Current time: 06-03-2024, 06:46 PM
Extra info about you...
I don't read novels. I've only read like 5 novels, in my life (This does not include school books and novels one had to read to make book reports). I did read a lot of science encyclopedias when I was younger though.

Novels I've read in recent memory (included in the 5 I've read in my whole life... IIRC):

Halo: The Fall of Reich
... I forgot the rest

I tend not to try things out for myself. I'd usually ask someone else to go for it, or wait and observe someone else do something before I embark on a similar task. This says a lot about me, like I'm the type of person who wants to get the whole thing right the first time around, and/or try to learn as much about the task before embarking on it.

I can only down 2 beers before getting sleepy. I think of this as a defense mechanism from being drunk, as my sleepiness will prevent me from drinking more and act a little too happy.

I used to avoid hot sauce, but I've recently fallen for them, especially if there's a spiciness neutralizer near by (yogurt or milk). Pizza gets a big dash of hot sauce whenever I eat them now.

After the curry shortage due to Co-op closing down, I've recently experimented with Indian Foods and various curry dishes using one of those instant-indian food mixes (like the Curry roux) that were recently available in the supermarket. I'm now making Tikka Masala on a regular basis as well as Indian Butter Chicken Happy. I'll try to make a batch the next time we meet. I thought of serving the typical mac n' cheese, but I don't really like those things.

When I'm bored and not feeling like playing video games, I check a random page in Wikipedia, filling my brain with useless trivia.

My best subject in college was both macro, micro, and international economics. I aced all the tests except for Micro where our professor passed all the female students and failed all except for 1 male student (the one who passed was not me, I failed that subject because the professor didn't know how to teach at all, and he had the reputation of being a pervert so he passed all the girls in class). Next semester, same subject but different professor, I aced the subject.

I used to make a lot of model kits. There was also a time that I never used a hobby knife or a cutting tool to remove the parts from the trees, which resulted in poorly made models. My uncle pitied me so much that he taught me a crash course in model kit making one afternoon with the right tools (hobby knife and all, he assembles cars and motorbike models).

I suck at math. Big time.

I used to draw a lot, before entering my specialization in college. Now I can't seem to re-kindle my interest.

Sour cream and onion flavored chips are the best :3 Cheeseburgers rock! Root beer is awesome (extra points if it has ice cream on top)!

I used to weigh 210 lbs when I was 16, then dropped it steadily to 150 lbs by 19. I was a diet success story, that was until I entered the specialization course in our college where everyone got fat due to stress after graduating. Now I gained it back to 170 now that I'm 24.

EDIT: I never learned what a good summer vacation was.
(10-14-2008, 11:33 AM)Lord_Leperman Wrote: Novels I've read in recent memory (included in the 5 I've read in my whole life... IIRC):

Halo: The Fall of Reich
... I forgot the rest



I find it hard to trust guys.

I keep having that I was a guy, still went to the same school, and no one noticed...4 times already o_O

I like clingy shy people XD

I weigh less that 100lb...I'm underweight for my height and age...
Should I blame it on picky eating or metabolism?

I want a gay/lesbian's autograph (mostly a lesbian coz gays are quite easy to find XD)

Usually the only thing I look forward to in a the end of it...sleep...dream...
[Image: 142183_zps37998c8a.gif]
I have strange small boils on my right thumb ... I thinks its linked to stress ... if so Im damn stressed!

I think that came from button mashing.

Rick, teach me the way of the diet! @_@

I never get scared. Ever.

I did get scared of a certain anti-pest product though, when I was a kid. The said product showed a VERY CREEPY commercial, that they often play in consecutive threes on late-night TV. Sad. I wonder if anyone here shared my experience. LOL

I suck at drawing. The best thing that I drew, iirc, was a face. Manga-style. Back in HS. With a few flaws. Then I gave up on drawing.

I've never had any model kits yet. Maybe I'll get one later in life, but definitely not now.

I can eat anything, as long as I know that it won't get me sick.

The first time I cussed was while I was watching a teledrama. I inadvertently said "Gago!" while I was at my Tita's. I am still blaming the fact that almost everyone who lived there were females, there's no reason why I'd get absorbed in one other than that.

I hate homos. All of them. I find them funny in comic bars though.

I often need to see to believe.

I won't let myself be bound to something if it makes me lose freedom, even if I had to.

I can handle a kitchen knife pretty well. He-he-heh.

I want to be a good cook. Even my significant other can tell that I'll be the "house wife" later in life Woot

I believe I have too much estrogen in my system. x_x

I don't feel power in my punches, even in my dreams.
@ shin nope their at the wrong place for that X_X

well I know I;ve said these to the people I've personally met but anyway

I have been chased by robocop, been in a gazillion scenarios with zombies, got into a DOOM like scenario and had a taste of silent hill in my dreams (literally)

Okay, RR, prepare for a wall of some posts of the other members and just replaced their text with raffy, i don't really do well in describing myself unless asked or If at least I get a template of sorts.

