Current time: 09-28-2024, 01:20 AM
Something different.

[Image: ARKARAVARK.jpg]

Core Frame:
Cicada | 99UL | Loris | LF71
0,0,4,6,0 | 0,3,7,0,0 | 0,0,10,0,0 | 0,0,8,2,0
Internal Systems:
Vulture2 | Miroku | G84P | Ananda
0,0,6,4 | ~ | 0,10,0 | 0,0,10
Armaments and Countermeasures:
- | - | LGL | RA | - | Moonlight | - | -
Optional Enhancements:
Amino, ES, Kissyoh, L+, Codon, Primer, Marishi
Paint Scheme:
General: Dark Gray sample color scheme
Weapon Color:
General: Red

Use LGL to peg them in place, swoop in on light frame, poke of death. Cicada was just an aesthetic choice, I realize I can squeeze some more defense out of a better head.

I'm still debating on whether or not to use the Moonlight over the Syura arms though. With Moonlight, I only get one shot, but it's usually a big payoff (1500 AP and up, and 3000 AP for a clean shank). With Syura you get two swipes, but I don't think players hang around long enough for you to get another whack at them. But two clean strokes also equals around 3000 AP.

Hmm dilemma.

Messages In This Thread
ARKARAVARK - by Grim - 04-04-2008, 07:17 PM
RE: ARKARAVARK - by NiX - 04-04-2008, 07:43 PM
RE: ARKARAVARK - by Lord_Leperman - 04-04-2008, 08:34 PM

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