMO HEAT 44 RANGE 480 MAXIMUM LOCK 1 RELOAD TIME 23 NUMBER OF AMMO 120 AMMO TYPE SOLID AMMO PRICE 60 USAGE DRAIN - DESCRIPTION Rapid fire rifle. Limited ammo. MY INPUT EWG-RF-10LB in AC3. Try it with the new CMX-SD-40! CWG-FTL-800 (Crest Weapon Hand - Flamethrower Left Arm, 800 Rounds) MANUFACTURER CREST IND. PRICE 68500 TYPE FLAMETHROWER WEIGHT 1250 ENERGY DRAIN 9 ATTACK POWER 235 AMMO HEAT 167 RANGE 96 RELOAD TIME 3 NUMBER OF AMMO 800 AMMO TYPE SOLID AMMO PRICE 10 USAGE DRAIN - DESCRIPTION Greatly increases enemy heat levels. MY INPUT This is basically the KWG-FTL450 with more ammo. A LOT more ammo, actually. It's heavy of course, but at least you won't run out of ammo so fast... MAW-MM32/01 (Mirage Arms Weapon - Multi Missile - 32 Rounds, 1 Lock) MANUFACTURER MIRAGE PRICE 21100 TYPE WEAPON ARMS WEIGHT 1144 ENERGY DRAIN 32 ARMOR POINTS 890 COOLING 112 WEAPON LOCK STANDARD ATTACK POWER 780:780 AMMO HEAT 145:145 RANGE 600:600 MAXIMUM LOCK 1:1 RELOAD TIME 78:78 NUMBER OF AMMO 32 AMMO TYPE SOLID AMMO PRICE 1050 USAGE DRAIN -:- DESCRIPTION Toggle multi missile: no. of rounds fired. MY INPUT You can fire two HYDRA-style missiles or four, depending on what you feel like. With sixteen-missile launches possible, this is a pretty nice weapon...at least, while it still has ammo. EDIT: Some ideas still pending that I'll flesh out later: MWEL-HECATE (Mirage Weapon Extension Laser - Add Exceed Orbit, 50 Rounds) CBT-OX-OB (Crest Extension Booster - Add Power, Over Boost) KEAH-FORGE (Kisaragi Extension - Add Hangar) MEBT-OX/RB (Mirage Extension Booster - Add Power, Relation Booster) KCM-OB-BL (Kisaragi Core Middle - Over Boost) KCL-OB-SP (Kisaragi Core Light - Over Boost) KCH-OB-PW (Kisaragi Core Heavy - Over Boost) KCM-EO-SM (Kisaragi Core Middle - Exceed Orbit, Stealth Missile) KCL-EO-HA (Kisaragi Core Light - Exceed Orbit, Hi-Act Missile) KCH-EO-BM (Kisaragi Core Heavy - Exceed Orbit, Burst Missile) EDIT: Here's some ideas for enemies (Weapon statistics reflect number armed, attack power/attack heat-reload time): Sanctuary Mk-IIC Type: General weapon Desctiption: Mirage uses this wing-shaped aircraft as a heavy bomber and gunship for ground attack. It was found that its shape could easily deflect radar waves, which was soon capitalized upon to make it entirely invisible to radar, both acquisition and targeting wise. However, to do this, its top speed was somewhat reduced. Armament: Plasma cannons (6, 2515/50-92) My Input: Yeah. A real stealth bomber. Sounds cheap until you realize Large Rockets rape this thing due to its large size and slow speed. You pretty much don't need a targeting system to begin with. And yes, it's that rape plane from Another Age. But the projectiles are much slower and have less range. Grand Roc-SV18C Type: General weapon Description: Crest's answer to the Sanctuary Mk-IIC, the Grand Roc-SV18C retained its speed in combat, but as such its stealth capability only ends up covering acquisition radar. Nevertheless, it is mass-produced in great numbers, and its weapons are top-notch in power. Armament: Assault grenade launcher (1, 3550/1220-92) My Input: These things actually have a lock-on canceller kind of like KISSYOH, so you need to keep paying attention to take these down. Also, the assault grenade launcher can really hurt. Gushawk C Type: General weapon Description: Crest found that the legions of outdated Gushawks at their disposal could utilize the same technology as the Grand Roc-SV18C. The resulting design has become a cost-effective general weapon capable of wreaking havoc even on some MTs. The heat signature leaves something to be desired, however. Armament: Small missiles (2, 780/145-48), machine gun (1, 155/8-6) My input: Much like the Grand Roc-SV18C, except that it lacks a lock-on canceller. Still invisible on the radar map. B7723M Type: Special weapon Description: Kisaragi's prototype bio-weapon. It is nearly impervious to solid weapons, but has been rendered nearly immobile due to its massive size. Crest scientists indicate it has a weakness to energy-based munitions. Armament: Laser chaingun (1, 1600/14-20), energy flamethrower (1, 580/16-4) My input: Oh ho! Not only do you need a bio-sensor for this one, you need a good supply of EN weapons as well! And, of course, it produces your godawful 30,000AP offspring. Fortunately, this time around, they're much weaker to EN attacks. Just remember to stay away from the thing's face, dammit! MT09BZE-OWL Type: MT Description: This rare OWL variant carries a right-handed bazooka, and is a direct competitor to the CR-MT85B. While not as heavily armored as its Crest counterpart, the equipped ECM maker provides an advantage. Armament: Rifle (1, 250/90-30), bazooka (1, 1400/576-60) My input: From the Nexus opening movie. MT09MGE-OWL Type: MT Description: A somewhat more common OWL variant armed with a machine gun. Designed to compete with the CR-MT85M, this unit has proven itself to be a worthy rival. Armament: Rifle (1, 250/90-30), machine gun (1, 85/14-3), My input: Also from the Nexus opening movie. CR-MT85MP Type: MT Description: An MT85M variant equipped with a missile launcher. The pulse rifle was removed in favor of a cheap laser blade. Like the CR-MT85BP, this unit sports extra armor. Armament: Machine gun (1, 140/10-5), small missile (3, 790/145-48), laser blade (1, 782/5) My input: This MT appears various times in the Nexus intros and openings, but never quite made it in-game. CR-AH79C Type: General weapon Description: Designed with quick precision strikes in mind, the CR-AH79C equips stealth technology similar to the Grand Roc-SV18C. While lock-ons are still attainable, they are far more difficult due to the lack of