Current time: 09-28-2024, 06:06 AM
Crest vs Mirage-Neptune vs Mars-Water vs Fire
Ok, I'll cut the crap of being a fake gentleman and go straight to the point. Sforzando and I tried both ACs and and switched it around, however the result is inconclusive as the ACs capitalize on their pilot's ability to fully maximize the specific AC's capabilities. I say inconclusive because the results of the ACs would be based on the assumption that the 2 players participating are of the same skill level, and since these are 2 very different ACs, we need 2 totally different pilots who can both maximize the effectiveness of each unit.

Anyway, here's some reviews:

Cheapo really did well at flying, though his distance control ability was a little poor in handling because of his low top speed. His weapons have a nice twist, as the hand missile can be used in conjunction with the verts for some really random trajectory and random launch missile patterns (besides the constant vert missile).

However, the GT extensions were more of a "hit or miss". There were times where all missiles completely miss or the pods detonate on the ground, and there were times where missiles consistently hit opponents. I'd still recommend the RM3 over this in the end.

In addition, his direct fire weapons were indeed lacking, which was inadequate to repel a direct confrontation. Rushing opponents with high damage rate weapons pose a great threat which Cheapo cannot easily escape without taking some risk through OBing.

In short, his range weapons are alright, but the lack of direct fire weapons hurt its overall offensive and defensive performance. The key to using the unit lies in constantly staying in the air and keeping distance as much as possible (at least with the initial weapons, the HGs in the hanger give it a decent edge in CQ later in the game).

Red dude really excelled in CQ, chewing up Cheapo quite easily in short ranges. Though his weapons aren't accurate enough to fully deter direct confrontation, the shear volume of fire would make an opponent think twice before engaging an assault against the unit. However energy problems plagued the AC, and its mobility was somewhat affected, therefore giving Cheapo an edge to exploit. His top speed, while fast, isn't sustainable for a long duration as the EN drain coupled with the booster drain already pushes the MAGNOLIA to its operational limits.

The trick with Red dude is to wait for an opponent to make a mistake and immediately exploit that mistake by unleashing a large volume of fire and retreating to a safe distance once the enemy has regained its range footing. Until such an opportunity arrives, he is best kept away from enemy fire by making use of obstacles for cover.

In short, the AC is meant as a counterstrike unit where it can potentially severely punish opponents who go too far in engaging Red dude. The lack of long range weapons and limited mobility hurt its range control abilities, but its firepower and armor make up for its shortcomings in CQ range.

Weapon suggestions later.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Crest vs Mirage-Neptune vs Mars-Water vs Fire - by Lord_Leperman - 11-18-2007, 12:02 AM

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