Current time: 09-28-2024, 04:16 AM
Flash fiction dump
stuff i write
this is part of an going experiment. goal is to write lovecraft themed stories like it was a children's book. i'll illustrate this when i get the time XD

Elena's Pet 01: Blinky
by ~zk306

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Elena. She had long pretty hair that her Mommy always brushed and braided. Elena loved pretty dresses, toys, dolls and sweet candies. She was always happy and smiled a lot.

Elena's father was an Archeologist. He loved to dig things and discover stuff. He often went to other countries to dig. Elena always cried when her father left. But, he always came home with presents. Elena was always excited when he arrived home.

Elena's mother was a History Professor. She taught at the university near the river. She loved to read books and learn about the things Elena's father brought home. Whenever Elena's father was not at home, she played with Elena and told her amazing stories. She also brushes and braids Elena's long pretty hair.

The three of them lived in a big house on top of a large hill. It was the oldest and biggest house in the neighborhood. Elena loved her room because it was on the top floor. She could see the whole town from her window..

One day, her father came home with a lot of presents. There were small bracelets and large necklaces. There were dishes, bowls and cups made of wood. There were boxes too, large and small. Some were made of wood, and some were made of metal. There were also books, scrolls, and paintings with strange symbols. Elena was very excited when she looked at them all.

Elena found a box she really liked. It was a small box made of smooth wood. It was covered with carvings of strange shapes and sizes. When she put it to her ear she could hear the sounds of the ocean. When she shook it she could hear bubbling sounds.

Elena wanted to see what was inside so she tried to open the box. She pulled and pulled, but it did not open. She asked her Mommy to open it, but she was busy reading. She asked her Daddy to open it, but he was busy writing.

"How can I open this?" Elena thought.

She tried smashing the box open with a hammer, but it didn't open. She dropped it from the balcony, but it still didn't open. She let the neighbor's dog bite it, but the dog ran away. She tried to cut it open, but she cut herself instead.

"Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!" Elena cried as her finger bled.

"Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!" Elena cried as she threw the box away.

"Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!" Elena cried as her Mommy made her cut all better.

"Thank you Mommy!" Elena cried happily before she went away to play.

The rest of the day Elena played with the presents. She wore the necklaces and put the bracelets on her dolls. She served mud pie on the dishes, and newspaper salad on the bowls. She drew the symbols on the paintings on her sketchbook and colored them all. She played all day long.

After dinner Elena played with her favorite box again. She tried to open it again but couldn't. She pulled and pulled and pulled and pulled until she started to cry. Some of her tears fell on the box.
Then suddenly, the box opened with a pop.

Inside was a tiny little creature that looked like jello. It had ten tiny little tentacles with tiny little suckers. It had lots of tiny little eyes that all looked at Elena. Sometimes it was black like ink, but sometimes green like grass. When Elena touched it turned red and purple.

"Don't be shy. I won't hurt you," Elena said.

Elena smiled and picked up the creature. It was cold and slimy at first, but then it became warm and fuzzy. It purred and gurgled as it moved in her hands. Elena pet it on the head and it turned yellow and orange. Then it purred and sucked on her fingers

"That tickles!" Elena said before laughing.

Then she said, "I'm going to call you Blinky; because you blink a lot."

heres the second short short story for the Elena's Pet series. i think this one sounds more like a children's book story than the first. again, illustrations will follow when i make em.

Elena's Pet 02: Cookies
by ~zk306

Elena had a pet, whose name was Blinky. It was black and green, and sometimes slimy. They were always together, doing whatever. Having fun, they were best friends forever.

They play all morning, and even at night. They play house, and tag and even flew kites. They play with toys and play hide and seek. They play from breakfast, until it's time to sleep.

Elena loved Blinky and fed it a lot. She gave it cookies and milk, both cold and hot. She gave it cereal and meat, and vegetables too. Even her favorite: Mommy's beef stew. Blinky ate everything, no matter the taste. It ate grass, and pencils, and even old paste.

Then one day Elena was hungry. She and Blinky both wanted a cookie. The two of them went into the kitchen, to steal a cookie while Mommy wasn't looking.

"You stay here and look out for Mommy," Elena said to the blinking Blinky. Then she tip-toed to the cookie jar quietly, while curious Blinky watched her silently.

Tip-tap-tip-tap-tip her feet went.
Tip-tap-tip-tap-tip with her back all bent.

But the jar was too high on the shelf. To get it down, she needed help.

Tip-tap-tip-tap-tip she went back to Blinky.
Tip-tap-tip-tap-tip she went quietly.

"I need your help," she whispered to her pet. Blinky nodded with a look of interest.

Tip-tap-tip-tap-tip Elena went back to the counter.
Tip-tap-tip-tap-tip with Blinky on her shoulder.

She lifted Blinky up onto shelf. Then she pointed to the jar on the left.

"Go get the jar," she told her pet. Blinky blinked and then nodded.

Sqwip-sqwap-sqwip-sqwap-sqwip went Blinky's little tentacles.
Sqwip-sqwap-sqwip-sqwap-sqwip as it went over obstacles.

"Open the jar! Open the jar!" Elena said jumping. But suddenly, Blinky stopped moving.

Do-tok, do-tok, do-tok, do-tok, a sound came from the stairs.
Do-tok! Do-tok! Do-tok! Do-tok! The sound of the shoes her mother wears.

Elena knew that it was her Mommy, so she ran outside while holding Blinky. And in her hurry, she forgot completely, all about their hungry little tummies.

Messages In This Thread
Flash fiction dump - by zero_kanipan - 04-21-2011, 10:19 AM
RE: Flash fiction dump - by zero_kanipan - 08-15-2011, 06:01 PM
RE: Flash fiction dump - by zero_kanipan - 09-25-2011, 02:40 PM

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