Current time: 03-13-2025, 03:02 PM
Bunny emergency!
HayWire Wrote:I used to have a lot of pet rabbits/bunnies and stuff like that when I was 8...
But...Mine was carnivorous for some reason Blink

why did I expect something like this would crop up l_l;

@ jake
sure go blame him ... just be thankful I just place the decent part of his suggestion...

sforzando Wrote:Oh and I took pics!

Cute! Chelsea as a name is even cuter.

Her red eyes are kinda freaky though.
finally got to look at the pics ... aah jake when is our next EB????

Y'know.. someone i know got a pet skunk for a pet.. they're really cool.
I can't imagine how having a skunk for a pet can be cool in any way. >_<
NOT cool. >_< I hope your friend has a huge stock of air freshener. >_<
lol.. the stink glands have been removed.. it's really adorable
Oh you should have said so in the first place. LOL

In that case, yeah I can agree that skunks look cute too. LOL
I bet his name is Pepé... Pepé Le Pew. Then a black cat named Penelope will fall in love with him and they'll be inseperable.

[Image: penelope2so5.jpg]
I don't know about you, but I think that little stinker would be cool for a pet.

speaking of exotic pets, I'm gonno go find me a filipino eagle now...
you're gonna need a lot of monkeys

I personally want a krestel, swift or a red panda as a pet

and yes we're going off topic XD

[Image: pancake.jpg]
lolz lagay na yan sa WTF!? thread yung kuneho na yan xD
Thanks to the tips from you guys, Chelsea is doing fine now though she's still tiny (compare her size with the hand) LOL She also likes chewing our Christmas baskets (as you can see in the picture). The last picture is of her cage, which would be complete if I had paper pulp for the flooring, and hay. Anyone know where I can easily find hay? As in tuyong damo.

[Image: P2280643.jpg]

[Image: th_P2280646.jpg] [Image: th_P2280640.jpg] [Image: th_P2280633.jpg]

[Image: th_P2280623.jpg] [Image: th_P2280605.jpg]

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