Current time: 09-28-2024, 08:13 PM
Reikitsunamizu’s Touch: False Messiah
Chapter 1 done - WIP

Chikane winced in pain as she held the bento she had just prepared tighter in her now bandaged hands. Rushing cooking was never a good idea but it had to be done. At least now she just needs to get to the center of Sakura, where the makeshift Arena was set up, where the ceremony was, where Kumatora was. She was late again, just like back then.

That event that changed the direction of their lives forever.


Mou…I am late. Chikane mumbled to herself as she made her way to the outskirts of Seiren Village. Her cloak doing its purpose of keeping the wearer’s identity hidden and kept said wearer warm from the cold biting evening air.

Seiren has always been an agriculturally driven village, conveniently placed under a shadow of an extinct volcano. As a result, the land was very fertile, very much so that even an inexperienced farmer would have no trouble at all starting out on his own. It was also a peaceful village; life was simple and the people were happy. Things changed when they Yanagi household were blessed with a daughter; a wolf-girl with an ability to channel Reiki when she was but a few months old and the added fact strands of her usually brown hair would glow an ethereal silver when she did. Ideally, they would be overjoyed but the villagers, being farmers, were naturally superstitious.

“The Goddess has silver hair…right?”

“She has crimson eyes too.”

“So what’s with that Yanagi child?”

“Reincarnate? No, impossible. It’s a trick.”

Whispers of such were common for Chikane whenever she would step out of their hut, even more when she could on her own. She had learned to take things like that in stride, with help of her parents, always there to reassure her and of course, a special person who acted as her pillar of support.

Her best friend, Ishikawa Kumatora.

That same best friend that had asked if they could meet in their favorite spot, an old oak in the outskirts of the village, a place away from the hustle and bustle of the village, away from the prejudiced whispers and glares.

Don’t get her wrong though, the wolf-girl has tried to make friends but all could not even keep relations with her due to the pressures brought upon by the adults of the village. Only one stuck with her, despite everything. So when that same lion-girl made her a request, she didn’t hesitate to say yes, despite the hour and circumstances. The risk of being caught by the village Guardians on patrol and of a Balken attack were all but nothing to her, only fulfilling the request of Kumatora was what mattered.

But, it was still difficult to sneak out, that’s why she was so late.

Even so, the wolf-eared girl only smiled as she spotted Kumatora, seemingly lost in thought, waiting for her. Giggling to herself, she crept behind the lion-girl and poked said girl at the ribs at the right moment.

“Gah!” Kumatora shrieked at the sudden sensation of two digits poking at her ribs.

A hurt look was on evident on her face as she turned to her companion who just giggled. The blonde lion-girl just pushed the temptation to get even, doing her best to gather her thoughts. After all, they didn’t have much time. She knew the risks of meeting so late at night as such a place; her father being a Guardian in his time would always take the chance to lecture his daughter the basics about Guardians. But as it was, this was the only time and the place for Kumatora to finally tell Chikane what she wanted to say. Something she had always wanted to tell the wolf-girl from the first day they met.

“Kuma-chan?, what did you want to talk about?, “ Chikane tilted her head, a curious expression on her face as she stared at her best friend who appeared to be spacing out.

Kumatora sighed then began to speak.

“I want to be a Guardian, “The lion-eared girl took a deep breath, in an effort to calm herself but could only place her gaze at her hands, avoiding the gaze of her companion as she continued, “ I never was good with housework, nor in any of the arts. I couldn’t channel Reiki even if I tried. I am good at fighting, nothing else. Otoosama told me I would make an excellent guardian. So…I want to—“

A roar broke through the silence. A Balken, rabid and hungry, appeared out of the brush just a few feet away from them. Spotting the two, it roared once more and attacked. Its hunger for flesh only getting stronger with each step it took. Its actual appearance was what a blur to Kumatora. All she remembered was a huge mass of fur, with sharp claws and teeth, bent for blood and how she knew she stood between it and Chikane.

Darkness followed suit. Her name screamed by a voice, so familiar. And the next thing she knew, she was standing in front of an Elder, seemingly baring her way from the Yanagis’ hut. Her robes were torn, whatever fragments of cloth draped on her frame were stained dark with dried up blood. A scar ran across her abdomen, already healing over a wound that would have guaranteed death.

“Let me see her, please, “ Kumatora pleaded. Her voice weak, exhaustion and desperation clearly evident.

