Current time: 09-25-2024, 04:31 AM
Teh interesting (non-PHL-related) news stub thread
a disappointing situation ... sheesh harder rules should be implemented and also teens that act like that becoming more and more bold talk about imminent armageddon >_>

(10-03-2008, 08:08 PM)clonezero Wrote: a disappointing situation ... sheesh harder rules should be implemented and also teens that act like that becoming more and more bold talk about imminent armageddon >_>

Perhaps they did it for teh lulz Vomit

Anyway, guess what EA's going after now that their 2K takeover's been deep-sixed
[Image: totallyrandomkane.gif]
so much for the freedom of speech I vote for an Orwellian shift in governance at least the bastards will be productive LOL

and EA on olympics Rofl

Well, that's sad. In comparison, that won't be that much of an issue in Japan. Just sad.

Maybe those kids had too much spoonfed into their rotten minds.

As for EA's take on olympic glory, they're desperate. Fail, then fail again.

I believe a facepalm is timely.

Never have I seen somebody try so hard to win a Darwin Award
[Image: totallyrandomkane.gif]
Goat condoms save Kenyan herds!
Man robs bank with pepper spray, inner tube, and Craigslist

Quote:Inflation has certainly been good to one crafty robber.

Monroe police are searching for a man who robbed an armored-car guard Tuesday morning then fled with the money — down a nearby creek on an inner tube.

Police say the robber also may have recruited a host of unwitting decoys through a Craigslist ad.

The robbery happened about 11 a.m. in the Bank of America parking lot at Old Owen Road and Highway 2 in Monroe, said police spokeswoman Debbie Willis.

Mitch Ruth, who works across from the bank, saw the robbery from his office window and said the suspect was wearing a blue shirt and a dust mask, according to a KING-5 News report.

The man watched as a security guard walked from the bank to the armored car with a large amount of cash in canvas bags, Willis said. He then confronted the guard and sprayed him with pepper spray.

According to witnesses, the man grabbed the money and ran about 100 yards to Woods Creek, Willis said. Police believe the man jumped into an inner tube and floated westbound in the direction of the nearby Skykomish River.

Police say they later found the inner tube on the banks of Woods Creek, but no trace of the robber.

Willis said it was the first time she'd heard of that kind of getaway. It's possible the man had an accomplice waiting for him downriver, she said.

"It appears to be fairly well-planned," Willis said.

Part of that planning may have been a Craigslist ad recruiting decoys, Willis said.

Mike, who wanted to be identified only by his first name, told KING-5 that he saw a Craigslist ad last week seeking workers for a road-maintenance project. He inquired and was e-mailed instructions to meet near the bank at 11 a.m. Tuesday and to wear specific clothing.


"Yellow vest, safety goggles, a respirator mask ... and, if possible, a blue shirt," Mike told KING-5.

No contractor met Mike and about a dozen other similarly dressed men who showed up at the bank, and they thought they had been stood up. Then, KING-5 reported, a man told them about the bank robbery.

" 'Yeah, guys, we just got scammed,' " Mike said the man told him. "Bank robbery just happened to be right across the street, in the same attire in all the e-mails that everyone got."

Police are investigating the ad to determine whether it is linked to the robbery, Willis said.

I know it's a crime, but damn - the guy's a genius Worship
[Image: totallyrandomkane.gif]
(10-06-2008, 09:41 PM)Twin-Skies Wrote: I know it's a crime, but damn - the guy's a genius Worship

I concur!
(10-06-2008, 10:01 PM)Grim Wrote:
(10-06-2008, 09:41 PM)Twin-Skies Wrote: I know it's a crime, but damn - the guy's a genius Worship

I concur!

The fact he didn't have to use a gun or hurt anybody (not permanently at least) makes this heist full of epic win.
[Image: totallyrandomkane.gif]
The Breast Is Best! PETA Asks Ben & Jerry's to Dump Dairy and Go With Human Milk Instead

(...PETA has finally gone insane)
wasn't this topic in Project WTF or somewhere already?

and yes PETA as idiots very big idiots

(10-14-2008, 04:35 PM)Sforza Wrote: The Breast Is Best! PETA Asks Ben & Jerry's to Dump Dairy and Go With Human Milk Instead

(...PETA has finally gone insane)

PETA also sent a letter to the inquirer about how the Melamine scare might be a good opportunity for the Phil. Gov't to try to promote a mother's breast milk for nursing their kids.

Funny thing is that they also recommended to general users that we could try going Soy. Total bullshit on that - even soy milk products have been confirmed to be contaminated, not to mention drinking too much of the stuff carries the additional risk of giving you gout.

Said letter proceeded to say that 90% of pinoys are lactose intolerant, and recommended several documents and books that discuss the horrors of milk-drinking. UnsureErmmPirateNo noDomoChair
[Image: totallyrandomkane.gif]
Three charged over ecstasy hidden in mailed PlayStation

Quote:THREE men stand accused of drug smuggling after cops found 3400 ecstasy pills hidden in a PlayStation game posted to their home in Australia.

The Australian Federal Police arrested and charged two Canadians, both 18, and a New Zealander, 20, at a Surfers Paradise address on Friday.

A police spokesman said Customs officers detected a parcel containing the drugs at Sydney's international mail facility on October 5.

Three packets of tablets were found inside the video game machine and one packet was found in the cover of a game disc. The AFP monitored the consignment to the Queensland address.

The tablets weighed just over 900 grams, but the consignment will undergo forensic testing to determine the quantity and purity of the drugs.

The three men appeared before Southport Magistrates Court today charged with one count of importing a commercial quantity of a border controlled drug and one count of attempting to possess a commercial quantity of a border controlled drug.

The maximum penalty of the offences is life imprisonment and/or a $825,000 fine.
Dutch HIV sex party accused put on trial: Be careful when you attend gay sex parties! Someone might drug you and inject you with AIDS. oops, wrong forum!

Man making kebab next to corpse hit by lifetime ban on kebab making: As well as the corpse, the policeman discovered another man smoking and spitting repeatedly on the floor, while in a room near the kitchen, a defrosting chicken, oozing blood and juices, was covered with flies
(10-15-2008, 11:27 PM)Grim Wrote: Three charged over ecstasy hidden in mailed PlayStation

Quote:THREE men stand accused of drug smuggling after cops found 3400 ecstasy pills hidden in a PlayStation game posted to their home in Australia.

The Australian Federal Police arrested and charged two Canadians, both 18, and a New Zealander, 20, at a Surfers Paradise address on Friday.

A police spokesman said Customs officers detected a parcel containing the drugs at Sydney's international mail facility on October 5.

Three packets of tablets were found inside the video game machine and one packet was found in the cover of a game disc. The AFP monitored the consignment to the Queensland address.

The tablets weighed just over 900 grams, but the consignment will undergo forensic testing to determine the quantity and purity of the drugs.

The three men appeared before Southport Magistrates Court today charged with one count of importing a commercial quantity of a border controlled drug and one count of attempting to possess a commercial quantity of a border controlled drug.

The maximum penalty of the offences is life imprisonment and/or a $825,000 fine.

Makes me wonder why they didn't use an Xbox or PS3 - there's way more space in those machines.
[Image: totallyrandomkane.gif]

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