Current time: 09-28-2024, 12:53 PM
The Rant/Rave Topic
What were you cooking? Big grin

Rave: My USB controller works for the PS3! Now I can have offline coop for RE5 Tongue

Rant: Lasagna I made for my friends turned out to be disappointing. Sad

Killzone 2 demo wasn't all I expected it to be, and its a bit too short. Maybe I just had too much a high expectation for it. Maybe because the FEAR 2 demo was much longer and I expected as much and more from KZ2's.

I usually don't bother linking to cracked anymore but this one's just too awesome. LOL

These guys make even Solid Snake look like a pussy.
(02-07-2009, 10:37 PM)Lord_Leperman Wrote: What were you cooking? Big grin

I was chopping garlic and the knife slipped Blink

Oh and...we were cooking salpicao Big grin
[Image: 142183_zps37998c8a.gif]
Rant: My girlfriend and I got into a huge argument and prevented me from going to a friends and playing Gears of War 2.Chair

Rave: We did have some awesome makeup $.3.x.Rock on
When The Best Have Fallen... Who Will Rise...FlamethrowerGlare
LOL that's always a good thing.
nice rant o_O

Or did you mean nice rave?
(02-08-2009, 08:25 PM)ardjin Wrote: and i didn't watch porn,sawang sawa na ako janLOL

well im currently dating other girls.. its pretty effectiveHappy hindi ko nililigawan, no dirty part and the sadness slowly fades away.

Aargh! You see, if you don't watch the porn the circuit that is recovery is incomplete! You must not stray from the path of righteousness!!! Or is that perversion?LOL

Oh, did I get the two confused? Oh well, it still ended greatClapping
When The Best Have Fallen... Who Will Rise...FlamethrowerGlare
'Signatures are overrated.'
Rave: Saw Milk this weekend. Beautiful film - loved the way it portrayed the gay rights movement of the late 70s, and of Milk's humanity.

Rant: The film was released last Nov 2008. We had to wait 3 extra months just because the MTRCB wanted to mind-rape us with the cascading train wreck that is the Metro Manila Film Fest??? Makes me want to firebomb a building...

Rave 2: Valkyrie and Doubt are next on my list.
[Image: totallyrandomkane.gif]
Rant: PAASCU tomorrow Ninja
[Image: 142183_zps37998c8a.gif]
Me and my buddies in school got this curse; a very fucking annoying person who acts just like an elephant jackass in the corner. This prick doesn't have respect for privacy, and keeps touching and tinkering with our stuff without any permission. Not to mention the bastard has no common sense, super KSP, and somewhat a freaky cute-girl-stalker. The clueless dude has literally lost all respect from me.

Oh, and one of my buddies in school actually told him what should be told straight to his face, and this prick acts just like **** and still keeps sticking with us (especially me since I'm probably the nicest guy in the group) even after giving him 'hints'. I am a certified freak magnet.
rave: CAT graduation tomorrow! Clapping

(presenting.. the intelligence officer... first lieutenant... cadet aldous estrada!) Salute


rant: the program lasts for 4 hours... no sitting~ right under the sun~ Ninja

The nearer you go towards the light...
The greater your shadow becomes...

[Image: rational.jpg]
[Image: exteel.png]
Bert, may mga tao lang talagang ganyan. People that are just denser than mud. LOL
(02-11-2009, 11:44 PM)NiX Wrote: Bert, may mga tao lang talagang ganyan. People that are just denser than mud. LOL

I have someone in mind Ninja
I might have that same person in mind too.

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