Current time: 09-28-2024, 02:27 AM
Teh interesting (non-PHL-related) news stub thread
(10-16-2008, 11:05 PM)Twin-Skies Wrote: Makes me wonder why they didn't use an Xbox or PS3 - there's way more space in those machines.

I thought of the exact same thing! It looks like we have a penchant for crimes lol. The time I get an urge to rob a bank without hurting anyone physically, I'm calling you.
Mass suspension of 'wild' pupils

The entire graduating class at an exclusive Australian boys school has been suspended over "unacceptable" end-of-term antics. Up to 100 of 250 Year 12 students at Xavier College, Melbourne, allegedly took part in the "muck-up day" trouble.

They ran through the school wearing only their school ties as G-strings, and set off fireworks at a nearby railway station, media reports say. LOL
hahahaha Worship crazy
==========It's easier to believe a lie told a thousand times than a truth you've never heard before==========

February 1938 - Popular Mechanics Magazine: “NEW BILLION-DOLLAR CROP”

[Image: 1234234723396-1-1-1.jpg]
Guatemalan Man assassinated with arrow to the heart

Luna says Giron's family members pulled the arrow out of his chest but he died later at a hospital. Giron's colleagues said the arrow was made of metal and was possibly fired from a competition bow or crossbow.
well of course its freaking off season but really wouldn't it be easier to know the culprit with this it would be hard being "new" and all but wouldn't it be fingerprints galor on this or something?

hmmm anyway he was a journalist so that can be a possible area right?

and the family really did the wrong thing pulling out the arrow... thats the bad thing about arrows it sucks getting hit and it even sucks worse when you remove one especially under panic >_<

On the Yahoo! Headlines:
"Online divorcee jailed after killing virtual hubby"

(maybe this should be in tech news or whatever.)

Er. Nix? It's here:

Posted it this morning.
They found Superman's Fortress of Solitude! Fear

Fortress of Solitude Found In Mexico

Quote:Picture this; two brothers were drilling in the Naica lead and silver mine below the Chihuahua Desert in Mexico when they happened upon a crystal cave 1,000 feet below the surface. Doesn't sound all that interesting, until you see the pictures of their discovery and realize that they stumbled upon the real life version of Superman's Fortress of Solitude. This cave is beyond belief, and if it wasn't for the multiple pictures and video, we would be calling shenanigans at this very moment. For more pictures, details, and a video, hit the Read More link.

The cave is filled with up to 170 giant, luminous crystal obelisks, the biggest of which tops out at 37.4 feet tall. Since crystals of this size need to develop under incredibly high heat and with an endless supply of water, the cave maintains a temperature of 112 degrees fahrenheit with 100% humidity. Oh and did I forget to mention that's lethal to humans? Guess Superman really does want to be left alone. The process of getting into the cave takes 20 minutes, weaving through twisted shafts and drilled pathways, leading to this amazing site that really is almost too amazing to believe. In order to survive in the cave, scientists have to wear protective suits with a constant flow of ice-cooled air being pumped into them.

Beyond all that science-y stuff, this cave is just plain f****ing awesome. Seriously, the fact that something like this exists outside of the realm of DC Comics has got to make you say "Nature kicks ass!"
That news has been around for a few years now, bat ngayon lang natin nakita....
And whats with the latino connection? Before there's batmanuel, now superman's house is in mexico.

Wonder how it looks like inside.
(11-06-2008, 03:15 PM)J.E_Magog Wrote:

Goodnight, sweet prince. Sad
(10-06-2008, 09:41 PM)Twin-Skies Wrote: Man robs bank with pepper spray, inner tube, and Craigslist

I know it's a crime, but damn - the guy's a genius Worship

...And he just got pwnd by the cops Domo
has this been posted yet?

Jap dude petitions to marry comic book character

Quote: A JAPANESE man has enlisted hundreds of people in a campaign to allow marriages between humans and cartoon characters, saying he feels more at ease in the "two-dimensional world".

Comic books are immensely popular in Japan, with some fictional characters becoming celebrities or even sex symbols.

Marriage is meanwhile on the decline as many young Japanese find it difficult to find life partners.

Taichi Takashita launched an online petition aiming for one million signatures to present to the government to establish a law on marriages with cartoon characters.

Within a week he has gathered more than 1000 signatures through.

"I am no longer interested in three dimensions. I would even like to become a resident of the two-dimensional world," he wrote.

"However, that seems impossible with present-day technology. Therefore, at the very least, would it be possible to legally authorise marriage with a two-dimensional character?"

Befitting his desire to be two-dimensional, he listed no contact details, making it impossible to reach him for comment to explain if his campaign is serious or tongue-in-cheek.

But some people signing the petition are true believers.

"For a long time I have only been able to fall in love with two-dimensional people and currently I have someone I really love," one person wrote.

"Even if she is fictional, it is still loving someone. I would like to have legal approval for this system at any cost," the person wrote.

Japan only permits marriage between human men and women and gives no legal recognition to same-sex relationships.

Japan's fans of comic books, or "manga," sometimes go to extremes.

Earlier this month, a woman addicted to manga put out an online message seeking to kill her parents for asking her to throw away comic books that filled up three rooms.

Chair No no Chair

Sa future pwede nang magpakasal sa: Same Sex--> Animal--> Plant--> Non-Living --> Virtual

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