radar signature. Armament: Small missiles (2, 780/145-48), chain gun (1, 165/78-6) My input: Because I like stealth. Yeah, this can be locked onto, but again, it has a lock-on canceller to make things difficult. Also does not appear on radar. C07-ALBATROSS Type: General weapon Description: A Mirage-designed super-heavy transport aircraft used as a launch platform for up to twelve ACs or MTs. The unit is lightly armored but possesses several missile launchers. Armament: Middle missiles (12, 1350/186-60) My input: Also from the ACNX opening, this thing transported the twelve OWLs to the combat site and was promptly brought down by a swarm of missiles. Pulverizer/Reverse-Joint Type: Special weapon Description: This rare Pulverizer unit is a step up from its Bipedal counterpart. Its jumping and aerial boosting capability is second to none. Armament: Laser blades (2,2100/20), laser cannons (2, 2530/32-68), wave blade (1, 3000/24) My input: This is basically a Bipedal on crack, kind of like Evangel's Pulverizer. Like all Pulverizers that imitate ACs, this one lacks an anti-missile system. But it's faster than most missiles, so still be careful!! Oh yeah, it also happens to be an RJ with actual knees. I did my research this time. D-8 Type: MT Description: A modified Zio Matrix D-4 MT sporting a left-handed ZLS-T/100 laser blade. The unit's close-combat capability has been improved, making an already promising unit even more potent. Armament: Plasma rifle (1, 2515/50-92), vertical missile (2, 880/280-66), laser blade (1, 1220/16), radar (1, 210/756) My input: It always annoyed me that D-4s lacked any left-hand weapon, although maybe I should be happy it's that way given they were difficult enough as is. Hm. D-9 Type: MT Description: Pinnacle of the D-series MTs, D-9 utilizes technology borrowed from late M-series models in order to dual-wield heavy weapons. Skyrocketing costs make this unit a very rare sight. Armament: Plasma rifles (2, 2515/50-92), vertical missiles (4, 880/280-66) My input: Imagine D-4 dual-wielding ZWG-HC-IR/K99s and EWX-VLS241s. That is basically what D-9 is, and it is just as broken as it sounds. Fortunately, their cost is even greater than a full-blown AC, so you'll see these things even less often during the missions. Pulverizer/Bipedal (Blue) Type: Special Weapon Description: Although similar to the tank and quad leg units, the bipedal Pulverizer is a much-improved design that is more deadly than its predecessors. Weapons: Laser blades (2, 2100/20), laser cannons (2, 2530/32-68), wave blade (1, 3000/24) Description: Gee, those stats seem just like Evangel's Bipedal. So what's the difference? Well...wait for it...it has...*Drum roll*...an anti-missile system just like the Blue Airborne Pulverizer. Suddenly, VERY DANGEROUS ENEMY! I was thinking, however, if you defeated the secret ending with this monster, you could unlock a mode where you piloted one (Sort of like Evangel's ending, except you are Evangel this time, Mr. Dominant. Heh heh). Unfortunately, it's not quite as good as you might expect: The laser cannons don't lock on and are more like EN Rockets (Though their massive hit detection can prove helpful), your OB-power speed is so great it almost becomes a hazard, and its paper mache-style defense ensures that anything short of expert dodging will not end well, to put it subtly. That said, its dual blades can rape just about anything with their absurd range, and we haven't even mentioned that crazy blade wave of yours, so provided you can get within poking distance, everything is going to be mincemeat sooner or later. Usually sooner. EDIT: Oh shiiit I ran out of space. Check the next post I make in this thread.
10-31-2011, 06:44 AM
How about triple or quadrople EOs? EOs that fire pulse rounds, missles , grenades, a core with both EO and OB called EOOB lol, cores that can carry bigger stuff besides blades and hand guns. legs that are designed to fire while standing up, or heavy weight hover leg model,or just allow certain stuff to be fired while stand up if a ACs weight is heavy enough(light wieghts can fire pulse cannons, mid weights can fire certain energy cannons and the one small scale grenade launcher, heavy weights can fire every thing execpt the giant laser cannon that Bolt has) .shields on the right arm that can cover the whole entire body and can take about 2000 to 4000 ap worth of damage but you cant use your left arm weapon with out disengaging the shield exept for laser blades. More stats you can tune like jumping,breaking ability , aim adjust time, radar range, OB power,acceleration,heat EO,ATK damage, ammo, recharge rate. Also you can tune weapons but tuning one state effects others. like if you tune the ammo storage up of weapons there ATK power goes down and vise versa, or the firing rate the accuracy goes down, or missles tracking up there flight speed goes down, also tune a machine guns rounds shot per second a extra barrel gets added. But to balance it out all of this cost money like in nexus. Or something stupid like coloring the exhaust of a booster,putting other stuff on the AC for visual effect, allow us to upload images for emblems
what do i fight for? i have nothing to fight for but i fight i LIVE because it is my only defiance to what ever gods may be for making my life a living hell
11-02-2011, 07:47 AM
Quote:How about triple or quadrople EOs? EOs that fire pulse rounds, missles , grenades, a core with both EO and OB called EOOB lol I like the way you think; always loved EO's, this idea makes me love them more
"I firmly believe there are three tenets that determine victory in warfare; and they are firepower, firepower, and more firepower."
