Current time: 09-23-2024, 02:45 AM
Mental Repository (M.R.)
I applied for volunteer work last term (before midterms), and I applied for a part-time job this term (before start of the term). The volunteer work I applied to last term decided to update me yesterday that I'll have an interview/presentation coming up soon. And I was pretty sure they have either died or forgotten about me already.

I can do interviews. The presentation prior to the interview is what I'm worried about.
[Image: images_zpsfbc32b92.jpg]

They moved it from next Saturday to this afternoon due to conflict in sched. They told me last night. I still can't go due to conflict of sched.

[Image: tumblr_inline_mkeot76qlP1qz4rgp_zpsd4e5d963.gif]

They don't even ask my available dates and times.
[Image: 142183_zps37998c8a.gif]
Does anyone know the regulations regarding shipping knives (and other related things) to the Philippines?
Link meh because I can't find any and I want to order left-handed knives since cooking with normal ones is a pain @_@

Oh yeah, I got a copy of DSM-5 the other day
[Image: tumblr_m235fbVm6b1r8se3l_zpse8622856.jpg]
[Image: 142183_zps37998c8a.gif]
rant: that feel when you're too broke* to go to a con and your niece tells you all the stuff and merchandise you missed out on.

*not literally, but you know the better-save-this-so-i-have-fare-for-when-i-get-called-for-interviews-or-if-there-is-an-RR-meet kind of broke.
Rave - first time ever purchasing credits to be used on PSN. DLCs, here i come!

Rant - the price is a little deplorable. Even though the peso/dollar conversion rate is pretty good right now, i still ended up paying php1050 for $20 worth of credits.
"May those who accept their fate find happiness. May those who defy their fate find glory."
Gramps finally gave in on the same day of my grandmother's [mother's side] death anniversary [September 7].
Location's a bot far and I'm too sick to go for the second time. We're just waiting for my uncle to get back for the burial.
'Signatures are overrated.'
(09-16-2013, 01:36 PM)Serene Wrote: Gramps finally gave in on the same day of my grandmother's [mother's side] death anniversary [September 7].
Location's a bot far and I'm too sick to go for the second time. We're just waiting for my uncle to get back for the burial.

[Image: 71185_zps47b1005b.gif]

I'll be having one of my interviews/presentations tomorrow.
[Image: tumblr_mt8ps4QI601s5rcozo1_500_zpse03cca31.gif]
I just want it over with, honestly.

Also, I'm still adjusting to having business courses since this is only the 2nd time (and 2nd term) I've had a business course in my entire stay in college. Aka. I'm feeling like a lost frosh again. Effing Business Law OTL
[Image: 142183_zps37998c8a.gif]
Condolences, man.

Rant - error code 43 showing up on that video card i purchased as an upgrade back in late 2010. I never thought i'd be replacing it this soon. Facepalm
"May those who accept their fate find happiness. May those who defy their fate find glory."
@ Jobet

Condolences man =(

Rave: Something just hit me. I'm claiming the name of Senrenis Royal Wolf until I can glue it to a new mech design that came to me. It's white, and black with minty green joints and-*vomits all over the floor and passes out*
[Image: 213920.gif?v=1]
"It's snowing women." -Tsukika.
There are two things that I will always laugh at: "Yuno F***ing Gasai" and something else.
rant: hello clonazepam we meet again.
Condolences Jobet.
Condolences sir Jobet...
[Image: upeo113pr8.gif]


"I am more of a Teacher rather than a Pilot"
Rant #1 - video card fries itself after a few years of service.
Rant #2 - developed a fever while clearing fallen tree branches during the recent storm
Rant #3 - leaky ceiling in my room drips water into an electrical socket, shorting out the entire room's power grid. Now need to run extension cords from the adjoining rooms.

Yep, bad things do indeed come in threes. Facepalm

Somebody please shoot me.
"May those who accept their fate find happiness. May those who defy their fate find glory."
Papal Encyclicals
Business Law
[Image: tumblr_inline_mkhvw9sVwa1qz4rgp_zpsdfc5c4cf.gif]
Developmental Psychology

Jargon. Jargon everywhere.

I've been stuck at the same readings for pretty much the entire weekend. It still looks foreign to me. I have a paper about it due on Wednesday (good news is that it's only one page long)

Making this post helped relieve a bit of the stress LOL
[Image: 142183_zps37998c8a.gif]
@ Haywire I can lend you a heavy book for dev psych if you want. Unless your prof is a stickler for the latest edition of it XP.

rant: Considering the fact that I work at a call center I always see security guard; there are security guards chatting with each other, bored security guards, sleeping security guards, and sleeping security guards with shotguns.

Whenever I see the fourth kind of security guard I feel this very strong urge to startle and shake them awake.

The fact that I'm typing this obviously means I have not yet given in to the urge.


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