Current time: 02-21-2025, 06:21 PM
Mental Repository (M.R.)
(11-15-2010, 03:17 AM)Serene Wrote: Rant: My lola's eyes look like she wants me bald real bad. We had a small argument concerning my hair. Unfortunately, even if she kneels and begs for me to get a haircut, I won't. Well, not until next year... or the year after... or after the year after the one after next year... I'll have one when I feel like it. You Don't Mess With An Afroman, Man~

I'm having the same rant too, minus the kneeling and begging. LOL
me three, saying i look like a hoodlum or a drug addict when my hair is at "palafox" length, but then againg when my mom meet trace she said to me that i should be like him O_O
Happy B-day Supremo!

Rave: Visited Rick's place earlier to buy his dad's 2nd hand WD TV media player. Runs MKV files and ISOs like a charm We're not worthy

Rave 2: Lent Rick Vanquish during visit. He had the awesome face look for the entire hour he was playing. Me too, since it was the first time I saw the game run on a 32-inch LCD HDTV. It's nice to see a good friend brighten up like that especially knowing just how stressed he's been. Now he refuses to play it again until Xmas because it's an "evil influence" on his study habits XD

Rave 3: Just got a call from GAME! Magazine. They're asking if I'd like to be a regular contributor for their to-be-launched gamer website. Monthly payout is at least 2k, more if I need to do special assignmentsWe're not worthy Had to fight hard to suppress manly tears from news - I just might be able to make a career out of what I'm doing after all LOL

Rave/Rant 4: Got to try a KFC Double Down. Holy Mother of Calories - I can freaking hear the oil move when I hold one.

[Image: totallyrandomkane.gif]
mine is the opposite, my mom wants me to grow my hair back. no way im going back to "Gupit Binata". i like my shaved head and rat tail thanks

magkano yung double down? thinking of buying one on the way home.

rave: my right arm is feeling a lot better now. yay for myonal
rant: anxiety attack at work sux
(11-15-2010, 08:57 AM)atdsutm Wrote: me three, saying i look like a hoodlum or a drug addict when my hair is at "palafox" length, but then againg when my mom meet trace she said to me that i should be like him O_O

maybe she ment to be like him in other ways and not just about hair. or maybe your mom wasnt implying on his hair at all...just you know..over all traceness. whatever that means
[Image: th_tumblr_lk9u9uH6yu1qbacrgo1_500.gif]
Lol belated happy happy to The Leader!

(11-15-2010, 08:57 AM)atdsutm Wrote: me three, saying i look like a hoodlum or a drug addict when my hair is at "palafox" length, but then againg when my mom meet trace she said to me that i should be like him O_O

Hoy, hindi na tumatama ng hanggang balikat ang buhok ko ah! Domo
"May those who accept their fate find happiness. May those who defy their fate find glory."
rant: will have to stay in this house for a few more months, maybe longer due to my savings not being enough for a move.
rant2: i think i pulled the muscles under my left armpit while getting on a jeep. was trying to avoid strain on my right arm ~.~
rant3: installed cosmicbreak after finally remembering to copy it from the office only to find out open beta is now closed ><

[Image: tsuruyaFigsBoxed.jpg]
Rant: i'm all sore from helping w/ moving
Rave:my room now looks like my other room overdosed on roids
Rave2: I'm finally getting a job
Rave3: Things are going smoothly on going back out w/ my ex (soon to be gf again [but that's depends on how things play out])
Rave4: Completely beat LRP
Rave5: I'm used to the old-school mechanics so SL is rly easy
Raven name: Rexzo
AC name: Propagation, Melancholy, & Gotterdammerung (Soon: Omni Seraph)
AC type:MW Bipedal or MW Reverse Joint (either way)
Favored weapons: Rifles, Machine Guns, Hand Guns, Micro Missiles, and Laser Blades
Attack Style: Either Aggressive or Backpedaling

Being born with angel wings (Propagation)
Rose after fallen from paradise (Depression) (Melancholy)
Accepted my inner devil for if I fought; I would have ultimately lost (Gotterdammerung)

Having undergone these trials I've have become an Omnious Seraph

"I'm a Mercenary, I'm used to betrayal...
But power is all that matters now...
In the end, Human arrogance will eventually usher in our own downfall... -Genobee"\

Mindlessly killing is something everyone can do; however, only a few think and efficiently complete the task at hand
(11-13-2010, 10:30 PM)atdsutm Wrote: Rave: @Shin
- Buff Quills projectile flight speed from 900 to 2700

No more invi-quail tracking, but more boom per shot? Basically, 600 AoE = 1 quill/3s.

Good buff.
Oh and happy birthday Grim! Have a good one Big grin
Damn, bots have been really busy lately. I've caught around three of them just earlier this morning but this latest one is just weird -

Barney Lennox's daughter, possibly? Big grin
"May those who accept their fate find happiness. May those who defy their fate find glory."
(11-17-2010, 11:55 AM)Fox Wrote: Damn, bots have been really busy lately. I've caught around three of them just earlier this morning but this latest one is just weird -

Barney Lennox's daughter, possibly? Big grin

I know. I've been banning IP and email addresses left and right, but they still keep on coming (US, China, Belgium, Philippines...). Anyway, this latest one has been deleted also.

EDIT: Thanks for all the greetings, again. Smile

Did about 39 concepts for a MML3 Bonne mecha contest. I finally found a design that gives me this feeling of satisfaction. Now I need to conceptualize its other form, and then I'll probably go back to step 1 until I make the 50th. Wish I could find something new and better though. The deadline of submission is until 11/29 anyway, so I still have time.


School tomorrow. The subjects for tomorrow aren't really important.
Back from field trip~!
Pasig river has PLANTS. (Water lilies to be exact)

We got to watch a Senate Session Big grin

Only the first 3 minutes T_T. It was supposed to start at 3pm but people just LOOOOOOOOOVE to be fashionably late.

...Since when did Loren get a haircut?

Apparently everyone lurves Zubiri in our field trip group XD;;
(Nakikilig sila o__o )
And they find Enrile...adorable <___<
[Image: 142183_zps37998c8a.gif]
(11-17-2010, 03:06 PM)Grim Wrote:
(11-17-2010, 11:55 AM)Fox Wrote: Damn, bots have been really busy lately. I've caught around three of them just earlier this morning but this latest one is just weird -

Barney Lennox's daughter, possibly? Big grin

I know. I've been banning IP and email addresses left and right, but they still keep on coming (US, China, Belgium, Philippines...). Anyway, this latest one has been deleted also.

EDIT: Thanks for all the greetings, again. Smile

as long as goat is around all his minions obviously will follow!


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