Current time: 09-26-2024, 01:02 PM
Introductions: The Original Thread
viper Wrote:How is last raven? Did they update the weapons too?

Last Raven's a vastly more improved Nexus. If you already like what you see in Nexus, you will love Last Raven. Get it instead of Nexus.

Weapon stats are upgraded in some areas, although one of the major gripes players had with LR was that accuracy seemed to go down, a lot. Which may or may not be attributed to the increased generator capacities in the game.

By the way Ron, are you really 51?

Welcome to the Republic, either way.
Hello and welcome, as far as I know 51 is the oldest I've heard that anyone's played AC. Glad to know I might still come back to this game even after I grow up. Welcome to The republic Viper! Smile
Welcome viper

(I never got tired of this song apparently Blink)
[Image: 142183_zps37998c8a.gif]
I think there's someone older. I'm not sure... but I think there's Karnagoz from ACO (though I have no idea wtf happened to him) and probably Twisted Metal (I saw a thread before saying that he's nearly 60).

Welcome viper. XD
Finally, the system administrator of this computer simulation which we all live in has given us the grizzly veteran captain who will show us young'uns how "its" done, before dying in a blaze of flames and manly glory. Because they always die. You have a big beard, pipe and a captain's hat, don't you?;dr? Hi. I'm Apple, the village nutjob. I hope you find use in what RR has to offer.
Sorry to disappoint you, apple. No beard, no pipe, no captain's hat. In fact, I don't even look my age. Most people look at me and guess that I'm in my mid 30's, I guess it's the baby face. I do still love my video games, however. So do two of my friends, one is my age, the other is two years older. His favorite game is the original armored core.
[Image: ARMORE1.jpg]
Wow, looks like Solitaire just got bumped off as RR's oldest denizen.

Welcome to the forums, Viper. Don't worry about your age in here. Everyone treats each other fairly well and it's your posts that matter to us. How old you are is just a state of mind really.

Enjoy your stay! Big grin
"May those who accept their fate find happiness. May those who defy their fate find glory."
Thanks for making me feel welcome. I don't feel my age (most of the time) and don't act like it (most of the time)!
I have all the PS1 AC games and PS2 games through Silent Line. If you ask me, it's the best series on the playstation 1 or 2. I don't go for all that blood and guts they put out now, in AC the end result is just a burning mech -nice.
[Image: ARMORE1.jpg]
Games do keep people young.
You'll have fun here, trust me.

Where do you live BTW?
welcome viper

lol age does not matter to those who does not let it.. XD

anyway nice vid haywire XD

Serene Wrote:Games do keep people young.
You'll have fun here, trust me.

Where do you live BTW?

I live near St Louis Missouri, where the winters are cold and the summers are hot!
[Image: ARMORE1.jpg]
viper Wrote:I live near St Louis Missouri, where the winters are cold and the summers are hot!

...And I live in Chicago, where thin people need to hang on to posts very often or risk literally getting blown away by the wind.

Oh, and some psycho put you guys in the news recently after shooting the City Council of a suburb. Hope the citizens can recover quickly from the tragedy (and remember to get better security).
Yeah, about the only time we make the news is when somebody kills a bunch of people. It happened in a courtroom back in '92. You would think they would've learned from that.Shifty
[Image: ARMORE1.jpg]
lol,don't have that on the philippines
killing in the courtroom we do have that last month at aminla court a former vice mayor of certain town was killed on the spot
if you know yourself and your enemy you will never fear the results of a hundred battles if you know yourself but not the enemy for every victory you will suffer a defeat if you dont know yourself neither your enemy you will lose at every battle.<br />sun tzu, the art of war

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