10-02-2012, 04:03 AM
old thread, but I figured I would share.
the "quotes" and "slang" sections of my old team Avalon website were among its more popular sections. They arent filipino terms, but here are a couple well known and not so well known ones me and my friends use. most are old terms though *shrug*
term primarilly used to referance the old SL GNL back mounted grenade launcher...but pretty much works for any games highest tier grenade launcher.
any missile "pod" back launcher, the ones that launch a pod that then fire off lots of missiles on its own.
the heavier left arm howitzer from SL, cuz it hits so hard it will knock any AC right to the ground no matter how high up they are.
used to describe what happens when you go to attack a grounded enemy from the air with your blade, to try to hit your opponent just before you land. But time it wrong causing the act of landing to cancel your blade mid animation resulting in a harmless brief flash of the blade. as Mirshan always likes to say "dont mind me, just showing ya my shiny flashlight"
made by Mirshan to describe when a tank is attacking an opponent basically directly above him, and the rear end of a tanks legs take up the entire screen while the tanks camera is panned all the way up. making it impossible for the tank player to see anything at all. Mirshan and I deem exploiting the ass cam"fair game" when fighting a tank, but to Mirshans frustration its increadably annoying and kinda mean, lol
chicken AC....
an odd one between me and my friends for sure....we call any AC using bazooka weapon arms chicken AC's cuz the AC in my I be an retarded video used bazooka arms
OB'ing straitght at an opponent in a tank with a back grenade launcher and attacking with said grenade launcher towards the end of the OB.
while playing a tank in old AC that has turn booster extentions and a grenade launcher, the act of letting an opponent boost to your side till he is at the perfect spot to use your turn boosters and hit him with your grenade launcher right away.
"OB hooking" is hooking right after you cut an OB(maybe during a failed joust) in order to follow an opponent who is moving too fast or you overshoot him on purpose to OB hook in order to mindgame. the best tank players could OB joust while flying slightly up, follow a moving target to hit with the joust, and while falling slightly put himself into perfect position to hit with a hook at the exact time the grenade launcher was done reloading. speaking from experience fighting Mirshan, when it happens to you it throws your whole game off.
the "quotes" and "slang" sections of my old team Avalon website were among its more popular sections. They arent filipino terms, but here are a couple well known and not so well known ones me and my friends use. most are old terms though *shrug*
term primarilly used to referance the old SL GNL back mounted grenade launcher...but pretty much works for any games highest tier grenade launcher.
any missile "pod" back launcher, the ones that launch a pod that then fire off lots of missiles on its own.
the heavier left arm howitzer from SL, cuz it hits so hard it will knock any AC right to the ground no matter how high up they are.
used to describe what happens when you go to attack a grounded enemy from the air with your blade, to try to hit your opponent just before you land. But time it wrong causing the act of landing to cancel your blade mid animation resulting in a harmless brief flash of the blade. as Mirshan always likes to say "dont mind me, just showing ya my shiny flashlight"
made by Mirshan to describe when a tank is attacking an opponent basically directly above him, and the rear end of a tanks legs take up the entire screen while the tanks camera is panned all the way up. making it impossible for the tank player to see anything at all. Mirshan and I deem exploiting the ass cam"fair game" when fighting a tank, but to Mirshans frustration its increadably annoying and kinda mean, lol
chicken AC....
an odd one between me and my friends for sure....we call any AC using bazooka weapon arms chicken AC's cuz the AC in my I be an retarded video used bazooka arms
OB'ing straitght at an opponent in a tank with a back grenade launcher and attacking with said grenade launcher towards the end of the OB.
while playing a tank in old AC that has turn booster extentions and a grenade launcher, the act of letting an opponent boost to your side till he is at the perfect spot to use your turn boosters and hit him with your grenade launcher right away.
"OB hooking" is hooking right after you cut an OB(maybe during a failed joust) in order to follow an opponent who is moving too fast or you overshoot him on purpose to OB hook in order to mindgame. the best tank players could OB joust while flying slightly up, follow a moving target to hit with the joust, and while falling slightly put himself into perfect position to hit with a hook at the exact time the grenade launcher was done reloading. speaking from experience fighting Mirshan, when it happens to you it throws your whole game off.
"do you know what this is? neither do I, I made it in my sleep...I put a button on it. I wish to press it, but I don't know what it would do" - Gune from Titan AE