the shield on the biped legs seem to be for when they kneel o_O basically a built in chest high wall ... so I guess instead of giving you op-i abilities (ac4) they are now making an effort to give none quad/tnk acs the option to use cannon type back mounts ... or so it seems.
but from the pic the ac that was kneeling didn't have a back mount .. sniping position?
EDIT: yeah it was the second pic I was looking at the pic before that clearly shows an ac using a big ass sniper rifle.
well whatever even if I do get to play this I can't play with you guys *sob* there should be mutli console server XD
but from the pic the ac that was kneeling didn't have a back mount .. sniping position?
EDIT: yeah it was the second pic I was looking at the pic before that clearly shows an ac using a big ass sniper rifle.
well whatever even if I do get to play this I can't play with you guys *sob* there should be mutli console server XD