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LR: Game Frustrations
(08-17-2011, 12:28 AM)Int3ll3r1337 Wrote: go look at my lr barrett design i make my own emblems..takes around 4 hrs for one but it can be done..i major in art and design but doing it on games still isnt easy.

you need the correct tools too to do well, its like having a degree in orthodontics but having no right equipment/tools to do the fucking job.

its the same shit in the AC emblem, they dont give you enough tools to make a good emblem.
i agree with this..I'm in the middle of touchin up a old emblem and I'm having to use some old tricks from graphic design classes in college..better tools are highly need if we gotta use pixels..need shading tools..tired of doing all the damn shading
Your death sentence is to die by the hands of my anger. My anger is relentless, you can run but its worthless and the furious angels will bring you back to me with your head on a pike for the world to see as I rip you to shredds with my wings of destruction....
Actually, it would seem like it is possible to import a pre-made image from a PC to the PS2: (This is also where I got my LR builder)

There is a tool on this site called Mutually Last Raven (MLR), click on the link to the left of the screen to access it.

From what I could gather from the Japanese readme file (replicated below to get around the gibberish in notepad), it seems like it requires the emblem to be in 256 colours and in .bmp format to import.

[ソフト名] MutuallyLastRaven Ver 1.05
[ 製作 ] kappa
[ 種 別 ] アーマードコア ラストレイヴン用 エンブレムコンバータ
[ 対応OS ] WINDOWS2000、XP、ME(98での動作確認無し)
[対応環境] Visual Basic 6 サービスパック 6 ランタイム必須(ベクターなどのサイトで手に入ります)
[転載条件] 転載、再配布不可
[配 布 元] あまこあ(
[ メール ]

 このソフトはアーマード・コア ラストレイヴン(以降LR)用エンブレムコンバータです。

 「PSU => BMP」「BMP => PSU」タブをクリックすることで操作モードの変更が出来ます。

 「PSU => BMP」モード
 「Load PSU」ボタンを押すと、PSUファイルを読み込みます。
 「BMP Save Path」をクリックすると、BMPをセーブするパスを指定できます。
 「BMP Base Name」の欄に保存するBMPのベース名を指定します。

 「BMP => PSU」モード
 「Load BMP」を押すとBMPファイルを指定し読み込みます。読み込んだファイルを表示します。
 「Save PSU」を押すと、表示している画像をPSUファイルとして保存します。

 「128 * 128 ドット 256色 のBITMAP」
 容量はエクスプローラーのプロパティで「17.0 KB (17,462 バイト)」です。



 Ver1.05 ファイルのドラッグ&ドロップに対応、BMP出力のフォルダ指定の改善、XPでのウィンドウ枠の改善

 Ver1.04 GUIの改善、PSU、BMP読み込み時に画像表示プレビュー機能追加

 Ver1.03 readme.txtを更新

 Ver1.02 BMP => PSU でNo4以降のエンブレムが変換できなかったのを修正

 Ver1.01 PSUへ変換した画像が左右逆だったのを修正

 Ver1.00 とりあえず公開

Maybe someone here could enlighten us on how to transfer the converted file to the PS2?

Edit: Figured out how to convert .bmp to .psu with software.
its actually rather easy to make emblems on your PC, and import them to the PS2 era AC games with the proper device such as a sharkport, X-port or equivalent device who's primary purpose is to let you back up PS2 saves on your PC.
I got my hands on an "X-port" way back when AC3 came out, and have used it to help many friends import custom made PC emblems to all the PS2 era games.
this pic doesnt really do it justice, but I have had the same emblem since AC3. one I put there from my PC.
[Image: NB-BasiliskII.jpg]

unfortunately I am rather certain devices like the X-port are no longer made, and would prob be REALLY hard to track down used ones as well. however if anyone is lucky enough to find one, I would be more then happy to help. there also might be easier ways to do it today as well, but *shrug* its the only way I know how to do it.

-side note-
also, this method is PS2 only
"do you know what this is? neither do I, I made it in my sleep...I put a button on it. I wish to press it, but I don't know what it would do" - Gune from Titan AE
Sharkport and x-port? Looks like it may get expensive... Ermm

I found another method via uLaunchElf: PS2 saves & homebrew tutorial

I will let everyone know if it works.

Edit: Bah, apparently doesn't work on my PS2 model.
And here I am, still playing this game after 17 years. LOL
(09-14-2006, 01:50 AM)NiX Wrote: ... Hollow) still suck.

Yeah, well.

Great thing about forums is that we can all dig up the dumb shit we've (I've) said in the past.
Long live forums!

The more I read the forums, the more I want to headbutt my younger self and probably pee on him as well.

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