“Go home, little one,” The Elder spoke, trying to be as gentle as he could. His face calm, unfazed by the appearance of the lion-girl in front of him. “Yanagi Chikane, the Goddess’ reincarnate, needs her rest after channeling so much of the Goddess’ energies. You should be thankful that she pulled you out of the Abyss and—“


The cold unfazed expression the Elder has vanished for a moment, taken aback by Kumatora’s outburst but it changed to one of anger as he realized that it was a child who was before him.

“Don’t you think you have done enough? If you had not lured Yanagi out at such a time and place then she wouldn’t have to be in such a state right now, “ His brow furrowed as he continued, “ Your total inconsideration for her safety, not to mention yours would have cost us the Goddess’ avatar. “

“So away with you, Ishikawa. I don’t care if your father is a Guardian, “ He shook his head, “You are now forbidden to approach Yanagi even much less glance at her direction. Unless you want to be cut down from where you stand. Go, leave without turning back. “

The Elder didn’t even wait for the Ishikawa offspring to reply as he slammed the door, leaving the girl alone. Kumatora stood frozen in place as her frame started to shake. Her hands clenching into fists as tears slowly started to peak from the sides of her eyes. She had just lost the person most precious to her but she steeled herself, wiping her tears with a brush of her arm. It was then she swore she would never lose Chikane ever again.

Never again...

Chikane woke up three weeks later. Everyone around her was seemingly treating her in a different light, one she was so unaccustomed to. Add the fact that her brown hair was now permanently silver in color and the words of the Elder, telling her of how she is confirmed to be Reikitsunagumizu’s reincarnate and would be now training to fulfill the role. Things seem to be changing for the better. At least that’s what her parents said.

But all those didn’t matter, all she wanted to see was Kumatora, her best friend whom she thought she had lost but was told otherwise. That it was her own abilities of channeling Reiki that saved the lion-girl. The wolf-girl wanted to see her despite what was said. She wanted to see with her own eyes but nobody would say anything or worse would act like they didn’t hear her when she would ask about the other girl.

Kuma-chan, where are you?

Another week passed, still no word from her best friend. Chikane could no longer hold her own anxiety down, more so when the one of the Elders had told her she would be leaving for Irina village to start her training. She didn’t want to leave, not yet, not without seeing Kumatora but as it was, she was powerless to do otherwise. So on the day of her departure, the wolf-girl couldn’t help be uneasy as she stood in the gates of Seiren Village, waiting for the Guardian who would be escorting her to Irina.

Imagine her surprise when she saw who would be escorting her.

“Kuma-chan!” Chikane called out, a cheery smile on her face.

The wolf-girl ran to the approaching Kumatora, who just blinked for a moment, confusion on her face before finally realizing who had called her name. She had been tasked to escort a Channeler to Irina village and after what the Elder had said, she sure was not expecting that Channeler to be Chikane, and that hair color. The silver hue of the young Channeler’s hair only made her more breathtaking than she already was, more so when the sun would make those platinum strands glow with its rays. That fact only reminded the lion-girl that this was the wolf-girl that had saved her life and would have confessed to if not fate decided to make that interjection.

“Mou~ Where were you?” Chikane inquired as her lips curled into a frown.

Kumatora blinked at that, shaking her head as she realized she was staring at Chikane a bit too long. Biting back the temptation to just take the wolf-eared girl in her arms, she recalled her training, what she was told about the decorum of Guardians around the Channeler they were supposed to protect.

Be formal, never familiar.

“I was busy,” Came her reply, kicking herself mentally as she saw the young Channeler’s face fell, taken aback by her best friend’s frigidity. Well, she wasn’t lying anyhow. She had begun her training as a Guardian, now in the second stage of the Eightfold way. The bandaged wounds under her robes proof of that. She shivered in pain, emotionally and physically, caused by the hurt look on Chikane’s face. The lion-girl smiled as she leaned over to whisper in the smaller girl’s ear, “I missed you too.”

Chikane mirrored the lion-girl’s smiled at that, relieved to hear those words. Kumatora’s own smile widened a bit. That took care of that somehow, she thought.

“Saa, Yanagi-sama, we better get going. We do want to reach the port village of Irina before dark.” Kumatora spoke flatly, bowing as Guardian’s behavior called for.

“H-hai,” Chikane managed to reply, still a bit uneasy at how the lion-eared girl was doing things.

Both began to start their hike to Irina, awkward silence enveloping the both of them. Kumatora could not help but sigh to herself. The silence was suffocating, even more as she reminded herself again that this was how it should be, unless she wanted to lose the only chance she has to be Chikane’s Guardian. She has to hold on, she must---


Kumatora could only gasp in pain as Chikane embraced her from behind. The young Channeler wrapped her arms from behind her in an embrace. Normally, the blonde Guardian in training would have welcomed such displays of affection from the wolf-girl but now, their contact just reminded her how much pain her body had endured in training. Her wincing in pain made Chikane pull back, a look of panic and worry on her face, wolf ears drooped. It was then the wolf-girl realized the extent of her companion’s injuries.