11-08-2011, 08:21 AM
(10-31-2011, 06:44 AM)spartansgestugatenso Wrote: Also you can tune weapons but tuning one state effects others. like if you tune the ammo storage up of weapons there ATK power goes down and vise versa, or the firing rate the accuracy goes down, or missles tracking up there flight speed goes down, also tune a machine guns rounds shot per second a extra barrel gets added. But to balance it out all of this cost money like in nexus. I like this idea. In fact, it would be cool if you could tune any AC part, including optionals. On that note, it would be nice if you could equip an optional part multiple times. Of course, it could lead to some ill effects by anyone clever enough, but that's what regulations are for.
11-12-2011, 06:23 PM
Well, you can only equip one optional part once for balance afterall.
Don't think things too much though. Your designs might be ACs anymore. Ahahaha. Suddenly, a grenade launcher or linear gun type EO core sounded fun. Of course it should be crest.
'Signatures are overrated.'
11-13-2011, 11:52 PM
(11-12-2011, 06:23 PM)Serene Wrote: Suddenly, a grenade launcher or linear gun type EO core sounded fun. Of course it should be crest. We used to have the linear gun EO back in SL, which I believed was on the old UA core. It was fun using that thing with ammo magazines to get a little bit more out of the CETUS grade firepower. A flamethrower EO or just the hand weapons with a lock-on though, would be something to see.
11-14-2011, 06:22 AM
(11-13-2011, 11:52 PM)medusa0 Wrote:(11-12-2011, 06:23 PM)Serene Wrote: Suddenly, a grenade launcher or linear gun type EO core sounded fun. Of course it should be crest. pair that up with a mirage core using a large missile eo system. *wink*
11-14-2011, 12:25 PM
Now to think of it, maybe they never implemented missile EOs because of lock-on times? Hell, if they could shorten the lock-on time and increase the range for the TITAN back missiles, it would probably receive a lot more use. An EO that pops out pursuit missile pods or orbit cannons... now that's a weapon!
11-17-2011, 08:03 AM
(11-14-2011, 12:25 PM)medusa0 Wrote: Now to think of it, maybe they never implemented missile EOs because of lock-on times? Hell, if they could shorten the lock-on time and increase the range for the TITAN back missiles, it would probably receive a lot more use. An EO that pops out pursuit missile pods or orbit cannons... now that's a weapon! Going the pursuit or orbits EO would certainly lend itself to making a nasty surprise, that's for sure.
"I firmly believe there are three tenets that determine victory in warfare; and they are firepower, firepower, and more firepower."
It's worth noting I edited my first post in this thread a million times to include further ideas. In the pending parts list I've already got ideas for Kisaragi cores utilizing hangar capability (As opposed to just regular Cores for Mirage, AMS cores for Crest, etc). Additionally, I was imagining the EO cores would utilize missile weapons: Hi-act missiles for lightweight, Stealth missiles for midweight, and Burst missiles for heavyweights (This is because multiple launches would be kind of complicated, rendering the whole Small/Middle/Large thing kind of pointless).
I also have ideas for Extensions you can equip to add extra Core-related abilities (Such as EO extensions, OB extensions, and Hangar extensions). All parts can be tuned, including weapons and optional parts. It would be possible to tune specific weapon stats to lower than their original value in order to bring up other values, but as seen in ACLR, the effect of tuning lessens as you bring it further. Oh, and it would be rather silly if you could equip high-end MT parts in some places. i mean, D-4 clearly used the ZWG-HC-IR/K99 plasma rifle, ZRL-774/WH radar, and ZWM-LD2/IDA dual missile units, along with ZBT-ZI/ARTERE boosters. And it doesn't take a whole lot of thought to figure out M-9 was using dual KARASAWA-MK2s, EWX-BAL4s, and more ARTERE boosters. So wouldn't it be fair enough if we could, say, equip miniature Devastator legs? And lastly, I was thinking that nearly every stat for specific things would be a number instead of a equipped/not equipped option, like how whether or not a head was equipped with an ECM canceller was simply changed to a Vs ECM stat. This would make for some interesting results, for example, heavyweight bipeds COULD fire some cannons if they had high enough stability (versus the cannon's recoil value), or Stealth would only work if your ECM level was higher than your enemy's Vs ECM values. It could potentially make things complicated, but then Armored