A week ago Penny Arcade published an interview with a WWII veteran. It detailed his experiences in the Navy, as well as his opinions on games based on warfare. Below are the most relevant parts of the interview. If you read the source article, there's also more than a few recollections of his time in the Philippines.
Q. What do you think about gamers playing video games based on World War II?
A. I haven’t really paid enough attention to the games themselves to be able to tell you truthfully, but I would think, if it’s just people shooting one another, I don’t think it’s a proper thing for young people to do. I think it sets a bad example for them, because they get into the mood of doing that, and that begins their lifestyle. And that’s not the lifestyle you want.
Q. When groups of gamers are playing these games together it is common for some of them to play as the enemy. They might play as Germans defending the beach at Normandy for example. What's your opinion of that?
A. Well, it ties back in to what I already said. I don’t think it’s an appropriate game. I think they can make games that will interest kids, that don’t have to include war. We don’t need to be killing each other in games. There’s other ways of strategizing and using the kind of skills that make those games popular.
Q. Is there anything you would like to say to gamers who are fans of these sorts of games?
A. If [the games] are what I think they are, I think [the gamers that play them] should stop and take a look at what you’re actually doing. Try to reason through and ask what’s the advantage of what you’re doing. What kind of an education is that giving you?
Q. Do you think they would have a different opinion if they’d been through an actual war?
A. Yes. Definitely.
Source: Look for the My Grandpa entry.
Now, a question I wanted to bring up is this - what's so fun about playing games that have wartime settings? Is it any different from other FPS? I'm not a fan of the genre myself, not because I don't like it but more because I never had the time to play them.
Another point that might be up for discussion is the trivializing of war in general, and if it stands a chance of affecting the psyche of younger players, making them more willing to result to violence in situations where disagreement with another party is present.
Lastly, what differentiates mecha-based games such as those of the Gundam, Armored Core and similar franchises from other war games? I'm guessing that it's easier to detach from reality because of all the fictional technology/settings.
What are you opinions? I thought that this might be worth asking since I know there are some with Politics and/or Psychology backgrounds here.
Q. What do you think about gamers playing video games based on World War II?
A. I haven’t really paid enough attention to the games themselves to be able to tell you truthfully, but I would think, if it’s just people shooting one another, I don’t think it’s a proper thing for young people to do. I think it sets a bad example for them, because they get into the mood of doing that, and that begins their lifestyle. And that’s not the lifestyle you want.
Q. When groups of gamers are playing these games together it is common for some of them to play as the enemy. They might play as Germans defending the beach at Normandy for example. What's your opinion of that?
A. Well, it ties back in to what I already said. I don’t think it’s an appropriate game. I think they can make games that will interest kids, that don’t have to include war. We don’t need to be killing each other in games. There’s other ways of strategizing and using the kind of skills that make those games popular.
Q. Is there anything you would like to say to gamers who are fans of these sorts of games?
A. If [the games] are what I think they are, I think [the gamers that play them] should stop and take a look at what you’re actually doing. Try to reason through and ask what’s the advantage of what you’re doing. What kind of an education is that giving you?
Q. Do you think they would have a different opinion if they’d been through an actual war?
A. Yes. Definitely.
Source: Look for the My Grandpa entry.
Now, a question I wanted to bring up is this - what's so fun about playing games that have wartime settings? Is it any different from other FPS? I'm not a fan of the genre myself, not because I don't like it but more because I never had the time to play them.
Another point that might be up for discussion is the trivializing of war in general, and if it stands a chance of affecting the psyche of younger players, making them more willing to result to violence in situations where disagreement with another party is present.
Lastly, what differentiates mecha-based games such as those of the Gundam, Armored Core and similar franchises from other war games? I'm guessing that it's easier to detach from reality because of all the fictional technology/settings.
What are you opinions? I thought that this might be worth asking since I know there are some with Politics and/or Psychology backgrounds here.