“Mou, what were you doing, Kuma-chan?” Chikane said with a smile. She closed her eyes as she raised a hand to channel Reiki, to heal the lion-girl and ease her of her pain.

The warm green glow of Reiki vanished when Kumatora reached out to grasp the other girl’s hand; her fingers lacing with the wolf-girl’s, breaking said girl’s concentration, a healthy tinge of crimson on her cheeks.

“There will be no need for that, Yanagi-sama,” Kumatora said gently, smiling as disarmingly as she could. As much as she wanted Chikane to do so, she doesn’t want to over-exert the wolf-eared girl healing wounds that could even weaken even the most hardened of Guardians, “ My wounds have already been taken care of. The bleeding is just part of the whole healing process. “

Chikane didn’t seem to be convinced by that. Her face once more showed an expression of worry and concern. Kumatora just sighed to herself as she reminded herself once more that it was just how it should be. Guardians should be able to handle their own injuries and not let such get in the way of their duties. Biting her lip, she decided to ignore protocol just this once, finding it more important to relieve the distressed young Channeler of her worries. With that, she pulled Chikane close, her free arm wrapping around the smaller girl’s waist in a tight embrace. Both of them sharing each other’s warmth.

“It is okay, Chikane-chan. I will be fine, “ Kumatora whispered into Chikane’s ear, right after flashing her trademark confident grin,” This is nothing I can’t handle. Ne?”

She smiled disarmingly as she broke off their embrace.

“Hai. “ Chikane replied, smiling back, seemingly reassured by Kumatora’s words. Her worries pushed aside.

With that matter taken care of, both continued their hike to Irina, oblivious to the fact they had never let go of each other’s hand.


“Chikane-chan~ Over here over here~”

Chikane’s wolf ears perked up from under her hood as she turned to the direction of the voice, confusion on her face. She wondered who could have known it was her and how the voice sounded familiar. She could only smile as she saw a crimson-haired fox-girl waving at her from the stands, beckoning her to come closer. The wolf-girl made her way next to the fox-eared girl.

“Seriously, Chikane-chan, you ask to skip training today but you forgot how villagers would be all excited for ceremonies like this, “ The taller redhead placed two fingers on her forehead, shook her head as her crimson hair swayed in tandem. “Lucky I saw you.”

“H-hai, thank you, Cyrene-sama.” Chikane’s cheeks flushed crimson as she settled down next to her mentor, who just gave a small giggle.

“Maa maa, you haven’t missed much yet. Ishikawa-san’s doing quite well I might add,” Cyrene nodded, arms across her chest. Her fox ears and tail twitched once then twice, “But, I guess I have to thank you as well.”

“Hai?” Chikane blinked, confused.

“Seems Shiue will be participating in the ceremony, “ Cyrene’s expression turned serious for a moment, a slight tremor in her voice, “At least I will be able to watch him..”


The taller fox-girl blinked as her cheeks reddened slightly, “I-Its not like I am worried about him, okay!? I-Its just, um…Channelers have to know what their Guardians are up to…yeah, that’s it.”

The crimson-haired Saikiri nodded her head, in an attempt to regain her composure.

Before Chikane could say anything, the crowd cheered once more, prompting both girls to turn their attention back to the center of the ring. The silver-haired wolf girl just gripped the bento in her hand tighter. All her attention focused on Kumatora.


I can only comfort you through your dreams. When you are wide awake, all I can do is smile and enjoy your presence.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Esuna's Touch: False Messiah - by Immaterial - 12-19-2011, 02:08 PM
RE: Esuna's Touch: False Messiah - by Immaterial - 12-22-2011, 02:46 AM
RE: Esuna's Touch: False Messiah - by Immaterial - 01-04-2012, 03:29 AM
RE: Esuna's Touch: False Messiah - by Immaterial - 01-05-2012, 09:04 PM
RE: Esuna's Touch: False Messiah - by Immaterial - 01-07-2012, 11:46 PM
RE: Esuna's Touch: False Messiah - by Immaterial - 01-11-2012, 07:36 AM
RE: Esuna's Touch: False Messiah - by Immaterial - 01-14-2012, 08:55 PM
RE: Esuna's Touch: False Messiah - by Immaterial - 01-22-2012, 01:59 AM
RE: Esuna's Touch: False Messiah - by Immaterial - 01-25-2012, 09:11 PM

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