Current time: 03-14-2025, 04:46 PM
What's everyone playing now?
Think of the Adepta Sororitas as a cross between the Adeptus Astartes and the Imperial Guard. They're not as numerous as the Guard (only ten troopers plus one veteran as opposed to the Guard's twelve troopers and one sergeant) but they're not as tough as the basic Marine squad (weaker armor). While they can carry some of the heavy weapons that the Marines play with (Heavy Bolters and Plasma Pistols), they are slightly weaker because, while they do wear Imperator armor like the Marines, their version isn't as efficient due to their inability to interface with it, they lack the Phase 19 geneseed implant (the Black Carapace). Some of their vehicles (the Immolator) aren't as effective as the Marine's (the Land Raider) or the Guard's (the Baneblade) but all units do come at a much cheaper cost in terms of requisition or squad and vehicle cap. Their uber-unit, the Living Saint, is pretty good at fighting other army's ubers but she does die rather quickly. Yeah, things may seem pretty weak for them at Tier1 but wait til they get full upgrades at Tier2 and 3 then they can pretty much mix it up with the rest of those testosterone-laden masochists. Big grin

Try maxing the units for their intended roles. Battle Sister squads are your basic multi-purpose bitches. Celestian squads make use of heavy weaponry like Multi-Meltas and Plasma cannons so send them after your opponents armor. Seraphim and Repentia squads are perfect for taking on Khorne Berzerkers, Howling Banshees and Kroot Carnivores while a group of three Immolators backed up Penitent Engines will turn squads of Marines into flaming carcasses within seconds. Try upgrading a separate group of Immolators with Meltaguns and they can even take on Predator Annihilators with ease. Just remember to keep several Battle Sister squads with Heavy Bolters behind any of these to back them up incase there are some stray grunts prowling around.

Basically they were added into the mix to make up some sort of middle ground between the ubermen of the Space Marines and the numerical superiority of the Guardsmen.Personally, i just think they were added in there to provide some gender equality.
"May those who accept their fate find happiness. May those who defy their fate find glory."
Excellent. Now to have a PC that can support that game. -_-

Seems nice tho. I've tried the earlier releases of Dawn of War, but didn't really have the time to play that much.

OT: I'm really surprised at this: My sister is now addicted to Strategy games. Her husband taught her C&C3, and I think she's currently playing Dawn of War on her spare time. Kukumustahin ko nga yung laro xD
I got hooked playing Granado Espada, around 40-45 more levels to grind before my characters become vets (at lvl100). XD
Call of Duty 3. Massive FPS LAN action!
Just finished Assassins Creed, dunno abt the reviews it's getting, it certainly kicked ass in my book. Cant wait for the nxt installment.
This is also a punishment for you.
You will be the defender of justice and wear a mask forever,
you won't be able to live as yourself.
You will sacrifice all your happiness for the world.. Eternally..
(Last words to Zero - Lelouch Vi Britania)
lol (first of sorry for the late reply)

hmm middle ground ei well I still don't see what makes them different umm so what's their counter part to the baneblade, avatar, true monolith etc etc etc ... and what makes it uber? I think you said the immolator aah soo what makes that great?

but so far it doesn't feel like it can top my love for the USS... I mean imperial guard XD gotta love the baneblade and basilisk for their capability to fling things around XD Im just thankful there is no titans around to steal the baneblade's glory

oh yeah what about the new air units??? Im sure those things changed the game ...

I'm still playing almost nothing but Monster Hunter Freedom 2. Ninja

203 hours and counting.
I might get serious with Monster hunter after finishing Crisis Core, para 3 man cell tau ni miss kyonko nxt meet, hehe
This is also a punishment for you.
You will be the defender of justice and wear a mask forever,
you won't be able to live as yourself.
You will sacrifice all your happiness for the world.. Eternally..
(Last words to Zero - Lelouch Vi Britania)
RF online. hehe
Pokemon Diamond right now. I have an all shiny team of nothing but Diamond pokes that I'm currently EV training.

Anyone wanna battle? Wink
R-type command Drool

its no r-type final but I like all the same XD

I'm currently playing Zelda: The Minish Cap. For a GBA game, the graphics are simply eye-popping! Actually the graphics are great by any standard. I also love how the gameplay is totally tight! If you haven't played this one yet, at least play it on an emulator. You won't regret it.
I'm playing Breath of Fire V: Dragon Quarter. Quite a unique RPG. It has elements that usual RPGs don't, or more precisely, it doesn't have stuff other usual RPGs have. That would be it has a limited time frame, limited item capacity, limited use of a special power for the most part of the game, finite number of battles in the game (that is if you don't use a certain function of the gme) and no inns/insta-health restore places. Sounds no fun? At the start, it certainly does. But as you progress, it's actually fun. It breaks a lot of the usual concepts in RPGs, yet make it good. Capcom adds funky new features that make it worth while.

Btw, has this series stopped already? Is BoFV the last one?
"Numbers are not part of the real world; they're part of something else."

-Prof. Rolly Panopio, UPLB Math Division
... erase T_T

maitreya Wrote:I'm playing Breath of Fire V: Dragon Quarter. Quite a unique RPG. It has elements that usual RPGs don't, or more precisely, it doesn't have stuff other usual RPGs have. That would be it has a limited time frame, limited item capacity, limited use of a special power for the most part of the game, finite number of battles in the game (that is if you don't use a certain function of the gme) and no inns/insta-health restore places. Sounds no fun? At the start, it certainly does. But as you progress, it's actually fun. It breaks a lot of the usual concepts in RPGs, yet make it good. Capcom adds funky new features that make it worth while.

Btw, has this series stopped already? Is BoFV the last one?

I think so, it took me a LOT of data resets before I could finish the game. Probably also one of the RPG games that taught me how to save things, etc since I seem to be careless when it comes to item management. =_=

Have you already tried the Ant Colony feature? Big grin

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