Is usually silent, calm, and does not display my inner feelings fully. But, with that being said, I can easily laugh,talk, and smile at people I get along with and most importantly, trust. I always have that I'll-kill-you look while travelling or outside the house. but then again, Im pretty approachable//

more or less a mix of conservatism(when it comes to cigs, alcohol, drugs, and stuff)
AND liberalism when it comes to religion and sex.

been playing video games prolly since 6-8 years old.

As for relationships..had a gf twice, but never were these serious relationships.
in terms of sex stuff, had honestly only been to third base.

when it comes to my dream girl, one word. TIFA. i just love this character so much, especially when she came out in FFVII:AC. Also, even though im pretty much a little perverted(heck, which guy in RR isn't?) I never think of my dream girl in a green sense....EVER.

absolutely LOVES cars, and the toyota supra MKIV will always be my favorite car, even if it is old and all. really into car specs, parts, and driving techniques.(thanks to grantursimo and initial d...guess what moonlight-raven, I'm an initial d addict too!)

partially wants to be a street drift racer(heck, I even do heel-and-toe while I drive)

takes pride in whatever driving skills I have

Like military stuff....fighter jets, tanks, then guns. I LOVE the f-22, the ah-64D nd the m1a2 abrams....If you noticed, all of those are U,S made, but I hate teh country.!

Absolutely love anything and everything japanese.

Is a shotokan karate practitioner, but I would like to lear ninjutsu and aikido, along with battoujutsu

loves anime(although I do have been disappointed with the recent downgrading of quality in the mangas/anime I usually watch)

most favorite out of all anime characters-itachi uchiha

friends feedback..hmmmm I'm.....handsome?(puts up shield) that's what THEY said ayt? they say I'm really quiet, reserved, but can talk well and is articulate din...Although I'm ALWAYS the one teased by EVERYONE.

I almost got hit by a car once(first year high school), but it was close, SO close in fact, that the side mirror hit me. My friend pulled me back because I totally zoned out while crossing the street..the car was going pretty fast too.(it was a mercedes)

Almost drowned when I was little, prolly 5 years old, when I fell in a manhole.

likes spicy food.

Fox! I have the same dual-personality too when it comes to beggars! ahahaha

I pity them, yeah, but I get pissed at why they're doing nothing to fix their situation.

also same with fox, I like being in our room (me and andrew) It's really just a place to get away from matter how cramped it is there.

likes red and black.

I like it when its all cloudy and gloomy vs. the bright and shiny day.

Is literally a day dreaming machine. and I dream to be a multi billionaire soon.

music I like is mostly rnb, senti songs(yuck) and anime songs as well. o yeah, a little bit of trance as well.

goes with the fashion trend SOMETIMES. hair styles alternate between spikey or one-sided....there is also the one sided version that's spiky as well.(when its too long to be spiky, and too short to be purely onesided )

I was a bookworm when I was young, but rarely read DA Vinci Code and Count of Monte Cristo though

A little same with rick, I tend to wait for people to do something before doing it myself. BUT if action is needed or if I'm in a bad mood, I'll immediately move.

does not advocate drinking for health preservation, but I do have a very high tolerance to alcohol.

absolutely hate math, but I really dont suck at it.

loves italian, japanese and chinese food. japanese the most.

likes barbeque and sour cream chips, DISLIKES cheese flavorings(with a few exceptions) but actually likes real cheese.

root beer rocks.

Was a christian, turned agnostic, now atheist.

simple yet complicated.

whew! wall of text! doesn't seem to be extra info dont ya think?LOL
(11-18-2008, 10:55 AM)arch_angel Wrote: Okay, RR, prepare for a wall of some posts of the other members and just replaced their text with raffy, i don't really do well in describing myself unless asked or If at least I get a template of sorts.

whew! wall of text! doesn't seem to be extra info dont ya think?Laughing

Ohmy Blink Beating a dead horse Wtf

(11-18-2008, 05:24 PM)clonezero Wrote:
(11-18-2008, 10:55 AM)arch_angel Wrote: Okay, RR, prepare for a wall of some posts of the other members and just replaced their text with raffy, i don't really do well in describing myself unless asked or If at least I get a template of sorts.

whew! wall of text! doesn't seem to be extra info dont ya think?Laughing

Ohmy Blink Beating a dead horse Wtf
'Tis trolling, chap. Gentleman

arch_angel Wrote:As for relationships..had a gf twice, but never were these serious relationships.
in terms of sex stuff, had honestly only been to third base.
Uhh.. What's a third base? Blink
is it XD sorry there chaps I got a little over my head there Gentleman

3rd base ... XD buti ka pa LOL

3rd base.....down there...but not yet doing the actual know...uh, get it? okay then,it's doing everything else down there except entry...Happy
Then 4th base is what I think it is? Home run, bali? LOL
4th is home run...Salute
Then first base is and second base are what, respectively?

(Off topic, but meh.)
(11-22-2008, 12:26 AM)Shintetsu Wrote: Then first base is and second base are what, respectively?

(Off topic, but meh.)

1st = Kiss
2nd = Twin Peaks
3rd = Down under
4th = Play ball!

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