rm2+ 1 hydra 2 is a good way to go, I think its better to drop the other hydra 2 and place something else (what that would be is beyond me as I am not great at making heavies).
as long as you don't but a very drainy part to replace the other hydra 2 why not try swapping the vulture 2 for the gull.
or you can try experimenting by either replacing the other hydra 2 with a CR-WB69M and changing to birdie 2/vulture2-kongoh-ananda.
as long as you don't but a very drainy part to replace the other hydra 2 why not try swapping the vulture 2 for the gull.
or you can try experimenting by either replacing the other hydra 2 with a CR-WB69M and changing to birdie 2/vulture2-kongoh-ananda.