Core was never intended to be a simple game. EDIT: For lack of space in the previous post... Parts - CSS-IA-865 (Crest Solid Shield - Additional Armor, Model 865) MANUFACTURER CREST IND. PRICE 67600 TYPE SIDE SHIELD WEIGHT 170 ENERGY DRAIN 8 SHIELD DEF SHELL 370 SHIELD DEF ENERGY 121 SHIELD COVERAGE 34 COOLING 136 USAGE DRAIN - DESCRIPTION High defense side shield, no usage drain. MY INPUT Who saw this coming? CES-ES-205 (Crest Extension Shield - Energy Shield, Model 205) MANUFACTURER CREST IND. PRICE 27300 TYPE SIDE SHIELD WEIGHT 97 ENERGY DRAIN 46 SHIELD DEF SHELL 124 SHIELD DEF ENERGY 168 SHIELD COVERAGE 43 COOLING 379 USAGE DRAIN 1589 DESCRIPTION Lighweight side shield. MY INPUT This is basically putting miniature CES-ES-0101s on your shoulders. IT SHALL DEFEND YOU BY THE POWER OF CROSSES AND GOD...and corporate power at its finest. MLM-XA2/FF (Mirage Legs Middle) MANUFACTURER MIRAGE PRICE 45600 MAXIMUM WEIGHT 5312 WEIGHT 2310 ENERGY DRAIN 1899 STATIONARY DRAIN 687 ARMOR POINTS 3380 DEF SHELL 572 DEF ENERGY 543 COOLING 525 MOVING ABILITY 273 TURNING SPEED 122 JUMP FUNCTION PROVIDED BRAKING ABILITY 110 LANDING STABILITY 1218 DEFENSIVE STABILITY 1570 DESCRIPTION Reduced weight version of the MLM-XA3/LW. MY INPUT COUGAR2 legs in AC3. Also XA2/FF from AC2AA. That's kind of confusing, isn't it? CWEM-GIGAS1 (Crest Weapon Extension Missile - CWM-GIGAS, Single Fire) MANUFACTURER CREST IND. PRICE 110000 TYPE RELATION MISSILE WEIGHT 574 ENERGY DRAIN 263 ATTACK POWER 5600 AMMO HEAT 1730 RANGE 290 MAXIMUM LAUNCH 2 RELOAD TIME 392 NUMBER OF AMMO 3 AMMO TYPE SOLID AMMO PRICE 3500 USAGE DRAIN - DESCRIPTION High-explosive relation missiles, added ammo. MY INPUT GIGAS relations! Expensive as hell, but launching dual high-explosive missiles has got to be great. That said, they're definitely not going to last very long, so make good use of them! MWI-FM/80 MANUFACTURER MIRAGE PRICE 52800 TYPE FLOATING MINE WEIGHT 298 ENERGY DRAIN 190 ATTACK POWER 1475 AMMO HEAT 263 RANGE 25 MAXIMUM LOCK - RELOAD TIME 45 NUMBER OF AMMO 80 AMMO TYPE SOLID AMMO PRICE 400 DESCRIPTION Floating mine explodes on impact/time. MY INPUT Man, the CWI-FM-50 was such a crappy mine dispenser. Let's get back to the good ol' giant mushroom cloud mines with Mirage! A very expensive inside part though. KWB-CSL01 MANUFACTURER KISARAGI PRICE 72000 TYPE CHAINSAW WEIGHT 335 ENERGY DRAIN 8 ATTACK POWER 485 ATTACK HEAT 278 DISCHARGE HEAT 88 RANGE RATING 7 RELOAD TIME 3 DESCRIPTION Close-in chainsaw weapon. MY INPUT Someone also posted this in this thread. It's a left-handed chainsaw. MWC-CGE/300 (Mirage Weapon Cannon - Chain Gun Energy, 300 Rounds) MANUFACTURER MIRAGE PRICE 57000 TYPE EN CHAIN GUN WEIGHT 1321 ENERGY DRAIN 267 WEAPON LOCK SPECIAL ATTACK POWER 258 AMMO HEAT 50 RANGE 415 MAXIMUM LOCK 1 RELOAD TIME 5 NUMBER OF AMMO 300 AMMO TYPE ENERGY AMMO PRICE - USAGE DRAIN 1870 DESCRIPTION Energy-based chain gun system. MY INPUT Take an Energy Machine Gun and make it a cannon. Pretty standard, I'd say. Though note that the rate of fire is slightly greater than most chainguns. Also decent ammo heat for an energy-based weapon. MWX-CNRG/150 (Mirage Weapon Dual Back - Chain Railgun, 150 Rounds) MANUFACTURER MIRAGE PRICE 108000 TYPE CHAIN RAILGUN WEIGHT 1183 ENERGY DRAIN 511 WEAPON LOCK SPECIAL ATTACK POWER 800 AMMO HEAT 10 RANGE 600 MAXIMUM LOCK 1 RELOAD TIME 20 NUMBER OF AMMO 150 AMMO TYPE ENERGY AMMO PRICE - USAGE DRAIN 3800 DESCRIPTION Fires a stream of high-speed energy rounds. Must charge before firing. MY INPUT Remember that huge angry spider from AC3, and how it could charge up a weapon that shot Railgun-like bolts at you like a chaingun which hurt a lot? Well, now you can do the same...although it takes both back slots. Thus you need to form your strategy around using this thing effectively. CWEM-RM24 (Crest Weapon Extension Missile - Relation Middle, 24 Rounds) MANUFACTURER CREST IND. PRICE 125000 TYPE RELATION MISSILE WEIGHT 583 ENERGY DRAIN 203 ATTACK POWER 1350 AMMO HEAT 186 RANGE 500 MAXIMUM LAUNCH 2 RELOAD TIME 75 NUMBER OF AMMO 24 AMMO TYPE SOLID AMMO PRICE 250 USAGE DRAIN - DESCRIPTION Mid-sized interlocking missile system. MY INPUT Well, I had Large Missile relations, so I thought, "Hey, why not have Middle Missiles too?" As you can see, it performs exactly as you would expect, too. MWX-MX/STREAM (Mirage Weapon Dual Back - High Power, Improved MWX-MX/STRING) MANUFACTURER MIRAGE PRICE 81900 TYPE SEXTUPLET CANNON WEIGHT 1762 ENERGY DRAIN 1088 WEAPON LOCK SPECIAL ATTACK POWER 720 AMMO HEAT 23 RANGE 750 MAXIMUM LOCK 1 RELOAD TIME 143 NUMBER OF AMMO 60 AMMO TYPE ENERGY AMMO PRICE - USAGE DRAIN 2770 DESCRIPTION Six barrel