Current time: 09-28-2024, 02:50 AM
Flash fiction dump
stuff i write
this started out as two paragraphs. writing practice with my mentor but based on The Invasion story i wrote before.
The Invasion (practice snippet)
by ~zk306

The beast spun around when it heard the gunshot, its tail knocking over cars in its path. It scanned the shops that filled the ruined intersection carefully. Shops that earlier were full of hurrying customers but now were deserted, their insides in disarray. Slowly it made its way towards the center of the intersection. The ground shook with each of its steps as its heavy claws ripped and gouged the asphalt. With its long neck it peered over or into the vehicles that were littered across the smoking and cracked street. It was hard to imagine that just a few minutes ago this area was bustling with traffic. Now the various sedans, buses, and trucks were either burning wrecks, toppled over or simply abandoned.

Reaching the center of the intersection the creature snorted black smoke, like it was annoyed. It then raised its head and smelled the air, looking around the intersection every now and then. Then finally, it stopped and narrowed its malevolent eyes at an overturned patrol car in front of the coffee shop. With thundering steps, the creature quickly moved towards the cruiser, knocking away other vehicles in its path.

With a scream of tortured metal, the young man’s cover was casually batted aside by the giant monstrosity. Fear and panic overwhelmed the youth as he tried to pull out his pistol causing him to fumble and drop it. The young man dove for the weapon quickly but it skittered out of reach. Crawling on the pavement he pulled his weary body until his clammy hands gripped the gun. Gunshots rang out in the deserted intersection once more as the youth rolled on the pavement and fired desperately at the creature. His panicked hands however betrayed him as the bullets flew wildly, missing the creature despite its size. Infuriated the dragon then stood on its hind legs slightly and reared its head back drawing air. The young man looked on hopelessly, shaky hands pointing a pistol at the creature, desperate fingers pulling the trigger again and again. But all hope was gone as the gun’s empty clicks replaced the gunfire. Tears started to well up in his widening eyes in anticipation of the end.

The dragon then let itself fall forward into a lunge causing the ground to shake while its forelegs dug into the road. It thrust its head towards the young man, as if to swallow him whole, before letting out a ground shaking and ear-shattering roar. The street was filled with a cacophony of destruction, windows shattering, car alarms going off, and screeching metal. The force of the roar hit the youth like a physical thing, tossing him backwards like a ragdoll, rolling and tumbling down the street, breaking his bones and scraping his skin raw until he slammed into a taxi door lifeless.

Messages In This Thread
Flash fiction dump - by zero_kanipan - 04-21-2011, 10:19 AM
RE: Flash fiction dump - by zero_kanipan - 08-15-2011, 06:01 PM
RE: Flash fiction dump - by zero_kanipan - 09-25-2011, 02:40 PM

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