energy cannon. MY INPUT "Four laser cannons isn't enough! Add two more!" This weapon may also have the side effect of making your AC look like a Seraph. No joke. MWC-LQT/30 (Mirage Weapon Cannon - Laser Cannon Triple, 30 Rounds) MANUFACTURER MIRAGE PRICE 46000 TYPE TRIPLE LASER CANNON WEIGHT 1179 ENERGY DRAIN 820 WEAPON LOCK SPECIAL ATTACK POWER 720 AMMO HEAT 23 RANGE 750 MAXIMUM LOCK 1 RELOAD TIME 143 NUMBBER OF AMMO 30 AMMO TYPE ENERGY AMMO PRICE - USAGE DRAIN 2770 DESCRIPTION Laser cannon incorporating a triple barrel design. MY INPUT And here's half of that. Each firing is about 2160 damage. MWGG-XCGT/30 (Mirage Weapon Miniature Back - Plasma Rifle Triple, 30 Rounds) MANUFACTURER MIRAGE PRICE 110000 TYPE TRIPLE PLASMA RIFLE WEIGHT 1758 ENERGY DRAIN 586 WEAPON LOCK SPECIAL ATTACK POWER 1988 AMMO HEAT 8 RANGE 1100 MAXIMUM LOCK 1 RELOAD TIME 140 NUMBER OF AMMO 30 AMMO TYPE ENERGY AMMO PRICE - USAGE DRAIN 6200 DESCRIPTION Releases a triple burst of high-energy plasma when fired. MY INPUT Horrendously heavy, expensive, and drainy, but will positively RAPE the enemy when used wisely. MWX-IRD/20 (Mirage Weapon Dual Back - Plasma Cannon Dual, 20 Rounds) MANUFACTURER MIRAGE PRICE 165600 TYPE DUAL PLASMA CANNON WEIGHT 2000 ENERGY DRAIN 1042 WEAPON LOCK SPECIAL ATTACK POWER 1988 AMMO HEAT 8 RANGE 1100 MAXIMUM LOCK 1 RELOAD TIME 134 NUMBER OF AMMO 20 AMMO TYPE ENERGY AMMO PRICE - USAGE DRAIN 6200 DESCRIPTION Releases four bursts of high-energy plasma when fired. MY INPUT Well, you see, there's two dual plasma cannons, amounting to a total of four. Obviously takes both slots, but has a great deal of firepower (7952 per burst!). MWC-IRD/10 (Mirage Weapon Cannon - Plasma Cannon Dual, 10 Rounds) MANUFACTURER MIRAGE PRICE 105000 TYPE DUAL PLASMA CANNON WEIGHT 1338 ENERGY DRAIN 786 WEAPON LOCK SPECIAL ATTACK POWER 1988 AMMO HEAT 8 RANGE 1100 MAXIMUM LOCK 1 RELOAD TIME 134 NUMBER OF AMMO 10 AMMO TYPE ENERGY AMMO PRICE - USAGE DRAIN 6200 DESCRIPTION Plasma cannon incorporating a twin barrel design. MY INPUT And half of that again! MWC-LQ/10 (Mirage Weapon Cannon - Laser Cannon, 10 Rounds) MANUFACTURER MIRAGE TYPE LASER CANNON PRICE 50900 TYPE LASER CANNON WEIGHT 1090 ENERGY DRAIN 728 WEAPON LOCK NARROW&DEEP ATTACK POWER 4450 AMMO HEAT 58 RANGE 800 MAXIMUM LOCK 1 RELOAD TIME 124 NUMBER OF AMMO 10 AMMO TYPE ENERGY AMMO PRICE - USAGE DRAIN 6900 DESCRIPTION High output laser cannon. Low ammo. MY INPUT This is basically GERYON3 on steroids. PINK DOOM AT ITS FINEST. KEM-SD30 (Kisargi Extension Magazine - Shell Addition, 30 Percent) MANUFACTURER KISARAGI PRICE 20000 TYPE SHELL MAGAZINE WEIGHT 219 ENERGY DRAIN 34 FUNCTION ADD AMMO 30 DESCRIPTION MY INPUT Adds 30% ammo for all shell weapons. MY INPUT A RYUHZU that doesn't suck. KEM-SD40 (Kisaragi Extension Magazine - Shell Addition, 40 Percent) MANUFACTURER KISARAGI PRICE 30000 TYPE SHELL MAGAZINE WEIGHT 288 ENERGY DRAIN 52 FUNCTION ADD AMMO 40 DESCRIPTION Adds 40% ammo for all shell weapons. MY INPUT A BYAKUE that doesn't suck. MEM-ED/20 (Mirage Extension Magazine - Energy Addition, 20 Percent) MANUFACTURER MIRAGE PRICE 15400 TYPE EN MAGAZINE WEIGHT 125 ENERGY DRAIN 281 FUNCTION ADD AMMO 20 DESCRIPTION Adds 20% ammo for all energy weapons. MY INPUT A ROE that doesn't suck. MEM-ED/30 (Mirage Extension Magazine - Energy Addition, 30 Percent) MANUFACTURER MIRAGE PRICE 21400 TYPE EN MAGAZINE WEIGHT 245 ENERGY DRAIN 474 FUNCTION ADD AMMO 30 DESCRIPTION Adds 30% ammo for all energy weapons. MY INPUT A ROE2 that doesn't suck. MWI-LANZAR1 (Mirage Weapon Inside - MWX-LANZAR, Single Fire) MANUFACTURER MIRAGE PRICE 76400 TYPE PURSUIT MISSILE WEIGHT 273 ENERGY DRAIN 852 ATTACK POWER 680 AMMO HEAT 180 RANGE 600 RELOAD TIME 200 NUMBER OF AMMO 2 AMMO TYPE SOLID AMMO PRICE 1520 DESCRIPTION Inside-mounted pursuit missile launcher. Low ammo. MY INPUT Oh thy cruelty! Suddenly, inside weapons become VERY DANGEROUS! Fortunately, it only fires twice, so if you're lucky enough to survive the first two, there isn't going to be a third...unless your opponent happened to equip other Pursuit Missiles... CWI-HM-18 (Crest Weapon Inside - High Velocity Missile, 18 Rounds) MANUFACTURER CREST IND. PRICE 48200 WEIGHT 393 ENERGY DRAIN 573 ATTACK POWER 780 AMMO HEAT 145 RANGE 450 MAXIMUM LOCK - RELOAD TIME 60 NUMBER OF AMMO 18 AMMO TYPE SOLID AMMO PRICE 140 DESCRIPTION Inside-mounted high velocity missile launcher. MY INPUT What a curious weapon indeed! It fires auto-homing missiles without a lock (Much like the MWGG-HML-18), albeit at a rather slow rate and without the best accuracy. Also ammo supplies are low. Notably, this was presumably used in AC3's intro sequence. MAW-LANZAR2 (Mirage Arms Weapon - MWX-LANZAR, Dual Fire) MANUFACTURER MIRAGE PRICE 118000 TYPE WEAPON ARMS WEIGHT 1774 ENERGY DRAIN 53 ARMOR POINTS 740 COOLING 336 WEAPON LOCK STANDARD ATTACK POWER 680:680 AMMO HEAT 180/180 RANGE 600:600 MAXIMUM LOCK -:- RELOAD TIME 200:200 NUMBER OF AMMO 4 AMMO TYPE SOLID AMMO PRICE 1520 DESCRIPTION Toggle pursuit missile: no. of rounds fired. MY INPUT I needn't explain what sort of potential these arms contain... MWG-GS/48LE (Mirage Weapon Hand - Shotgun, 48 Rounds, Laser Energy) MANUFACTURER MIRAGE PRICE 110000 TYPE ENERGY SHOTGUN WEIGHT 779 ENERGY DRAIN 486 WEAPON LOCK SPECIAL ATTACK POWER 240 AMMO HEAT 10 RANGE 350 MAXIMUM LOCK 1 RELOAD TIME 28 NUMBER OF AMMO 48 AMMO TYPE ENERGY AMMO PRICE - USAGE DRAIN 2400 DESCRIPTION Powerful energy-based shotgun. MY INPUT This EN shotgun actually fires eight pellets, not six. So you're actually dealing with an attack power total of 1920. Ideas for "Armored Core Nexus HD" - -On Xbox 360 and PS3 in HD (Normals in HD woooo) -All parts from AC-ACLR (Save for obviously redundant parts such as ECM-XR00 and CCM-00-STO) -All missions from AC-ACLR (Plus Extended/Reverse sides save for ACLR, which already has them through the branching mission paths) -VR Arena consisting of entirely custom AC designs specifically for the game, and an EX Arena consisting of the arenas from respective games -NPC AC designs (And a couple of GP-ACs and high-end MT designs) able to be unlocked as specific parts -All hand weapons able to be used as either left-hand or right-hand -Hybrid between AC2, AC3, and ACNX engines -Human PLUS unlocked via typical (not very noble) means, but OP-INTENSIFY is also included in much the same fashion as AC3 (If you don't feel like going thousands of credits into debt) -An Art Gallery and other miscellanea -A joke mode where you play as an MT (Human PLUS users get infinite boosting, which varies in usefulness as some MTs simply lack boosters) Custom ACs - PILOT NAME Tom AC NAME Napalm HEAD MHD-SS/808 CORE MCL-SS/RAY ARMS CAW-DNM48-01 LEGS CLF-33-XX BOOSTER CBT-FLEET-OX FCS PLS-ROA02 GENERATOR MGP-VE905 RADIATOR RMR-SA44 INSIDE - EXTENSION CWEM-AS40 BACK UNIT R CWM-N20-2 BACK UNIT L CWM-N20-2 ARM UNIT R - ARM UNIT L - PILOT DESCRIPTION A rather aged Raven with a largely unwritten history, Tom is insistent on using napalm to fight things, as he claims "They're the best thing against those goddamned bugs". He claims to have once been employed by a special forces squadron dubbed the "Frighteners", but no records of such an organization exist. Many think he's past his due, but he is adamant that he knows more than anyone. AC DESCRIPTION Heavyweight quad-leg built around thermal stress-inducing missile armament and anti-missile extensions. Lock-on times are slow, making it somewhat disadvantaged in close-range combat. MY INPUT This was some old AC2AA design from a random dude's website that I found while crawling the web one day. I don't quite recall where it was, but I do recall it was one of three cheesy designs the guy had made in a series, and he had built various other models as well. PILOT NAME Dick AC NAME Buckshot HEAD MHD-SS/808 CORE MCL-SS/RAY ARMS CAW-DGS-96 LEGS CLF-33-XX BOOSTER CBT-FLEET-OX FCS PLS-ROA02 GENERATOR MGP-VE905 RADIATOR RMR-SA44 INSIDE - EXTENSION CWEM-AS40 BACK UNIT R MWC-SLU/32 BACK UNIT L MWC-SLU/32 ARM UNIT R - ARM UNIT L - PILOT DESCRIPTION A true commando, Dick is a storied veteran of countless battles of all kinds. Stories are told about how he once felled an MT while on foot, and his trusty shotgun has seen him through in numerous combat situations. Strangely, however, his record at the controls of an AC have seemed rather spotty. No one knows why. AC DESCRIPTION Quad-leg heavyweight design utilizing powerful spread-shot weaponry. Close-range combat is the unit's forte, and anti-missile extensions provide some level of defense. Long-range combat needs improvement. MY INPUT The second of the trio. I'm bad at names, okay? PILOT NAME Harry AC NAME Missiles HEAD MHD-SS/808 CORE MCL-SS/RAY ARMS MAW-MM32/01 LEGS CLF-33-XX BOOSTER CBT-FLEET-OX FCS PLS-ROA02 GENERATOR MGP-VE905 RADIATOR RMR-SA44 INSIDE - EXTENSION MWEM-R/36 BACK UNIT R MWM-MM16/1 BACK UNIT L MWM-MM16/1 ARM UNIT R - ARM UNIT L - PILOT DESCRIPTION Harry has tried all sorts of occupations to keep his life interesting, but he always seems to get bored of them. He joined the Raven ranks in order to keep himself busy, but even then he has opted out of some missions due to their repetitive nature. His AC is mostly built for show, as he cannot stand piloting a boring AC. AC DESCRIPTION Quad-leg heavyweight unit specializes in Multi Missile armament. Anti-missile extensions have been sacrificed in favor of relation missiles. Unit prefers long-range combat and tends to get edgy as targets close in. MY INPUT The third in the trio. MISSU~ PILOT NAME Goblin AC NAME More Dakka HEAD MHD-MM/007 CORE CCL-02-E1 ARMS CAL-66-MACH LEGS CLF-D2-ROG BOOSTER MBT-OX/E10 FCS VREX-WS-1 GENERATOR MGP-VE905 RADIATOR RMR-SA44 INSIDE CWI-SV-80 EXTENSION CSS-IA-425 BACK UNIT R CM-SD-20 BACK UNIT L MWC-CNG/220R ARM UNIT R CWG-MG-300 ARM UNIT L MWG-MGL/360 PILOT DESCRIPTION This pilot may be rather short-statured, but that has not prevented him from building all sorts of devices to further his ego. He likes to go out in his powered exoskeleton and looks down on people who lack his technical prowess. In combat, he prefers rapid-fire weapons, which he loves the sound of firing. AC DESCRIPTION Quad-leg design specializing in rapid-fire weaponry. Ammo stores and defense values are upped considerably by utilizing solid magazines and solid shields, respectively. Close-range combat capability is phenomenal. MY INPUT The MGL/360 was dangerous enough as is, but with 20% more ammo, that's just introducing that much more hurt on the enemy. The spread vulcans also provide a decent emergency option if all else fails. That said, at long range this AC is a joke. Stay out of its lock range and you should be fine. PILOT NAME Nemesis AC NAME Revenge HEAD MHD-MM/004 CORE CCL-02-E1 ARMS MAW-DSR/120 LEGS MLB-SS/KRT BOOSTER MBT-NI/GULL FCS VREX-ND-1 GENERATOR MGP-VE905 RADIATOR RMR-SA44 INSIDE MWI-DD/10 EXTENSION - BACK UNIT R KWM-XS110-1 BACK UNIT L MRL-MM/009 ARM UNIT R - ARM UNIT L - PILOT DESCRIPTION A striking good-looking pilot with many potential fans, Nemesis squanders the matter with her need to keep to herself and is not very sociable. Nonetheless, she is a top-notch sniper and can even hit targets beyond lock-on range. Many try to seduce her, but all have ultimately failed. AC DESCRIPTION Mobile reverse-joint model with a preference on its sniper rifle arms. Micro Missiles engage as range to target narrows, but the pilot prefers to stay at a distance whenever possible. MY INPUT This was inspired by a "Now THAT'S an Armored Core!" image I saw somewhere. I changed a lot of the parts around since then though. PILOT NAME esreveR AC NAME Damitol XR HEAD MHD-SS/CRUST CORE CCH-0V-IKS ARMS CXW-LIC-15 LEGS CLC-D3TA BOOSTER - FCS VREX-ND-1 GENERATOR CGP-RXZ1 RADIATOR RGI-KD99 INSIDE - EXTENSION CSS-IA-865 BACK UNIT R CXW-LIC-15 BACK UNIT L KM-AD40 ARM UNIT R - ARM UNIT L - PILOT DESCRIPTION Having formerly been a Gushawk pilot, esreveR has not taken to his AC upgrade well. He constantly complains about the control scheme and has chosen his design solely based on brute force, not aesthetic value as he wishes. Many suggest he should practice more with piloting the machines, but he still longs to be back to shmupping. AC DESCRIPTION Heavy tank-leg design with an over-reliance on linear cannon weaponry. Extremely high defense ratings make this unit an actual threat on the battlefield. MY INPUT This is essentially my old design Damitol XR utilizing the new weapons I've come up with. With 21 Linear Cannon rounds to utilize, it would definitely be something to behold (Especially when on dual fire...oh boy). That said, it happens to have ABSOLUTELY NO RADAR WHATSOEVER! Of course, for me, that's not necessarily an issue...I memorize my level layouts. Casuals. PILOT NAME Arturia AC NAME Excalibur HEAD MHD-SS/808 CORE MCL-SS/RAY ARMS MAW-MOONLIGHT2 LEGS MLM-XA2/FF BOOSTER CBT-FLEET-OX FCS PLS-SRA02 GENERATOR CGP-ROZ RADIATOR RIX-CR10 INSIDE - EXTENSION MEST-MX/CROW BACK UNIT R MWX-OC18/3 BACK UNIT L MWX-OC18/3 ARM UNIT R - ARM UNIT L - PILOT DESCRIPTION A young, mild-mannered female pilot who joined the Raven ranks to help protect people. She believes that money is not the greatest reward and donates most of her winnings to charities. She is one of the most graceful AC pilots in the arena and many criminals have fallen to her blades. AC DESCRIPTION Middleweight biped utilizing devastating laser blade arms. The unit also carries orbit cannons and stealth extensions. Staying out of its optimal combat range is highly advised. MY INPUT This was also a highly-modified AC2AA design I found on someone's site. This, however, was from a Japanese one, so it's clearly a different creator at hand. Stay the HELL away from those dual MOONLIGHTs! PILOT NAME Grim Rippa AC NAME Damage Inc. HEAD CHD-10-ENT CORE CCH-04-EOC ARMS CAW-GIGAS4 LEGS CLH-XV-TON BOOSTER MBT-NI/GULL FCS PLS-SRA GENERATOR MGP-VE905 RADIATOR RMR-ICICLE INSIDE - EXTENSION CWEM-GIGAS1 BACK UNIT R KMX-AD-80 BACK UNIT L KMX-AD-80 PILOT DESCRIPTION A reckless and deranged pilot with an unhealthy obsession with explosives. He has constantly spoken of the fact that his goal is to blow up the moon, and many suspect he has joined the Raven ranks simply to amass enough weaponry to do so. Many watch him in amusement, but some worry that he may one day achieve his dubious goal. AC DESCRIPTION Heavyweight biped equipped with a hefty supply of Large Missiles. Lineargun orbits provide the only alternative source of firepower, but the pilot is known to be lucky sometimes. MY INPUT Let's see...a possible ten-nuke launch, and a total of 27 of the damned things...how well are you going to fare against such? He's slow as hell of course, so perhaps you could take advantage of that... PILOT NAME Allen AC NAME Iron Nokana HEAD MHD-MX/BEE CORE MCM-MI/008 ARMS CAW-DC-03 LEGS CLF-33-XX BOOSTER MBT-NI/MARE FCS VREX-ND-1 GENERATOR MGP-VE905 RADIATOR RMR-SA44 INSIDE - EXTENSION CSS-IA-865 BACK UNIT R CWX-GND-10 BACK UNIT L CWX-GND-10 ARM UNIT R - ARM UNIT L - PILOT DESCRIPTION A brash, aggressive pilot who is not known for his intellectual prowess, Allen is nonetheless a fierce fighter who will win his matches with brute force. He fights for a small group of Rebels who fight against the corporations, which has seen a number of recent victories thanks to his help. AC DESCRIPTION Heavyweight quadruped utilizing grenades as primary armament. Unit equips side shields to boost defense and possesses an overboost core for emergency maneuvers. MY INPUT Grenades! Glorious grenades. Seeing that back cannon in action is really going to be something...that is, if you survive to tell anyone about it. PILOT NAME Security AC NAME Donut Cop HEAD MHD-RE/005 CORE CCL-01-NER ARMS KAW-JUPITER LEGS CLM-55-RVE BOOSTER MBT-NI/MARE FCS VREX-WS-1 GENERATOR MGP-VE905 RADIATOR RMR-SA44 INSIDE - EXTENSION MEST-MX/CROW BACK UNIT R CWX-HECTO2 BACK UNIT L CWX-HECTO2 ARM UNIT R - ARM UNIT L - PILOT DESCRIPTION A former security MT pilot who recently passed the Raven initiation test and has taken to his new parts in stride. Some say he has accepted numerous bribes from corporations, but he denies this. His coffers are brimming with cash however. AC DESCRIPTION Middleweight biped with extremely potent parrying blade arms. Rockets engage as the targeting range widens. Unit equips stealth extensions to hide radar signature. MY INPUT It shouldn't take too long to figure out this guy used to be a Gibbon MS-HA pilot. Stay away from those parrying blade arms and be sure to keep moving to avoid his rockets. PILOT NAME Gun Dog 09 AC NAME Death Header HEAD MHD-SS/808 CORE MCL-SS/RAY ARMS CAW-DGS-96 LEGS MLR-ARW BOOSTER - FCS PLS-SRA02 GENERATOR KGP-ZS4 RADIATOR RIX-CR10 INSIDE MWI-DD/10 EXTENSION KWEL-RO20 BACK UNIT R KWC-STILETTO BACK UNIT L KWM-E15/3 ARM UNIT R - ARM UNIT L - PILOT DESCRIPTION A former Gushawk pilot, Gun Dog 09 was one of the few pilots in his squadron to successfully make the jump from General Weapon to AC. In his equipment swap he has made himself known for the speed at which he accomplishes his missions. Many believe they can fell his light AC until they are met with two shotgun blasts to the face. AC DESCRIPTION Lightweight hover-leg utilizing shotgun arms, blade cannons, and energy missiles. The unit's speed is phenomenal, but it lacks defense. MY INPUT If you ever played Raiden Fighters in the arcades, this should sure seem familiar. As an AC, it's EXTREMELY fast, so unless you like fighting enemies that fly circles around you while hammering away with dual slug guns, don't bring a heavyweight! PILOT NAME Gallop AC NAME Peace Maker HEAD MHD-MM/007 CORE MCH-MX/GROA ARMS MAW-LANZAR2 LEGS MLH-MM/LINK BOOSTER MBT-OX/E10 FCS AOX-X/WS-3 GENERATOR MGP-VE905 RADIATOR RMR-SA44 INSIDE MWI-LANZAR1 EXTENSION - BACK UNIT R MWX-LANZAR BACK UNIT L MWX-LANZAR ARM UNIT R - ARM UNIT L - PILOT DESCRIPTION A strong believer in the re-colonization of Mars, Gallop has a strong preference for Mirage-built parts and in particular its LANZAR pursuit missile system. While not known for his ammo storage values, there are few others that call for such heavy on-the-call firepower. AC DESCRIPTION Heavyweight biped with a preference on Mirage parts and pursuit missiles. Pilot is adept at overboost usage, but prefers to end battles quickly and decisively. MY INPUT Lanzar, lanzar, lanzar. What are we going to do? Bring a whole lot of decoys and pray you don't screw up anytime here. He might run out of ammo at some point, but you might run out of AP as well. Who knows. |
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